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Another Troll Thread


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You want to know what I learned from a year of conseiling? Since you wanted to dig deep for that one, is to give complements, so here you go.


You guys are such good trolls, you found some shit on me, you drove me crazy today until I actually asked to have my account deleted. You guys, especially Miller are so good at this shit. Congratulations. :thumbup:

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I am not bailing you out on this one Miller. Scott is a damn good guy that will help a friend out in a heartbeat.


It is pretty sad that people post shit like this to stir the pot because the think its funny. Karma is a bitch...



I agree (wow) I like you miller, but this was low. I would kill this thread with fire asap.

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You want to know what I learned from a year of conseiling? Since you wanted to dig deep for that one, is to give complements, so here you go.


You guys are such good trolls, you found some shit on me, you drove me crazy today until I actually asked to have my account deleted. You guys, especially Miller are so good at this shit. Congratulations. :thumbup:




You know as much shit as I give you I have to applaud this post.

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You want to know what I learned from a year of conseiling? Since you wanted to dig deep for that one, is to give complements, so here you go.


You guys are such good trolls, you found some shit on me, you drove me crazy today until I actually asked to have my account deleted. You guys, especially Miller are so good at this shit. Congratulations. :thumbup:



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Why is everyone bashing miller for???? He re posted something that Scott posted..... If you don't ever want anyone to know your shit don't put it on a fucking forum that tracks everything. I love Scott , we may bash each other on here but we know each other better than most of u know your woman. Some of you need to take off your thongs, or in Howard's case the depends, and put your man pants bak on. It's the kitchen, toughen then fuck up
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You want to know what I learned from a year of conseiling? Since you wanted to dig deep for that one, is to give complements, so here you go.


You guys are such good trolls, you found some shit on me, you drove me crazy today until I actually asked to have my account deleted. You guys, especially Miller are so good at this shit. Congratulations. :thumbup:


I hope you learned something today Scott. Trolls are like small children, 8 or younger. They sometimes say funny things, you can't reason with them and beating them really does no good. Best way to deal with a troll? Take away their toys, that being CR.


Then they will text, call and facebook their mod friends to get back on a site they claim to not care about or take serious and hate.


Waiting for Brian Carter's final thought of wisdom.

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You want to know what I learned from a year of conseiling?


Scott is a damn good guy


^^ this.


He can't spell counseling and probably should post from Firefox, :gabe:....... but he's a good guy, eats a mean bagel, shows up at C&C like it's job and is always there to bullshit with me even back when he didn't know me other than from a few posts on CR.

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Why is everyone bashing miller for???? He re posted something that Scott posted..... If you don't ever want anyone to know your shit don't put it on a fucking forum that tracks everything. I love Scott , we may bash each other on here but we know each other better than most of u know your woman. Some of you need to take off your thongs, or in Howard's case the depends, and put your man pants bak on. It's the kitchen, toughen then fuck up


It is called backing your friends and not being a d-bag. Sort of like how all your lovers did when you got the boot. Or is that different?

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I hope you learned something today Scott. Trolls are like small children, 8 or younger. They sometimes say funny things, you can't reason with them and beating them really does no good. Best way to deal with a troll? Take away their toys, that being CR.


Then they will text, call and facebook their mod friends to get back on a site they claim to not care about or take serious and hate.


Waiting for Brian Carter's final thought of wisdom.



Or not know your banned and your friends put you back on cause they think it's funny to troll the mods who thought they were trolling

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It is called backing your friends and not being a d-bag. Sort of like how all your lovers did when you got the boot. Or is that different?


I lol when you puff your chest out in most of your posts and talk down to us that you dont like and call us little children. If you weren't an admin you'd just be tossed aside like a child in these threads. Just Sayin.


I like you in person. Been to your house. all hung out at mitchs, good times. but on cr dat dere "admin chestpuff look down on everybody from up on admin mountain" vibe we get from you is pretty silly.


And yes we have our internet quirks just like i'm an online troll yada yada. :)


Makes the day go by faster and more interesting. I'm just trying to give ppl lulz in their day thats all.

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It is called backing your friends and not being a d-bag. Sort of like how all your lovers did when you got the boot. Or is that different?


I need back up online like you need more to whine about. In a real situation my friends know I it their back til the end, I don't need to Internet defend them.

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