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BB Polaris Black Friday

Wes Stone

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No way in hell would I be out there already, hell no way in hell I would be out there period. Search around on the internet long enough and you'll find what your wanting at a very close price


My wife just told me that a friend of hers drove by BB here in Heath yesterday at lunch and there was someone already camped out, wtf

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Some of the dumbest and or sadest people on earth n that picture right there. Especially cause a quick google searches finds these $200 TV's online right now... They might save a few hundred bucks but is it worth spending a day like today out there, heck no.
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I feel sorry for these people that spend the day ..days away from their family on turkey day and lose money from work to "save" $ on something that will not be worth what they pay for it in 6 months. But hey I guess it is good that there are people that place so little value on personal time
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No TV is worth missing thanksgiving dinner with my family... they are forever alone...


But just had this Idea:


Next year I am going to show up early with a tent and tape player making random snoring and moving sounds... set up tent. Press play and go about my day

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Soooo whats stopping someone from just setting up a tent like 2 days before and coming back just before it opens? Who decides those rules!?

I had an argument with the family yesterday about this. I was going to walk to the front of the door 1 min before they open. Where are the rules that said you cant? Its not my fault they decided to line up and assume theres a line. I also though about starting a line the oppsoite direction as them and see who says something. Is there really any laws that state people who line up get anything special?

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Actually, the store has the authority to decide that. It's in the part of the Ohio Revised Code that covers the number of checkout aisles and entrances/exits. Also, the store has the authority to set policies regarding "acceptable behavior" and remove those who don't follow those policies...PRIVATE PROPERTY after all. They can tell you to leave for any reason, real problem or frivolous complaint, and you get arrested for trespass if you don't.


Somebody tried walking past the line at Meijer back when I worked there. He was told to go back, but argued, and ended up in a cruiser.

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They pass out vouchers to the patrons standing in lines for items they want. If you arent in your tent when the vouchers are passed out then your SOL.


i went black friday shopping about 4 years ago, only to buy something that wasn't even on sale.

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They pass out vouchers to the patrons standing in lines for items they want. If you arent in your tent when the vouchers are passed out then your SOL.


i went black friday shopping about 4 years ago, only to buy something that wasn't even on sale.


People just seal themselves in their tents? That's retarded. Someone should super-glue their zipper and watch them try to get out of there... while their tent goes up in flames, haha!

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