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I'm done being nice


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Scott this is why I don't speak much about what I do or offer any mechanical help around people I don't know unless I know I'm making bank. Example my new neighbor ask me if can look at his wife's car for them knowing he's not gonna pay me a dime so I always tell him I'm too busy with other projects or I don't have the proper tools, but if he was paying cash or his wife with couch I would have no problem helping out
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i've had the same thing happen to me. obviously, everyone in my family asks for medical advice/etc, which i always give with absolutely no expectation of anything in return. in addition, my parents and in-laws have arthritis---everytime my parents come to visit i give my dad injections into his knees. he is thankful, and offers to buy dinner one of the nights he's visiting. my father-in-law, gets the same injections, never really thanks me, and never offers to buy dinner. that's right, when they visit, i pay every time we go out to eat. also gave my brother in law an elbow injection (did one last x-mas as well), and he didn't even so much as thank me.


beyond irritating.

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i've had the same thing happen to me. obviously, everyone in my family asks for medical advice/etc, which i always give with absolutely no expectation of anything in return. in addition, my parents and in-laws have arthritis---everytime my parents come to visit i give my dad injections into his knees. he is thankful, and offers to buy dinner one of the nights he's visiting. my father-in-law, gets the same injections, never really thanks me, and never offers to buy dinner. that's right, when they visit, i pay every time we go out to eat. also gave my brother in law an elbow injection (did one last x-mas as well), and he didn't even so much as thank me.


beyond irritating.


Tell them that you are out of the drugs and let the bitching ensue :)

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This is a prolblem most if not all professionals face regardless of what that profession may be. I know I have absolutly no problem helping my close frinds and family out. As a matter of facr, I get almost offended when I here thy went somewhere and paid to have work done. With that being said, people I consider "work budies/friends" I won't even bother with thier BDSR's (Beat Down Shit Rides) for less than $100.00 The way I see it, I have paid a lot of money for what I know and even more money for the tools to do it. Whn people here you're a mechanic a lot will say "oh yea that's great, my makes this sound. What's wrong with it and how much do you want to fix it". Like they can even come close to mimmicking the actual noise with thier mouth, and they usually want to fix it for a happy meal or something. Oh well, Thank you Scott for giving us a good reason to vent here.
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  • 2 months later...

Stop bitching. I do work (general construction, automotive, gunsmithing, even guest lecturing on Roman history) for my friends and family, and I never ask for a thing in return. Is it bothersome when I don't get a thank you, yes. Is that why I help, no. I do the stuff because I like to help people, not for any ego boost or anything else. If they want to pay me, cool. If they want to get the work done and it ends there, whatever. There's no reason to throw a little bitch fit because I decide I'm getting taken advantage of. After all, I can look back and know that I did the right thing, and that is what matters more to me.


i've had the same thing happen to me. obviously, everyone in my family asks for medical advice/etc, which i always give with absolutely no expectation of anything in return. in addition, my parents and in-laws have arthritis---everytime my parents come to visit i give my dad injections into his knees. he is thankful, and offers to buy dinner one of the nights he's visiting. my father-in-law, gets the same injections, never really thanks me, and never offers to buy dinner. that's right, when they visit, i pay every time we go out to eat. also gave my brother in law an elbow injection (did one last x-mas as well), and he didn't even so much as thank me.


beyond irritating.


Fix my knee and shoulder and I will buy you 3 dinners. That's right, not 1 or 2 but 3 whole dinners.*


*Dinners are capped at 3 courses. No other offers may be applied.

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Oh shit, you called as i was getting ready to eat and I forgot. You can call me now and I'll answer.


Sorry to drag up this old thread then. I got the answer to my question; I just thought you avoided the call on purpose. I apologize.



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