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Oldest thread on the intarbutts?


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I was looking up "1998 Range Rovers", and Google brought up a review from Edmunds.com in 1998 covering the "new" Range Rover. I found that odd, because I can't remember the last time I've seen anything on the Intarwebbs older than 2000 or 2001.


Anyone have some really old websites? It's amazing how I can't imagine a world without email or interbutt...

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I can remember being in college in 1996 and being in a class where we learned about this thing called "email" and the "Internet." Class time was spent sending profanities to all your buddies over email and searching for words like "tits" on the internet and watching Netscape think and think and think and think and never take you anywhere.


We were all like, "This shit is weak." Twenty years later, we can't live without it.

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I remember the original Netscape navigator.

At that time I was 14 I think. I was pretty proficient with computers already. We still didn't have computer class in school, but from the time I was 9 my dad took me to computer classed taught at a college because he thought computers would change the world. (seems like a no-brainer,.. But back in 1989 it wasn't common thought)

Anyways he replaced my old IBM 386 turbo with a compaq with windows 95 and Netscape navigator.

The only thing I remember even being on the Internet back then was porn,... And chat groups (in which people talked about nothing but porn).

I know in his imagination I was spending hours writing code and learning, when I'm reality it was 95% waiting for the slow ass 28k modem to transfer the data and 5% staring at naked women.

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I was in college from 1996-2000, and our school gave every incoming freshman a Compaq laptop and Lexmark printer. I still have mine. :)


I remember going onto Calmini's website and a few Suzuki sites, since I rocked a Suzuki Samurai back then...as well as a St. Petersburg, FL newspaper website that had a webcam (so I could dream about being in sunny Florida while I froze my butt off in PA)...but all of that is a distant memory. I remember pages taking FOREVER to load, let alone the fact that you had to go to the computer lab to use the internet. Waiting in line, being able to see what everyone else was viewing.


Man, I sound so old! :)


I guess I'm surprised whenever I see web content on a Google search that's older than 2001. Like YouTube is only 2005...how would I know what a Lamborghini's exhaust setup sounds like unless one passes me on the road or I'm at a car show?


Sorry for waxing ecstatic...it's just amazing how the Internet has connected us, really only within the last 10-15 years!

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I remember my sister's boyfriend getting a cable modem in 1998 or 1999, thought that was the most badass thing. It still uploaded through a phoneline, but downloaded over cable.
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I was in college from 1996-2000, and our school gave every incoming freshman a Compaq laptop and Lexmark printer. I still have mine. :)


I remember going onto Calmini's website and a few Suzuki sites, since I rocked a Suzuki Samurai back then...as well as a St. Petersburg, FL newspaper website that had a webcam (so I could dream about being in sunny Florida while I froze my butt off in PA)...but all of that is a distant memory. I remember pages taking FOREVER to load, let alone the fact that you had to go to the computer lab to use the internet. Waiting in line, being able to see what everyone else was viewing.


Man, I sound so old! :)


I guess I'm surprised whenever I see web content on a Google search that's older than 2001. Like YouTube is only 2005...how would I know what a Lamborghini's exhaust setup sounds like unless one passes me on the road or I'm at a car show?


Sorry for waxing ecstatic...it's just amazing how the Internet has connected us, really only within the last 10-15 years!


Don't apologize - reminiscing like this is awesome.


In 1996-1997, it was all about AOL. Dial up internet, wait 17 hours to get online, chat for 3 minutes ("a/s/l? cyber? you? me?"), then have screen freeze, lose connection, and then repeat this process again all night long.


I thought it was "revolutationary" when my area had more than one dial up number you could use to connect to the internet. I was like, "Oh, wow, this will be SOOO much faster now that I can just use this other line to dial up to the internet if the other line is busy." LOL

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Don't apologize - reminiscing like this is awesome.


In 1996-1997, it was all about AOL. Dial up internet, wait 17 hours to get online, chat for 3 minutes ("a/s/l? cyber? you? me?"), then have screen freeze, lose connection, and then repeat this process again all night long.


I thought it was "revolutationary" when my area had more than one dial up number you could use to connect to the internet. I was like, "Oh, wow, this will be SOOO much faster now that I can just use this other line to dial up to the internet if the other line is busy." LOL

Netscape LOL


It's hard to believe, but my wifes Aunt/Uncle still live in an area where only dial up is available. I would hang myself.

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In 1996-1997, it was all about AOL. Dial up internet, wait 17 hours to get online, chat for 3 minutes ("a/s/l? cyber? you? me?"), then have screen freeze, lose connection, and then repeat this process again all night long.




I can still clearly hear the AOL douche voice condescendingly telling me "goodbye" right in the middle of everything. :fuuuu:

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I remember being 8 years old and my dad showing me Prodigy. Then when I was 11, we moved to a new house and got AOL. I remember stuffing pillows behind the computer to quiet the screeching modem when I snuck on in the middle of the night.
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