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Urban Meyer (Just got real)


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If he's is hired, he's going to bring down OSU. Let me be the first to state it. Contact me in a couple of years and I'll tell you, I told you so!!! Just wait.


How in the blue fuck could things get ANY worse? Have you not seen what was going on for the past year?


Unless he starts touching little kids, letting boosters pay for the back alley coat hanger trick, paying for players, and mixing in some classroom cheating for good measure I really don't think he will bring down the program.


Now, there might be an uptick in players getting cuffed and stuffed, but old Coop was good for that too...

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Who cares about arrests? The NCAA doesn't therefore I don't.


Everyone should have given up the "holier than thou" "OSU does it the 'right' way and that makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside" bullshit the second the NCAA and the media decided to tear the program apart over kids selling/trading their own things.

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My main concern is that he is not going to be a long haul coach. Correct me if I am wrong but I dont think he has stayed anywhere for more than 3 or 4 years.


Was at Florida for 6 years. Utah and BGSU shouldn't even be brought into the equation as far as job longevity is concerned. He merely climbed up the coaching ladder going from BGSU-->Utah-->Florida and he's continuing to climb the ladder by getting to his destination job, Ohio State.

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Lmfao some of you should join the College Football discussion thread, most of these topics have been covered and argued about there already haha.


Arrest at this point due kinda matter, I mean OSU is already looking terrible in the media. The last thing I want is recruits coming in and being arrested, that'd just fuel the fire. My biggest fear with Urban is him coming in, coaching 3 years and bailing or him coming in and having thug type players here causing trouble. I know everyone says they are concerned about wins in the short term, but sometimes you gotta look at the big picture. Sure OSU might be good for 3 years or however long Urban is here, but what kind of shape will he leave the program in once he decides to bail.

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Who cares about arrests? The NCAA doesn't therefore I don't.


Everyone should have given up the "holier than thou" "OSU does it the 'right' way and that makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside" bullshit the second the NCAA and the media decided to tear the program apart over kids selling/trading their own things.



Werd. OSU's new goal should be to just flat-out murder other teams.

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Werd. OSU's new goal should be to just flat-out murder other teams.


That was the goal this year, "shock the world" was the motto for this team. People were expecting them to play with a chip on their shoulder, hell Herbie said this was the most dangerous team in the B10 lol. The talent simply isnt here and I'm not sure much is going to change between now and next year. The qb situation here needs a lot of work as does the WR position. Losing a lot of starters on the o-line and have very little depth there, best WR and RB on the team are gone as well. The good thing is the defense should be pretty solid next year which will help keep the games close. Most of the losses this year have been pretty close if you think about it


MSU by 3

Penn State by 6

Nebraska by 7

Purdue by 3


A play here or a stop there and this team is easily 10-1 heading into tomorrow game against Michigan and Urban is not even being talked about! Nature of the beast I guess

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The talent is there. You just pointed out how close most of the losses have been. Look back to the Nebraska game. Still no Boom, still no Posey. And OSU was running them off the field before your most hated player in the world, Braxton Miller, got hurt. Going from below average coaching to elite coaching can easily make up for 1 score a game.


And remember, once the official announcement is made (as early as Sunday) I'll post a tidbit regarding your fear that Urban will bail after 3 years or something. :gabe:

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How in the blue fuck could things get ANY worse?


Uh, we could lose to a AA school nobody has ever heard of, lose to MAC schools as well, and have the statistically/actual worst defense in all of division-1 football while being laid the fuck out by our rivals year after year. So to awnser your question: Yes it can get worse, just ask any scUM fan!!



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The talent is there. You just pointed out how close most of the losses have been. Look back to the Nebraska game. Still no Boom, still no Posey. And OSU was running them off the field before your most hated player in the world, Braxton Miller, got hurt. Going from below average coaching to elite coaching can easily make up for 1 score a game.


And remember, once the official announcement is made (as early as Sunday) I'll post a tidbit regarding your fear that Urban will bail after 3 years or something. :gabe:


I hate other players far worse then I do Braxton lol. I just don't believe in all the hype that surrounds a kid until he shows it on the field and thus far he hasn't done that in my opinion. Hopefully he one day changes my opinion. FWIW I was far harder on TP2 when he was a freshman then I have been on Braxton.

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You all thought TP was the answer for OSU, just saying. Trust me, you will be saying in several years, that you wish he never came to OSU. It's not that I don't like Urban, I think he's a great coach, I feel that he is going to bring down the OSU Football program down even more. You Buckeye's will be singing the blues.


I think right now what's been going on in college (the OSU and Penn State), something is going to happen and you all won't like it one bit.

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You all thought TP was the answer for OSU, just saying. Trust me, you will be saying in several years, that you wish he never came to OSU. It's not that I don't like Urban, I think he's a great coach, I feel that he is going to bring down the OSU Football program down even more. You Buckeye's will be singing the blues.


I think right now what's been going on in college (the OSU and Penn State), something is going to happen and you all won't like it one bit.


Can you be any more fucking vague?


Get lost, Captain Opaque.

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Can you be any more fucking vague?


Get lost, Captain Opaque.


I think you OSU will regret their 2012 season with Urban Meyer due to the fact that the Mayan calendar ends in 2012 and Mayan and Meyer kind of rhyme.

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