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This probably wont go well, but what does...


Who would you vote for if the election was today?  

113 members have voted

  1. 1. Who would you vote for if the election was today?

    • Ron Paul
    • Mitt Romney
    • Jon Huntsman
    • Rick Perry
    • Rick Santorum
    • Newt Gingrich
    • Barack Obama
    • Tim Lauro/not voting
    • Im moving to Canada

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4 MORE YEARS!!!!!!!!




The first time I saw this, I didn't believe it.

I thought that our tax revenue had to be WAY larger than 2.1 trillion.

After digging I found it to be true.

Now here is the CRAZY part....

Regular income taxes received were almost the same as social security taxes received...

Wait a minute... WHAT?!?? Our current social security tax rate is 4.5%. The only difference is, if you have 5 kids and make 15k social security doesn't still give you a 10k refund like our federal tax does under the current IRS code...

So as a country our effective Federal tax rate is 4.x %. Yet they want 33% from me.... F that


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The first time I saw this, I didn't believe it.

I thought that our tax revenue had to be WAY larger than 2.1 trillion.

After digging I found it to be true.

Now here is the CRAZY part....

Regular income taxes received were almost the same as social security taxes received...

Wait a minute... WHAT?!?? Our current social security tax rate is 4.5%. The only difference is, if you have 5 kids and make 15k social security doesn't still give you a 10k refund like our federal tax does under the current IRS code...

So as a country our effective Federal tax rate is 4.x %. Yet they want 33% from me.... F that



Corporate tax structure is the #1 financial issue plaguing this country. Which goes hand in hand with corporate personhood.

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I wonder if everyone in this thread clamoring about balanced budgets etc would be as willing to state their opinion if their credit score was attached to their comments.


792 last I looked. I was dinged for:

- Not enough installment accounts (The car's been paid off for 4 years, and my rent is significantly below market average, so there's no incentive to house hunt until the wedding's done and we're ready for kids)

- Not enough revolving accounts (I have two CC's, paid off every month)

- Usage ratio (Because the cards are paid off and my limits are high, it's a risk to the banks that I might suddenly go on a spending binge)

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792 last I looked. I was dinged for:

- Not enough installment accounts (The car's been paid off for 4 years, and my rent is significantly below market average, so there's no incentive to house hunt until the wedding's done and we're ready for kids)

- Not enough revolving accounts (I have two CC's, paid off every month)

- Usage ratio (Because the cards are paid off and my limits are high, it's a risk to the banks that I might suddenly go on a spending binge)


You are an example of what more people should be. Not just knowing your score but knowing why it is where it is.


And I wasn't asking people to chime in with their credit scores. I think this comic illustrates my point just fine:



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I wonder if everyone in this thread clamoring about balanced budgets etc would be as willing to state their opinion if their credit score was attached to their comments.


Think mine was around 750 last I checked. I have the old train of thought that if I don't have the cash to buy something, I won't buy it. Unless it's another M1A......

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I wonder if everyone in this thread clamoring about balanced budgets etc would be as willing to state their opinion if their credit score was attached to their comments.


Yep! ;)


The first time I saw this, I didn't believe it.

I thought that our tax revenue had to be WAY larger than 2.1 trillion.

After digging I found it to be true.

Now here is the CRAZY part....

Regular income taxes received were almost the same as social security taxes received...

Wait a minute... WHAT?!?? Our current social security tax rate is 4.5%. The only difference is, if you have 5 kids and make 15k social security doesn't still give you a 10k refund like our federal tax does under the current IRS code...

So as a country our effective Federal tax rate is 4.x %. Yet they want 33% from me.... F that



Tell me about it... :fuuuu:


792 last I looked. I was dinged for:

- Not enough installment accounts (The car's been paid off for 4 years, and my rent is significantly below market average, so there's no incentive to house hunt until the wedding's done and we're ready for kids)

- Not enough revolving accounts (I have two CC's, paid off every month)

- Usage ratio (Because the cards are paid off and my limits are high, it's a risk to the banks that I might suddenly go on a spending binge)


Pretty much spot on with me but mines down to 763 and falling because of it...


I have one CC and its not even showing on my report, no usage on it because I pay it off the second I get home (and high limit), and no open accounts other than my home...


Funny part is I've worked harder/longer to earn mine and have had more stuff in my name paid off but my wifes is 800+... :lolguy:

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I have one CC and its not even showing on my report, no usage on it because I pay it off the second I get home (and high limit), and no open accounts other than my home...

Here's an easy way to take care of this particular problem (and get a few points back):

Odd number months: Buy something small, like lunch at Chipotle.

Even number months: Wait until your billing cycle turns over so the balance gets reported to the bureaus, but make no new purchases. Pay off the balance as normal, which will also be reported to the bureaus.


Rinse and repeat :)

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Lastly, even if WHOMEVER gets into office, it is not unlikely THEIR ideas would be diluted, if not wholly suffocated by an increasingly inept, and gridlocked Congress. We have a governmental problem. Not just a Presidential problem.


I fixed that for you, and I agree 100%!!





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Here's an easy way to take care of this particular problem (and get a few points back):

Odd number months: Buy something small, like lunch at Chipotle.

Even number months: Wait until your billing cycle turns over so the balance gets reported to the bureaus, but make no new purchases. Pay off the balance as normal, which will also be reported to the bureaus.


Rinse and repeat :)


That's my problem, I hate having any balance over any billing cycle. It makes sense but is so bass ackwards that I need some kind of debt to look stable under credit report rules.

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So I am really glad i started this thread. It is good to see the educated side of CR. I am also supporting Ron Paul, this is the first election I actually care about. Its crazy how you start to care when you see someone fuck shit up as bad as the past years (and NO I am not just blaming Obama.) I hope that more people speak up and spread the word to help our nation as a whole cus you all know we need it. Cheers!
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