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Cr what would u do??


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Leigh (turbo king15) and myself live in an apartment and we are having some issues with our neighbors. They have filed multiple complaints against us, most not being worth the price or a poop flavored lolly pop. Now we are being told if their is one more complaint, that we are getting the boot. Now b4 the " just buy a house " crew comes in, I'm not looking for a house because I don't plan on living here and Leigh is still in school.

The first note was placed on our door after the 1st day we moved in cause we were being too loud while moving in.



We let this slide...


This was left while we were not even home



We left a reply letter letting them know to call the cpd cause we were not home.



This was left last nite, cause my dog (who is too fat and lazy to carry on barking)

Was being "too loud".... Laughable to say the least




Now I've been put on restraint because Leigh won't let me go down there and fucking lose it on them. With that said, what can be done? If we are kicked out do we still have to pay the contract break? Should I say fuk Leigh and let these fucks have it? Should we just play nice??? What would you do??

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Is it just an apartment community where people should expect this sort of thing(loud music, younger tenants)? Or is this a complex that it appears to be older folks who typically would be annoyed with younger people?



It's a mix... It's next to odu so there are quite a few college students here. We really are not loud at all, we have done a good job keeping it down IMO. They have called the office and complained about " us being too loud" when we are not even home twice.

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I'd just go straight to the office, apologize for the amount of complaints, and ask what the complaints were. Explain that you're trying to keep the noise down and that you weren't home during two of the complaints. Maybe it's just one person who has it out for you, or maybe they have the wrong apartment? Has the office contacted you at all? They might be bluffing.
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Sounds like its just a single person who has found something to keep themselves busy with, fucking with you. I would file harrassment complaints with the office even if you dont know whos doing it.


This first. That way if an ass beating occurs you can claim you attempted the high road.

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I would just go talk to the office and find out what the issue is and that it seems to be one person making false accusations against you. Now if there are more complaints from other residents then you have problems. A bunch of idiots at my old complex got the boot bec ause everyone in the building made several complaints and the popo was called several times.
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It's the neighbors below us. We only have one direct neighbor, it's a couple in their mid 20s. I've been down there once and the dude looked shocked that I would knock on his door to ask him wtf is up. The office has called us and on 4 occasions they were like "umm sorry we bothered you guy". At this point, I'm too upset to say anything rational and the second I walk down there I know it won't be good. I'm not an angry person, I'm rude, but not angry.
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Kick in the door wearing NOTHING but a zebra print spedo and ladies sunglasses. Tell them you are here to discuss problems.



I thought about that, but I was gonna dress like Rambo.

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I thought about that, but I was gonna dress like Rambo.


If a black guy dressed as Rambo that looked like Carlton kicked in my door, I would shit all over right then and there because you know a cornholin is coming soon.

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I'm glad you caught the Irony of it all. If I were in your shoes I'd probably put my man pants on and confront the guy. I can clearly see by your past actions that this is something you try to avoid, but there comes a time when you have to take care of business. That time for you is now. Log off, go deal with your neighbors.
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