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thoughts on dating a girl with a kid


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I'm gonna put a little differen spin on things.


Children may bond with you, even if you dont bond with them. keep in mind if you walk away from someone with a child, you may not only be hurting her (wether she deserves it or not) youre walking away from a child.


If you have no desires to be a parent don't date someone with kids.

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People with kids really IMO should not introduce their kids to a partner until it is determined it will be serious, its easier on the kid than people coming and going in their life. I dated a woman with two kids for 5 years and it was a whole different ballgame, dates weren't as frequent and kids eat a lot of food! I don't regret it but I'm not so sure I'd do it again that's for sure. The relationship lasted way longer than it should've because I was attached to the two kids and they adored me.


I learned a lot but again not sure I'd do it again.


If you are pretty set on not wanting kids I'm not sure this is a good idea to date woman with kids.

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Maturity has nothing to do with it. Do you want to subject yourself to potential baby mama drama or not? Before you know it you broke up but you have to move back in with her and kid for financial reasons... shes out gangbanging CR members and you're getting e-crucified in the kitchen.


relationships can be hard enough....risk avoidance



























































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I have not taken the time to read everyone's posts, but take it with a man with alot of experience in this situation... if you are dating for marriage then you better sit down now and have the conversation about your role with the child as well as what she wants from you and that she will be on your side when it comes to discipline... it might not seem like a big deal now, but I'm going through it as well as about every step parent that I know of deals with you taking the father role and her not wanting to stand by your side with discipline or them going over your head with things... I'm telling you if you see a future with her, then set the ground rules NOW.... if she's just a cum dumpster, then at least you know she puts out...
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So it sounds like i should just stick with what i was doing. Most of my thought process was not wanting to get too involved with a kid...if it was something casual, sure, but something more than casual is what im going for...sounds like itd be way more than i bargained for.
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So it sounds like i should just stick with what i was doing. Most of my thought process was not wanting to get too involved with a kid...if it was something casual, sure, but something more than casual is what im going for...sounds like itd be way more than i bargained for.

sounds like you made your decision.

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I never knew my father, fuck him. My "dad" adopted me when i was two and he had married my mother. He never treated me any differently than my half brother & sister, and for that i am greatful.

Personally, if you can't honestly see yourself with kids, don't ever get serious with a girl with them.

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So it sounds like i should just stick with what i was doing. Most of my thought process was not wanting to get too involved with a kid...if it was something casual, sure, but something more than casual is what im going for...sounds like itd be way more than i bargained for.


Just send her my number then. :gabe:

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Wise choice not to...for you. If you don't want kids why would you want to hang out with someone who has them?


That and it does rip the kids heart up when you leave, sort of mine also :(.

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this thread will weed out the children from the men. Unless she's wanting you to be daddy it shouldn't be a problem.


Pros: Kids can be awesome

Kids bring out the kid in yourself




Cons: If/when you and the mom break up, it'll suck if you're attached to the kid

Dealing with the kids father




probably the hardest part in the break up with my ex was the kid. I grew to love him.




Now im sure this has been posted already but. Hey atleast you know she puts out... :gabe:

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As you get old and start dating older chics, the chances of them having a kid(s) get greater. Before I had a kid and dated a chic that had an infant, it was pure hell at first dealing with the kids father. He constantly knocked on her door. Waited outside to confront me when I left. His claim was always he wanted to know who was around his daughter, which to me was he wasn't over his ex. It was months before I even met his daughter....I'm come when she was asleep and leave before she woke. So it can be a pain in the ass. I have dated other chics with kids and it wasn't that bad.

One thing that causes the biggest issue is you can't just up and do shit. Spontaneous trips and stuff dont happen.

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I dated a girl with a kid. It reinforced my choice to not have children.


I could see dating a woman with kids that have moved out. But no live-in children. They stress me out, which turns into resentment, and that's just not good for anyone in the relationship. Best to just not go there.

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I'm sitting here laughing at the people saying "If you don't want kids, don't date a girl that has a kid". I am engaged to a girl with a 7 yr old daughter. We are living together. She has custody of her daughter, but the dad gets her a couple nights a week and every other weekend. I don't have any kids, I don't want kids, and I just got snipped a week and a half ago.


But wait, I just said I don't want kids. Why am I engaged to a girl that has a kid that lives with us most of the time? Well, the girl treats me like a king and is completely sane. We get along great; like we are best friends. The kid can do most things herself and will even help her mom out with chores. For the most part, the fiance does 99% of the parenting with her kid. I don't step in unless I see the need or she asks my opinion on something. I still interact with the kid and do things with her.


On the other hand, forget about doing things spur of the moment. You have to plan everything out way in advance. And even then, your plans may have to fall through. For instance, one of my buddies is having his annual wine and cheese party this Saturday. It just so happened to work out that the kid is to be with her dad this weekend. Great, we can go. Last week, his shift changed for his job. He is with the OSHP. So, now he's working weekends. Awesome. Fan-fucking-tastic. Because of that, our plans just fell through, unless we can get my fiance's parents to watch the kid. With their crazy ass work schedule, it's difficult to get them to watch the kid.


So, just because YOU don't want kids, that doesn't mean you can't date someone who has a kid. I will tell you this though, I wouldn't date a girl that has more than 1 kid.

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LOL. just because Me along with most guys don't wanna date a girl with kids dont mean we dont want kids. We just dont want SOMEBODY ELSES KIDS........


I'm not sure if this was directed at me, but these are the posts I'm talking about...


If you've never wanted kids don't bother getting involved with someone elses.
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Holding YOUR kid right after birth and Meeting some sluts kid for the first time are two completely different animals. Don't let the second one shape your opinions about kids. I wish I would have had them a little earlier. Best thing that has happened to me.


I'm reading a lot of guys say I dated a chic with a kid and it only made me not want kids more. I don't think that is a fair barometer.


I look at it like LSX cars, they are always being modded or broke, or something, but plenty of you have LSX cars. You just don't know how much fun they are until you get one of YOUR OWN. :)

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