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wart removal techniques


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so ive had this wart on my right hand, middle finger knuckle for like probably 9 yrs or so. ive never seriously tried to remove it, other than trying to chew it off, also the one time in HS where i tried to rip it off by putting a paper towel over it, then clamping down on it w vice grips and trying to rip it off. all that did was cause alot of blood.


any cool, useful removal techniques/stories?

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Go get a freeze kit OTC, then use it. After it is frozen pretty well. Take a scalpel, exacto knife, razor blade and cut thin layers off. when you start to feel the cut stop there. If need be repeat freezing.


I had one like you are talking about. This is the only thing that got rid of it. It has not came back in 3 years.

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Use a pocket knife. Make sure you dig deep and get it all out. It would suck to do all this self cutting now and have to do it again in a month...


No really go to the doctor and get it frozen off.

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I had them really bad when i was a kid, like 20 or so on my hands, no shit. Doctor gave me rx strength tagamet (sp? The stomach medicine), i guess one thing it did unexpectedly was got rid of warts. I had a few burned/frozen off before that. Since then, ive had one pop up...i hit i with the OTC pads/bandaid things...biggest thing with those is let them stay on for a few days, even thru showers, etc...itll turn white/soggy after a few days, peel off what you can (usually a ring of dead skin around the wart), let it dry out overnight, put new one on next day...those OTC things should get rid of it in a couple weeks...if you have it burnt off your knuckle, its gonna be a PITA for a while
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I had two warts in my life, one on my foot, one on my left index finger. I had my gf (at the time) who was a podiatrist use fire beetle extract on the foot, hurt like a bitch but killed it off in a few days no problem. The hand was earlier in college, and I went for periodic cryo treatments at a dermatologists office. Also did the trick, but has left a small indentation in the skin that hasn't filled in over the last 15+ years. Hardly visible, though.


Can cryo(freeze) treatments also be used to minimize/remove moles?

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It's all about killing the "roots" of the wart which keep it growing back. The wart remover is an acidic paste you put on your wart and cover so that it slowly kills the cells there. Cutting it out works, as long as you dig deep enough to remove the entire thing, roots and all. The duct tape theory is supposed to 'suffocate' the cells there and eventually kill them, but that takes for fucking ever. Freezing is extremely quick and basically kills everything there where the wart is as well. All of the methods are basically aimed at killing or removing the skin where the wart is at.


That being said, I've tried just about everything on the warts I used to have on my fingers and palms. I've had luck just chewing the damn things off by habit on my fingers, and the one on my palm which was hardest to remove, I actually froze, cut out and took fire to lol.

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Penicillin, or rub a Potato on it.


My wife's grandmother told me to do this once and I laughed. Dropped a piece of potato on the floor cutting them up one day and though why not. It worked like a charm!!!!

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It's all about killing the "roots" of the wart which keep it growing back. The wart remover is an acidic paste you put on your wart and cover so that it slowly kills the cells there. Cutting it out works, as long as you dig deep enough to remove the entire thing, roots and all. The duct tape theory is supposed to 'suffocate' the cells there and eventually kill them, but that takes for fucking ever. Freezing is extremely quick and basically kills everything there where the wart is as well. All of the methods are basically aimed at killing or removing the skin where the wart is at.


Came here to post this!

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