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another racing death this week


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Marco Simoncelli died during the Sepang MotoGP race.


video of the crash http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ax41CdbrKNQ

notice he was hit hard enough to rip his helmet off. Rossie's shoulder was dislocated during the crash.


he died about an hour after the crash.


That was pretty rough :(


Guys who race that MotoGP are on another level.

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Rossi was physically fine. It was Edwards that dislocated his shoulder. They tried to resuscitate Marco for 45 min-1 hour, but unfortunately couldn't. I'm pretty sure he died on the track.

+1 Anytime your helmet comes off during a crash you're in real trouble.


Sad to see another one.

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Rossi was physically fine. It was Edwards that dislocated his shoulder. They tried to resuscitate Marco for 45 min-1 hour, but unfortunately couldn't. I'm pretty sure he died on the track.


i thought i had it wrong but didn't feel like checking again. i agree that he more than likely died at the track. the press conference about it said he was knocked out in the crash and they put a breathing tube in him and did cpr for 45 min.

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My wife texted me about this while we were at the track yesterday. I watched it when I got home.


For those wondering what happened leading up to the crash, Marco low sided the bike but instead of letting go and throwing the bike away he held on and tried to save it. The tires regained enough traction to shoot the bike back across the track but not stand it back up thus putting him right in the path of the on-coming riders.


If you watch the video pretty close Edwards hit him pretty square in the back but it was Rossi's bike that got him right in the head ripping the helmet off and likely doing the worst of the damage.


RIP Marco. despite being controversial there was no denying the kid (24) had huge levels of talent.

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