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Very Inspirational transformation


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Holy sheeit! Is yoga really that badass of a full-body workout???


Yup! The biggest thing for this guy, I think, is that it's a good core/hips workout which is where everything stems from. His descent into a chair looked to be a slow one. He probably first needed 1 helping item, but because of that his muscles atrophied a little and his muscle memory (for lack of a better term) stopped working a little. Then that meant he needed 2 helping items, and so on. My theory would be that he and his body basically completely forgot how to walk, and it took an amazing amount of work to reteach it how to.


I know a Cat 1 mountain bike racer who has a lower broken back and a few fused vertebra. My understanding is that he can have trouble doing anything if he doesn't get his daily yoga in. He needs that stretching and extra strength in that surrounding area to compensate for the damage.

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