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PSA - Sunburn from welding!


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Laugh it up, Tinman, AJ, other fabricators...


Just for fun I'm going to "shave" the bumpers on my Ford. Last night around 10pm, I prepped the bumper holes with a flap-wheel on my angle grinder. Then, I tacked in two bolts on the front. Flipping to the back, I filled in the gap between the bolt and bumper hole with a weld pool on one side, and tacked a washer on the other. Seeing as how the bumper bolted solidly back on the truck and it was now very late, I called it a night...very proud that my suburban butt could still make a good, clean weld using a Lincoln Electric SP175.


Took a shower, and realized my face felt really hot. Got out and studied myself in the mirror...I spent maybe 10-15minutes welding, and I gave myself a sunburn! It was very minor, but on my forehead I can see where my welding goggles ended and my exposed forehead began!


Top Tip: Use a full-face shield when welding, even if it's a couple bolts' worth of tacking and filling!

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I learned that lesson very painfully. Had to make a rear bumper platform for a bucket truck years ago at another job. They did not have a full face helmet that you could see through so I had a pair of goggles that I wore when I would heat stuff to break loose. No problem right? Long story short, I could not even eat a hamburger because I could not open my mouth without extreme pain. ALWAYS WEAR THE PROPER SAFETY EQUIPMENT. lol
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Full face helmet is all I've ever used, but keep an eye on your neck and chest. Any exposed skin can get a sunburn from welding.


BTDT. I don't know how many times I've fired up the old lincoln "Just to tack this in place" or some other small BS thing. 10 seconds of welding turned into a few minutes and the sunburn sure does creep up on ya!

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Full face helmet is all I've ever used, but keep an eye on your neck and chest. Any exposed skin can get a sunburn from welding.


Been down this road, top of my chest and arms :fuuuu:. Anyone doing much welding should have leathers.

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Ugh I hate skin burn from welding. I used to have bad burns because when it's 105 degrees in the shop, last thing you want to do is put a jacket on. So I welded in my short sleeve uniforms.


My first time welding back in school I got flash burn and lost my eye sight until I got to the hospital.

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I got all kinds of goodies from Harbor Freight yesterday, flap- and grinding-wheels, a $20 4.5" angle grinder, and some split cowhide gloves. Shoulda got the $60 auto-dimming mask as well!


The other thing that hurts are my eyelids...I tried the "seen-it-all-the-time-on-Xtreme 4X4" method of positioning the tip, shutting my eyes, and then cracking off a tackweld. You know it's bright when you see the pink light through your closed eyelids! Apparenty a dozen tackwelds at about 1-2ft of distance will burn just as well! Feels like someone sandpapered my eyelids. :fuuuu:

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Lol, I weld in a t-shirt and no helmet since its mostly spot welding. Once you get a nice base tan you won't get burnt any more haha.


The worst thing I've done was gotten flash burn on my eyes. It's sun burn on your eyes that you can get from welding or from being on the lake when it's sunny. If anyone ever gets it cut a potato in half and put it on your eyes over night, works like a charm.

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I don't think I've ever been that scared before thinking I lost my eyesight.


On a side note, I wear OSHA-glasses ALL THE TIME now when I'm working on cars or even mowing the lawn. I had a shard hit my eyelid...literally millimeters from my eye. Combine that with a huge drop of oily dirt right in my field of sight when working under a car one day made me realize that safety glasses are cheap insurance.

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Been down this road, top of my chest and arms :fuuuu:. Anyone doing much welding should have leathers.


I have greens I use when welding.


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I have greens I use when welding.





Snap on.


These are what you should wear along with proper gloves n jeans. Why is this tard thread still going on and why are people getting flash burned. I've been welding for years on the side. Certified welder and all. And I've never got flash burned on my skin. I've had a few close calls though with the dimmer going bad in the helmet and almost getting flash burned on the eyes. I've also had burn holes go through my green jackets but come on people. Think before doing dumb shit. derp derp. gonna weld up a ton of shit with shorts n flip flops on derp derp.:dumb:

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I've gotten sunburnt once wearing a sleeveless shirt while TIGing. Other than that, I wear a T-shirt or flannel, gloves, and work pants/shorts. I haven't had any problems doing it that way (when TIG welding). MIG's another story, and I have a few nice scars from it.


Clay I haven't used a Harbor Freight mask so I can't comment on that, but I will recommend a Hobart Hood as that's what I've used without fail since I started welding. They're cheap and carry a reputable name behind them. Mine's comfortable, shades well, and I would recommend one to anybody.

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