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Stop being such a butthurt faggot. You're obviously worked up due to recent events, Don't take that shit out on me. There's no need to run around deleting my posts for "off topic replies" in a thread EVERYONE was shitting in (in an off topic subforum). You "warned me" via pm. :dumb: Also I didn't have a problem with you before, Idk why you're coming down on me for stupid shit. Is it because you have an issue with Phil and I dont? Or is it because your life away from cr is so miserable, you had to log on and fuck with someone? I can see why that little kid capped your basketball hoop, I would have too. Did you ever do anything about that situation or did you sit there and take it like a bitch, bottle it all up, then find someone on the internet to pick on? I'd bet it's the latter of the two.


Next time you feel the need to be a prick, put your man pants on and go deal with that little kid that shot up your house.

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It's because the moderation team of this site has collectively decided that outside of this section, trolling and derailing threads needs to end. And it has to start somewhere.


Keep the bullshit in this section and everything is good. The other sections are on-topic and will be moderated that way.


As for the post you are crying about - you got a warning, not an infraction so no points. Next time it will be, and they add up quickly. Lastly, you aren't the only one who had a post deleted in that thread.


You may want to go out and buy some man pants yourself, because crying over your lovebug Phil is getting old.

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I thought the internet "was not serious business"? It looks like this situation was pretty clear, explained, and yet there is a need to make a thread?


It is also not a good idea to make things personal when you don't like things made personal against you...

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1. I was reimbursed by the kids parents for the rim. 2. Another Internet tough guy I see. 3. I believe the rest was already explained to you. So I send you a very lovely message asking you to please stay on topic in threads and this is your reply? It's obvious your trying to fill the void of recently departed users but your not on their level, hell your not even on gabes level. Your attempt at trolling lacks serious effort, its an art form for some guys, and I don't think your going to get it.
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Jason was nice and only warned you instead of doing an actual infraction. For his trouble I bitched at him for being nice and so do you.. :nono:



Your voice on this forum is as loud as the people that care about you, your tenure, and the speed of your car. Mjrsplat, you are a very slight whisper above muted. The truth is I feel sorry for you. Take it for what its worth, but if you were more than a low level troll trying to get "street cred" I probably would have banned you for this thread in conjunction with being annoying. Instead I'm going to take a shower, condition my ball hair and not a fuck will be given.



See why I say infract Jason. They are going to bitch anyway, at least make it worth it.

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For those playing at home lets see this little gem that has your vagina showing this fine morning. Keep in mind this is your post in the passing lane which I believe you refer to as an "offtopic subforum"


Original Post:


Man err now n den i jus feel da need to husle a bit chase paper get dem stacks but dam cuzz uz a tru playa hustlin dem carz homiie doinit biig fuh sho I cain waiit to see muh dood rollin da Jag da new Wiip Holla if U kno dis.

Now if the collective members or powers that be tell me I am wrong in deleting this, believe me I will be the first to open this great literary work of yours.


Also keep in mind that mods are here for a reason. If we dont handle these issues there are consequances, the site gets clogged up and people arent able to contribute because who wants to sit through posts like that when their trying to contribute or read threads, and we are as easily replaced as we were found. It took me years to move into a mod position, you think I want to get the reputation of not doing my fair share, for what, you?

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For those playing at home lets see this little gem that has your vagina showing this fine morning. Keep in mind this is your post in the passing lane which I believe you refer to as an "offtopic subforum"



Now if the collective members or powers that be tell me I am wrong in deleting this, believe me I will be the first to open this great literary work of yours.


Also keep in mind that mods are here for a reason. If we dont handle these issues there are consequances, the site gets clogged up and people arent able to contribute because who wants to sit through posts like that when their trying to contribute or read threads, and we are as easily replaced as we were found. It took me years to move into a mod position, you think I want to get the reputation of not doing my fair share, for what, you?



I would've deleted that garbage of a post and infracted him 8 points. You are being too nice to what Brian calls "low level trolls". Make it worth the bitching you get from them.

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Stop being such a butthurt faggot. You're obviously worked up due to recent events, Don't take that shit out on me. There's no need to run around deleting my posts for "off topic replies" in a thread EVERYONE was shitting in (in an off topic subforum). You "warned me" via pm. :dumb: Also I didn't have a problem with you before, Idk why you're coming down on me for stupid shit. Is it because you have an issue with Phil and I dont? Or is it because your life away from cr is so miserable, you had to log on and fuck with someone? I can see why that little kid capped your basketball hoop, I would have too. Did you ever do anything about that situation or did you sit there and take it like a bitch, bottle it all up, then find someone on the internet to pick on? I'd bet it's the latter of the two.


Next time you feel the need to be a prick, put your man pants on and go deal with that little kid that shot up your house.




I guess if you just stick to one version of "your" and "their" when typing, one of them will be correctly used eventually.


Could you please explain to me where I misused either of the words you mentioned in the quoted post?

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Hey OP, take Phils cock out your mouth and go back to being a white trash meth head.


Quoted for irony.














































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You really spent 45 mins looking through the post pics of yourself thread in an attempt at finding a picture, any picture of someone posting in this thread to use as your great comeback? Thats the very best you could come up with? You didnt even take the effort at photoshoping something of hilarity to it? Kids today lack effort.
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