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Neighbor put a up a privacy fence.. why?


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When I buy a house if it doesnt have a privacy fence up I sure as hell am going to put one up the first second I get some cash. I think youre just reading into it too much. And as for putting the fance inside your property line, would you give your neighbors and extra foot? I sure as hell wouldnt so I can maximize my yard space.
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I know you guys can put everything about this on me. That's fine and I'll take it. You haven't had to live with her for the past 8 or so years.


She doesn't do any lawn care. Yes. Every spring/summer there are literally thousand of dandelions in her yard. Do I put up a fence to not look at that? Nope. When a few years ago I asked her about getting yard care. She said "I like them". Ok.. strange. no trimming, nothing. Just runs it over with a lawnmower every now and then.


She has a brown tarp over her metal shed because it's leaking. With bricks hanging off the ends to keep it tight. (might be seen in the pic). That looks great.


That section you see that's my garage/that tree? It was a fucking total mess last year. There was shit growing into my driveway that was literally 6 feet tall. She never weeds. She never cleans up anything. Also, you see what.. 2 sections of concrete slab that's there? Yeah that's a lot of shit. :dumb:. You should have seen it last year where that bush/tree you see behind her fence was rolling into my side of the garage and you couldn't even get to the back of the side of the garage.. it looked like a jungle.. all was her weeds/trees/whatever.


From one of the silver maple tree she used to have in the back yard.. she told the tree cutters to leave 8 or so feet of it so she can build a ladder for her daughter to get up and play on. Yes. She build a ladder going up to the top of a stump that's about 2 1/2-3 feet in diameter.


If it came down to something I/family does outside.. why not ask? Just like you're telling me to ask her why she put a fence up? If the radio is too loud.. ask to turn it down.. whatever it is. My house compared to hers looks a HELL of a lot better. I at least cut my lawn once a week and use my weed trimmer to go around the house. She cuts the lawn in the front and there's dead grass from a month ago sitting in the corners of the sidewalk.


All of the above I REALLY don't care about. I just wanted to tell you what I have to live next to. I'm not the perfect person. I don't have my landscape done professionally (no one in my neighborhood does) but at least I keep it up to date. Yeah the blacktop might be wearing out. But it's so shitty that it all needs ripped up and I don't have the money to spend on it at the moment.


On top of all of the above.. she NEVER goes outside. nor her daughter. I'm outside a lot in the spring/summer. She's never out there. She has every window on her house tinted with some mural or some funky design.


I guess she's just an oddball and I'll accept that (I have been for a while).


When I see her outside and when I'm outside doing whatever, I'll go over and strike up a conversation. I don't hate her. I don't dislike her.. she's just.. strange.


Maybe I should put a 20' tall fence on my side so I don't have to see her yard. :dumb:

If you knew you were going to get a mixture of constructive/non-constructive criticism, why make this post and then be all mad? Were just hoping everyone would feel the same way as you?


I'm not sure I understand the logic. Maybe I am missing something?

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Your jimmies seem rustled. Tell us more about how you don't care about the fence Then write a 5 of paper about being upset. This isn't trolling. You just seem butthurt that she finally put up a fence to not see your janky ass property.



I know you guys can put everything about this on me. That's fine and I'll take it. You haven't had to live with her for the past 8 or so years.


She doesn't do any lawn care. Yes. Every spring/summer there are literally thousand of dandelions in her yard. Do I put up a fence to not look at that? Nope. When a few years ago I asked her about getting yard care. She said "I like them". Ok.. strange. no trimming, nothing. Just runs it over with a lawnmower every now and then.


She has a brown tarp over her metal shed because it's leaking. With bricks hanging off the ends to keep it tight. (might be seen in the pic). That looks great.


That section you see that's my garage/that tree? It was a fucking total mess last year. There was shit growing into my driveway that was literally 6 feet tall. She never weeds. She never cleans up anything. Also, you see what.. 2 sections of concrete slab that's there? Yeah that's a lot of shit. :dumb:. You should have seen it last year where that bush/tree you see behind her fence was rolling into my side of the garage and you couldn't even get to the back of the side of the garage.. it looked like a jungle.. all was her weeds/trees/whatever.


From one of the silver maple tree she used to have in the back yard.. she told the tree cutters to leave 8 or so feet of it so she can build a ladder for her daughter to get up and play on. Yes. She build a ladder going up to the top of a stump that's about 2 1/2-3 feet in diameter.


If it came down to something I/family does outside.. why not ask? Just like you're telling me to ask her why she put a fence up? If the radio is too loud.. ask to turn it down.. whatever it is. My house compared to hers looks a HELL of a lot better. I at least cut my lawn once a week and use my weed trimmer to go around the house. She cuts the lawn in the front and there's dead grass from a month ago sitting in the corners of the sidewalk.


All of the above I REALLY don't care about. I just wanted to tell you what I have to live next to. I'm not the perfect person. I don't have my landscape done professionally (no one in my neighborhood does) but at least I keep it up to date. Yeah the blacktop might be wearing out. But it's so shitty that it all needs ripped up and I don't have the money to spend on it at the moment.


On top of all of the above.. she NEVER goes outside. nor her daughter. I'm outside a lot in the spring/summer. She's never out there. She has every window on her house tinted with some mural or some funky design.


I guess she's just an oddball and I'll accept that (I have been for a while).


When I see her outside and when I'm outside doing whatever, I'll go over and strike up a conversation. I don't hate her. I don't dislike her.. she's just.. strange.


Maybe I should put a 20' tall fence on my side so I don't have to see her yard. :dumb:

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I just think it's funny that you continue to wonder "why?" yet you posted this in the OP


and is just an "odd ball"


Seems like you already have your answer

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I just think it's funny that you continue to wonder "why?" yet you posted this in the OP




Seems like you already have your answer


Yep. I know. I keep saying the same shit over and over. I'm pretty much done now.

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