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What is everybody's fears?


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PLEASE NO TROLLING. Lets have a serious thread for once.


I'm not talking fear of being successful, being a good person, or a good father. I'm talking about other fears. Such as heights, spiders, water etc...



One of my biggest fears is falling asleep sometimes. Just the thought of how much I get done in an 8hr work day then thinking i'm going to be laying in bed unconscious for that long freaks me out. It's almost like I psych myself out sometimes at night thinking this. Another fear is falling alseep and not waking back up. The world means too much to me and thinking I just fall asleep one normal night and the lights stay off forever is kind of crazy to wrap my brain around. Last but not least is flying. I don't mind flying and I fly alot when going on vacations but the thought of having no control over if it crashes or not just makes me sick. Its like you just gotta take it either way.



Lets hear what other people's fears are

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Illogical fear of heights. I can climb things or stand on top of my house with no problems, as long as I look out and not straight down. The only reason I fear heights is the pain I imagine would occur if I had fallen from that height. I only think about the pain if I look straight down.
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Why? The only thing that I fear is any burden it may put on those I care about. As for the whole not living thing, I won't know.


I definitely don't look forward to death, but I'm not scared of it.

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Why? The only thing that I fear is any burden it may put on those I care about. As for the whole not living thing, I won't know.


I definitely don't look forward to death, but I'm not scared of it.


This, death doesn't scare me at all. What does is the overwhelming sadness it would inflict upon the people im closest to. That and if I would pass away before having a boy the Lenegar name would die with me.

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Why? The only thing that I fear is any burden it may put on those I care about. As for the whole not living thing, I won't know.


I definitely don't look forward to death, but I'm not scared of it.


I felt just like you from youth through about 30. Always almost joked about people who were afraid of death. Then, I woke up one night around 2am in what I guess people would classify as a panic attack - it was really the first time I ever realized that the internal "voice" I have, that voice we all have, the "me" would some day be gone.


That same panic hits me pretty regularly now. Tough-to-impossible to put into words until you go through it.

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Heights. Badly.


I can climb a ladder to a second story, but when I go to step off the ladder its vertigo like a motherfucker. Flying is a related problem, but it's only partially from the height. I think the rest is the utter lack of control I have as a passenger. My first flight was very bad and I can tell you for certain that as much as you pull on the tray table and the lady in front of you's hair, it does not control the plane.


Needles would be number 2. IV stuff mainly. Shots in the muscle don't really weird me out as much as anything IV.

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I felt just like you from youth through about 30. Always almost joked about people who were afraid of death. Then, I woke up one night around 2am in what I guess people would classify as a panic attack - it was really the first time I ever realized that the internal "voice" I have, that voice we all have, the "me" would some day be gone.


That same panic hits me pretty regularly now. Tough-to-impossible to put into words until you go through it.


That sucks to hear about the regular panic. I may have experienced something similar as a kid; I used to be scared of death. If I can remember it was a tight nervous feeling in my core and my thoughts were cloudy except for thinking about being dead and wanting so badly to live forever. Possibly something about all of my potential hard work for nothing... I don't know, now I think to myself 'Hey someday you won't be here' and my brain shrugs...

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If your fear(s) are debilitating, I would recommend treatment. If they're not, I'd suggest finding a way to enjoy them.


For many of us there are no legal or socially acceptable ways to do this.

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