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got to bring my daughter home yesterday!


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When we first switched Rhea to the bottle we had problems with her crying so hard it made me cry with her. I called the Dr and and they suggested a lactose intolerance. They suggested we switch from regular formula to lactose free formula and if that didn't help to try soy formula. I already had the soy so we went straight to that and had no problems. I've never heard the feed them till they yak it up method? We were told something like 2 ounces every 3 hours. What formula are you guys using?


Slightly OT.

This drives me insane. babies inherently are NOT lactose intolerent.


Personally, i see no reason to bottle feed on anything other than breastmilk, but thats a whole other debate, but would probably solve this problem.


Soy formula will help with the fussiness, and it takes time for a babies digestive system to get used to something its not qute made to use yet.




Congrats on the new baby!! It will be a rough at first but totally worth it. :)


I know an EXCELLENT newborn photographer if you need one! *wink wink-nudge nudge*



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Formula or Breast milk? Try to pump if your fiance can, it is way way better! Also, Keep them swaddled tightly. That helped my little boy a lot.. When he was wrapped up he was super happy, With free arms he screamed like no one has ever screamed before. EVER.


Also, (and yeah I may be a hippy) go read books by Dr. Sears. Follow his advice and you are guaranteed to have a happy baby..

LOL, my son was the complete opposite. If you wrapped him up he would scream and fight. Once his arms were free he would fall asleep.


The first couple days after birth babies are pretty much in a daze. After 2-3 days they start to "wake up." The same thing happened to us, although my wife was on Vicoden and he was INSANE. We read that it gets past through breast milk and can cause those symptoms, so she quit taking it and he was normal within a few days.

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LOL, my son was the complete opposite. If you wrapped him up he would scream and fight. Once his arms were free he would fall asleep.


The first couple days after birth babies are pretty much in a daze. After 2-3 days they start to "wake up." The same thing happened to us, although my wife was on Vicoden and he was INSANE. We read that it gets past through breast milk and can cause those symptoms, so she quit taking it and he was normal within a few days.


What doctor prescribed Hydrocodone for a breast feeding mother? SMH


What special precautions should I follow?Before taking hydrocodone,



•tell your doctor if you are pregnant, plan to become pregnant, or are breast-feeding. If you become pregnant while taking hydrocodone, call your doctor.


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Alot closer than you :p


I guess thats all a matter of how you see it. lol We live together and share houshold what-have-you's, have 1.99 kids. Would a ring be much different. By that I mean a ring isn't married. The license is married, the ring is the symbol.

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What doctor prescribed Hydrocodone for a breast feeding mother? SMH

They gave it to her at the hospital after delivery. She was in a lot of pain, but once we researched it she quit taking it and toughed out the pain.

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Get this video... "The Happiest Baby on the Block"

And follow the advice... it seems to work.

Our first is due any day now. I can't wait to try it.



Get the CD with different sounds, or a white noise generator. I bought the CD and put cheap CD player next to his crib. Works like a charm! The CD is hard to find, but comes free with one of those velcro "easy swaddle" sleep sacks.

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