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Knee specialist in Columbus

Trouble Maker

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I possibly sprained... or who knows what I did to my knee over the weekend. So I want to go get it checked out.


I live on the NW side of Columbus and work NW of Columbus, so being on this side of town would be a plus. But I will go wherever I need to go to see the right person.

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robert steensen works with cardinal orthopedics---pretty sure their office is still in hilliard area. he specializes in ONLY knee problems, from sports injuries/acl's, to meniscus tears, to knee replacements. there are several others in that group that are also good---ken westerheide, steven gaines, bob martin---any of those guys would do a great job. chris kaeding is the osu knee specialist for sports injuries, and would be able to take care of you as well
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robert steensen works with cardinal orthopedics---pretty sure their office is still in hilliard area. he specializes in ONLY knee problems, from sports injuries/acl's, to meniscus tears, to knee replacements. there are several others in that group that are also good---ken westerheide, steven gaines, bob martin---any of those guys would do a great job. chris kaeding is the osu knee specialist for sports injuries, and would be able to take care of you as well


Unfortunately, I know Doc Martin too well. He has done good work for me and has always been up front about it. No BS to sift through. He still kind of looks like a cousin of Ron Jeremy though........

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Any opinions about Edwards at Orthopedic Excellence (in front of the Giant Eagle at Bethel & Swamill)? I was suggested there by a coworker who just went through a torn knee ligament. I would like to get in sooner rather than later and Edwards has an available appointment on Thursday, but Steensen's next appointment is next Monday. I don't really want to let this sit for a whole week.


I have an appointment scheduled with both right now and will just cancel once I decided for sure who to go to.


This was a sports related, skiing injury, in case it matters.

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Idk about knees, but i do know ill go to kirk for any future reccomendations...the doc he referred me to for my broken wrist was amazing.


Ya, he seems to know his way around Columbus docs in these fields. So I was hoping he would chime in. Thanks for the suggestions Kirk. :)

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hopefully, nothing major will be found wrong, and you only need a brace and time. all the names mentioned are likely more than adequate. most people have no idea how doctors' offices work. most surgeons will deal with generalized knee pain. when you call, most offices will set you up with the next appointment with a dr. that deals with knee pain---it could be someone who does 10% knee and 90% everything else, or if you're lucky, it might be the guy who does mostly knee. there are only a few surgeons in town who do truly 100% knee--dr. steensen is one of them. does that make someone 'the best'? no, but he's very good at caring for knee problems.


i can understand wanting to get in asap.


worse case scenario and something is torn/damaged, we usually don't rush people off to surgery immediately. you want to give the knee a little time to let the swelling decrease. i would recommend, crutches, 800mg ibuprofen, ice, a couple days off activity, and go from there. if you can't bear any weight on that side, then you need to get to the e.r. for some x-rays.

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Any opinions about Edwards at Orthopedic Excellence (in front of the Giant Eagle at Bethel & Swamill)? I was suggested there by a coworker who just went through a torn knee ligament. I would like to get in sooner rather than later and Edwards has an available appointment on Thursday, but Steensen's next appointment is next Monday. I don't really want to let this sit for a whole week.


I have an appointment scheduled with both right now and will just cancel once I decided for sure who to go to.


This was a sports related, skiing injury, in case it matters.


Edwards is the doctor for the Columbus Crew, I think he probably knows a thing or two about sports knee injuries. I went to him numerous times when I played HS soccer. I was just at Ohio Center for Orthopaedic Excellence for shoulder/elbow issues, they're very professional, had my xrays taken, analyzed, and had me out the door for a really bad elbow bruise/bursitis in less than an hour.



edit: apparently he's also a team physician for the US national soccer teams.

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I have nothing but good things to say about Dr. Steensen. I tore my ACL senior year of high school and he was able to get me a brace to "replace" my ACL and get me through the rest of hockey season. Basically he was the main reason that I was able to play through the last 3 months of my season. Nicest guy I've met and is very flexible in letting you do what you want. Their physical therapy at Cardinal is great as well. Hopefully this helps.
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hopefully, nothing major will be found wrong, and you only need a brace and time.


worse case scenario and something is torn/damaged, we usually don't rush people off to surgery immediately. you want to give the knee a little time to let the swelling decrease. i would recommend, crutches, 800mg ibuprofen, ice, a couple days off activity, and go from there. if you can't bear any weight on that side, then you need to get to the e.r. for some x-rays.


Seriously Kirk, thanks a ton for all of the info and help, as well as everyone else here. :)


Some background. I wrecked in the moguls, right ski poped off, left didn't, it hit a mogul and twisted my knee a little (I don't really know the full extent since it all happened so fast). I was able to sand up, put my skis back on and ski the short rest of the way down. I stopped skiing for the day, but stayed and worked in the patrol room (I'm on ski patrol at Mad River). This was at ~10AM. By 2PM my knee had swollen up pretty good, but not scary looking and I lost some ROM. Since then it's been about the same, swelling comes and goes as I ice/ibuprofen and depending if I walk on it at all. I'm able to walk on it, with a limp and some favoring. I can make my leg go straight, but it doesn't really like it due to the stiffness. I can only bend my leg to about 90deg, sometimes a little more, from straight. I can bear full weight on it. There isn't much if any pain, it just feels really tight.


I've been icing every hour or two while awake for 10-20minutes. Taking 1 ibuprofen every 4-6 hours. I've been staying off of it as much as possible.


A nurse (or something along those lines) in the field on the patrol looked at my knee, moved some stuff around, and said she didn't think I tore anything.


I think the swelling and ROM was marginally better this morning, right out of bed.


I'm just being precautionary, going in to see a doctor. I'm very active in my hobbies, I ski, hike, run, bike. Things that all require me to have working knees, year round. I can't afford to not take care of something like this as well as I possibly can. If something were to happen that caused me to be limited in what I do, it is what it is. But that reason isn't going to be because I didn't take care of something how I should have.

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Full (acute) ACL tear. :(


BE lucky you didn't Maul your Meniscus as well. You can on your feet the day after ACL replacement, but if you have your meniscus repaired you will be off your feet 6 to 8 weeks.


I have lost 15 lbs and somehow got fatter? AWESOME. Year of ReHab here I come. I am coming around Month #2



Good luck-do your research before you make any decisions on type of surgery, and who you go to..

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Does that mean surgery?


Most def, and lots of PT/rehab. Typical 4 months out to biking on a fixed bike and running on a treadmill in PT. 5-6 months from surgery for full exercise capability. I'm going to do as best I can in rehab to get back on the horse. Worst case, I can bike, hike and run again in the fall.

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BE lucky you didn't Maul your Meniscus as well. You can on your feet the day after ACL replacement, but if you have your meniscus repaired you will be off your feet 6 to 8 weeks.


I have lost 15 lbs and somehow got fatter? AWESOME. Year of ReHab here I come. I am coming around Month #2



Good luck-do your research before you make any decisions on type of surgery, and who you go to..


I've already asked around quite a bit. I will make sure to do my homework before the actual surgery. I have a bit of time since I'm waiting until after Hawaii, so they surgery won't be until sometime in April. No miniscus tear that they can tell as of right now from them MRI and moving my knee around. Just the ACL and some minor 'bone bruise'. Not looking forward to the atrophy and being too weak to do what I want to do for months.


What did you do to your knee?


My dad's meniscus is GONE... he's going to need a new knee at some point. :(

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for futures CR knee injury inquiries, who did you go see and were you satisfied with their work?


Dr. Edwards at Orthopedic Excellence. Today was my initial visit, but from my experience today so far, I'm very satisfied. We will see how the surgery and rehab goes and I will make another post here sometime down the road.

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