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Auto Insurance Questions


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I admit I feel a bit foolish for needing to ask this but...


I know all the major insurance companies, nationwide, allstate ect..

But what about the smaller new companies I see out there like the general, safeauto and the like? Are they any good or just a big hassle. I am looking to lower my rate and have received quotes all over the board none of which are even close with one another. I really dont even know what I need as far as options. When I became an adult I just spawned off my parents policy with my own which had whatever options they had and havent addressed it in 17 years. Now I am finding myself really not knowing what coverages I need, amounts or what I can do away with to save money. Are online quotes solid or in a month or 6 are my rates going to jump dramatically? Esurance which I believe is a part of allstate is coming in the lowest online but I have declined alot of the coverage options.

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They are based on huge volumes and low prices. Progressive used to be one of the little ones, now they are one of the big ones. I use State Farm because I have everything and some financial services there and since I am 38 and have a clean record my insurance is cheap.
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I'll admit that I haven't actually had insurance from very many places, but I've been happy with the switch from Allstate to Progressive. I was also leary about smaller companies especially when a woman hit my wife with Safe Auto and their customer service was shit. I was actually involved in an incident with someone who had Progreessive and they treat me really well, then when I was shopping around and they were well priced my decision was easy.
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I just started using a smaller company called Alfa Vision. I called the columbus Titan (nationwide) office and the lady offered this to me for A LOT less than the other 5 or so I had received quotes from. I don't really believe in full coverage, but being that I have a loan on the new car I had to have it. So I just went with the cheapest one and plan to pay the car off within a year or so and go right back to state minimum.


Here is her number if you want to talk with her. She was one of the nicest and most up front insurance people I had ever dealt with.


Angel Pierre

Managing Agent


cell 614-905-9567




She mainly sells Nationwide/Titan but works with a few other companies as well. Tell her one of her new clients (Sean Webb) was very thankful and referred you.

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My rate now might be considered by some to be good. I doubt it though. It went from $500 every 6months I believe to $1500 every 6. Esurance quoted me online with a $450 every 6 quote. I dont know how online works or if the number it gives is in fact the real number or after I call to set it up and speak with a real person, the price skyrockets.


Note: esurance's quote does not contain alot of the stuff I currently have, but I dont know if I need them or not.

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I will call her tomorrow. I guess this is all relative to what one person sees as a fair price forinsurance vs another. I should have started a thread asking how much do you pay for 3 cars and a teenage driver.


Not much you can do with a teen driver unless you show them as a secondary on one of the adults cars. If you have them as the primary with there own vehicle, the ins. co is going to rape you.


I paid $300 a month for my insurance when I was a teen.... :dumb:

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Its the 3rd vehicle, not necessarily the teen driver. With 3 cars, it automatically lists him as a primary driver. 3 drivers 3 cars. Even if I had just a car I kept in the garage and never drove it would still screw me.


we had esurance with 4 drivers 6 cars 2 bikes and it was 250 a month.


thousands cheaper then other companies. my sister hit some one else and they were very easy to deal with and took care of everything.


only down fall to them is if you have a full coverage car(my accord )that has to have high amounts of coverage 100,000/300,000/75,000 it raises the rates as full coverage for ALLL THE CARS...so out insurance ski rocketed with this so we took the car off.



also few years back we took my 91 ranger off and the insurance went UP 600$ a year. (i guess my sister was being rated on that vehicle) so when we got the s10 it went down like 550 a year lol. makes no sense at all but hey it works




i just recently left to nationwide for my accord as its 74 $ a month for bomb loaded up insurance.



cliffs esurance isannt hard to deal with. very easy actually and you can understand them, as there here in the states. you can do the web or call there phone number directly

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Been with progressive since 2002, no complaints. I've checked annually and never been able to touch my rate. Even tried the gavin guy Derek recommended, he admitted there was no way he could touch it either.
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Will an agent know what I need? I am sure I can go with a bare policy and some agents may not suggest anything at the risk of losing my business. I don't want to screw myself down the road.


Yes, an agent has to be licensed for insurance sales in the state, so they are able to suggest to you what coverages you should carry based on your assets. The simplest way to look at it is to carry enough liability coverage to protect your assets. If you carry state minimum and cause $100k of bodily injury to someone in an accident, they can and will sue you for the majority of that cost and the first thing they will go after is your home. A good agent can walk through this in more detail with you.


Once you know what you need to carry, the rest is just comparing different companies. Find a company with a comparably low rate and what you feel is good customer service (be it through the agent or directly through the company) and go from there. Find one you like because the longer you stay with one company, the more stable your rate will generally be. You also get things like accident forgiveness or violation forgiveness with most companies, but it takes a few years of being with them to see those benefits, so don't jump around every year just because someone else came back $20 lower per year.


I'm not licensed yet so I can't go and tell you what to carry, but it is never a bad idea to carry more liability than what you need. A coworker of mine just had a neck surgery that would've ran her over $100,000 w/o health insurance. Just remember that this is something you could do to someone in a bad accident, and you don't want to be sued for $80,000 because you saved a few bucks carrying low liability limits.

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