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Job brainstorming


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Please no flaming, as I am very serious about this. I currently work corrections and was recently off for 3 1/2 months due to a work injury. I was already fed up with the job before being off, but now being away for so long and even more changes for the worse, I don't know how much more I can take. If I didn't have a family to support, I would have already been long gone, but that is not an option as we rely 90% on my income (the woman works part time). My problem with finding something new is that I don't have much on paper to offer an employer that would help me find something that pays close to the same, on top of health benefits and retirement (which I would gladly sacrifice short term). I can do most things on cars (just not very knowledgeable on a broad range of them specifically), most home repair/re-modling outside of concrete (never done more than pour a bag of quickrete for fence post), been a bouncer under the table for a short while, and have a majority of my classes for my airframe and powerplant certification/ associates degree for AMT. I'm not afraid to work (laborous) and prefer something I can use my hands/ mind for and see results. My problem is that I now make just over $18 and have averaged over $42k before taxes, with OT, for the last 5 years and need to find something with a comparable take home. I am prepared to take a pay cut that isn't vastly different and can now afford to do so with my truck paid off. Any advice or suggestions would be appreciated.
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If you are in corrections now and live local apply to take the civil service exam for police and fire here in columbus. With all the retirements the city is planning on another class this year I believe and two classes next year to my understanding.
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im in the same boat you are, ive been at my job for 7 years now, it has gotten me nothing but a douche bag boss and third shift. ive been looking myself (same pay range as yourself) and have you given any thought to looking for a city job? it may not be easy to get on, but i suppose its worth a shot. i know the delaware website is www.delawareohio.net. they arent currently offering any jobs, but you could keep checking back or find a county near you that may be hireing.



you could also try some place like an auto center that pays comission. it would start out low pay (i would guess 10ish an hour with comission) and once you get your certs, you could be making more than your target in a couple years. i know sears auto center offers benifits (health ins. and such, not sure about a 401(k) though), but i would imagine most places would offer simmilar.

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Would transferring to another Prison be an option? Are you sure the entire system is messed up or just where you work?


From both the corrections officers I know, both have the exact same complaints and are at two differ t prisons. I believe it has to do with the changes from the bill that privatized some of them last year? I could be mistaken though

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I'm biased on careers but.....if you're able, I'd suggest looking into something like inside sales or customer support. Leads into more transferable skills, pays at or above where you're at now with way more potential, be in a much nicer environment daily and will be much easier on your body short and long term.


Just thinking different.

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So in all of this I see you want a job. Why not set yourself up for a career? Education can really help you. I used to have loads of COs in my classes at Columbus State and most of them are doing something else now that pays way more than what they were making.


My suggestion would be to set yourself up so you never need to ask this question again, get an education and use that for getting a new job. Where is your passion? Cars? Airplanes?

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So in all of this I see you want a job. Why not set yourself up for a career? Education can really help you. I used to have loads of COs in my classes at Columbus State and most of them are doing something else now that pays way more than what they were making.


My suggestion would be to set yourself up so you never need to ask this question again, get an education and use that for getting a new job. Where is your passion? Cars? Airplanes?

I understand that, but at this moment I need to just get out of my current job.
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As a student pilot and aviation aficionado, I would say complete your training as an A&P. After flying yesterday afternoon I just heard something on the radio talking about how much of the current outsourcing for heavy mechanical work may be reshored...would make demands for certified A&P's much higher.


My other advice to you is be prepared to MOVE for the right opportunity. My whole family is in Ohio, but my career move to FL a few years back was one of the greatest choices I made. After a few years, I moved back to Ohio a better man and a more experienced employee. No offense to anyone here, but you can't complain about your job and life if you're not willing to overcome family issues to make a change for the better...


Can you finish your A&P on student loans at Embry-Riddle, work PT yourself? Wife can get a PT position down there?

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I'm biased on careers but.....if you're able, I'd suggest looking into something like inside sales or customer support. Leads into more transferable skills, pays at or above where you're at now with way more potential, be in a much nicer environment daily and will be much easier on your body short and long term.


Just thinking different.




Learn to sell and never worry about a job again.


Combine a competency in a field such as IT, finance, health, etc. with strong sales ability and the sky is the limit.

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Learn to sell and never worry about a job again.


Combine a competency in a field such as IT, finance, health, etc. with strong sales ability and the sky is the limit.


Another vote for sales. I won't be selling cars my whole life, but while here I learned to sell my experience to prospective employers.


It saddens me to hear that you're having a shit experience in corrections. Is it due to privatization? My uncle worked 35 years in corrections in Connecticut and said he loved every minute of it until they made him the warden. Of course it was probably a big cultural difference, as most of his inmates were Native Americans and he is a huge U.S. history buff.

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Another vote for sales. I won't be selling cars my whole life, but while here I learned to sell my experience to prospective employers.


It saddens me to hear that you're having a shit experience in corrections. Is it due to privatization? My uncle worked 35 years in corrections in Connecticut and said he loved every minute of it until they made him the warden. Of course it was probably a big cultural difference, as most of his inmates were Native Americans and he is a huge U.S. history buff.

it actually has nothing to do with the privatization but more the direction the whole department is going. Big time hug-a-thug, shitting on staff by administration, immediate supervisors no longer have our backs, hiring people the fall in line with administrations way of thinking or have no spine. Can't trust the people you work with unless you have prior history with them and they expect us to let the inmates walk all over us and not enforce rules that administration initially put in place (ie: law says it is illegal to kill someone, but cops can't stop it if witnessed or allowed to make an arrest).

What did it for me was the situation I had where i was injured, really almost went horribly south. The guy I was dealing with had a little side kick egging him on and antagonizing the situation. I come back and the side kick was never locked up and was still in my housing unit. I call up the chain and try to get a move to keep another situation from happening. Capt. that has always had my back says fuck you, I'd rather you quit than make the move.

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In the meantime while your figuring this out why not ask the wife to go get a full time instead of parttime to help out. Not to get personal but this would help while your trying tofigure out what to do in life.


I got nothing for career path as I'm running into the same issue here ugh

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In the meantime while your figuring this out why not ask the wife to go get a full time instead of parttime to help out. Not to get personal but this would help while your trying tofigure out what to do in life.


I got nothing for career path as I'm running into the same issue here ugh


It's not always that simple. Then they have to add daycare of some sort to the bills as well. Which depending on what she does as part time work may not balance out what daycare can cost.

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It's not always that simple. Then they have to add daycare of some sort to the bills as well. Which depending on what she does as part time work may not balance out what daycare can cost.

correct. her current job would not make it worth the cost. But she is currently looking for something too but again, is loooking to get back into school.

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The healthcare field is ALWAYS short on medical personnel. Most guys are hesitant to jump into it, but nursing is not a horrible field to get into and will easily pay more than you are making now. You really can do just about anything you want in the field, and it doesn't have to be bedside nursing. But, like all careers, there's a LOT of BS that goes along with it.
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The healthcare field is ALWAYS short on medical personnel. Most guys are hesitant to jump into it, but nursing is not a horrible field to get into and will easily pay more than you are making now. You really can do just about anything you want in the field, and it doesn't have to be bedside nursing. But, like all careers, there's a LOT of BS that goes along with it.


I've actually thought about that. But she is a lot closer to her nursing degree so we're trying to get her done soon.

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i'm in car sales now after about 8 years of masonry work and 2 yrs. of construction management. I like the fact that the hardest part of my job a test drive!!

If I factor in the $150 plus a week that I spent for gas before, driving to job sites and the fact that I have a 5min drive now. I'm almost making the same "in pocket" money.

The hours may be longer than you are used to. I avg. around 52hrs a week.


The good thing about it is that you get what you make of it! harder you hustle more you make!

Make sure you check around for benefits and pay plans. I work for a small/mid sized dealership in mansfield but we avg. around 4,000 cars per year sold.


Also check out the perks pkg. We have a great one here for selling extra's. For example, if you sell a warranty, $100 cash in hand. If you sell sealant pkg., $100 cash in hand.

Also every qtr. If we hit our sales goals the owner throws a sales party and gives out about 15k in cash prizes!!


Last year alone I made an extra $4200 just in bonus money from the party's.


sales is fun lol

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I did not read any replies....


Can you carry a Firearm? Armed Security? Brinks?




Please no flaming, as I am very serious about this. I currently work corrections and was recently off for 3 1/2 months due to a work injury. I was already fed up with the job before being off, but now being away for so long and even more changes for the worse, I don't know how much more I can take. If I didn't have a family to support, I would have already been long gone, but that is not an option as we rely 90% on my income (the woman works part time). My problem with finding something new is that I don't have much on paper to offer an employer that would help me find something that pays close to the same, on top of health benefits and retirement (which I would gladly sacrifice short term). I can do most things on cars (just not very knowledgeable on a broad range of them specifically), most home repair/re-modling outside of concrete (never done more than pour a bag of quickrete for fence post), been a bouncer under the table for a short while, and have a majority of my classes for my airframe and powerplant certification/ associates degree for AMT. I'm not afraid to work (laborous) and prefer something I can use my hands/ mind for and see results. My problem is that I now make just over $18 and have averaged over $42k before taxes, with OT, for the last 5 years and need to find something with a comparable take home. I am prepared to take a pay cut that isn't vastly different and can now afford to do so with my truck paid off. Any advice or suggestions would be appreciated.
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