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Tampa street racing accident


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i by no means condone what happened in this video, but the people posting on how dumb they were, and how bad of an idea this was..... most of you are hippocrits cause i know for a fact you have dug race on the free way before... just saying, and with that said, dig racing should be left to industrial and very low traffic areas. sad to see that happen.
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I hope the fuckers stopped on the middle of the highway get the book thrown at them. EVEN IF that truck driver was drunk, had that car not been stopped, that would have never happened. God that pisses me off.


Defending drunk drivers. Horrible.

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Zack, im not defending any drunk driver. Infact, i think i even gave you shit when you posted a picture on fb recently of you drinking in a car driving down the freewayand your driver friend also had a cold ine...so by your logic, youre mad at me for defending something you do? Got it.


What i said was "even if"...we're gonna go off a ricers word that the driver was drunk? Show me proof then we'll talk.

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Grant it, the days are long past me. Racing on the freeway is one of the safer places if done right due to the surface and space outside of a race track. The guys in the video did not block off the freeway and that was their big mistake. They could have had a few guys dress up as construction workers in city vehicles and force traffic to an off ramp or had 4 cars block the road with their flashers on. If you wreck in a rural two lane road, its bad news and usually DOA. At the end of the night, a bunch of people will face charges and anyone driving a modified car in Tampa for the next 4-6 months will get harassed. So everyone loses due to a video on youtube.
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Who else is confused as to why two hondas are racing from a dig to begin with?


Came here to post this. There are tracks for a reason people. If you decide to race on the street, maybe somewhere that doesn't have traffic would be a good idea.....

I didn't read any of the comments on youtube, but was the SUV driver actually drunk?

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They could have had a few guys dress up as construction workers in city vehicles and force traffic to an off ramp or had 4 cars block the road with their flashers on.



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A small part of me can see doing a dig on the freeway, what I cant see is not having some sort of plan for an approaching vehicle. Combined with as many appeared in the video this was all around stupid. 2 cars lining up for a split second when no traffic appears to be coming for miles is stupid, but I dont necessarily think I would fault them completely. I still think it shouldnt be done for the reason in the video. Another case of stupid people ruining it for everyone.
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In the same turn on the freeway you often see brakelights, most people would never assume the car would be completely stopped. Especially if you could tell or expect that there is no visible reason for it. You often see people slowing down and you continue to bear down on them expecting to change lanes as you approach or having enough slowing down distance to match whatever reasonable speed you expect them to be operating at. You see it all the time, someone stopped on the freeway for one reason or another, even in daylight under perfect conditions a car usually smacks into the back of them.
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two wrongs don't make a right but driving at night your supposed to have a heightened sense of surroundings and whats in front of you. Who's to say a deer, croc, or Sasquatch wouldn't run in front of that SUV later down the road hadn't the ricer been there.


Thanks to the Honda, Sasquatch lives so see another day!!

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In the same turn on the freeway you often see brakelights, most people would never assume the car would be completely stopped. Especially if you could tell or expect that there is no visible reason for it. You often see people slowing down and you continue to bear down on them expecting to change lanes as you approach or having enough slowing down distance to match whatever reasonable speed you expect them to be operating at. You see it all the time, someone stopped on the freeway for one reason or another, even in daylight under perfect conditions a car usually smacks into the back of them.


What about the mob/parking lot of ricers on the side of the highway? If the guy wasn't drunk maybe he would have noticed a few dozens cars parked along the sides of the highway.


Also, with hazards this might have been avoided. But I'm kind of liking the way it turned out anyway.

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