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Nanny-ware for kids


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Okay, easier need here than trying to teach me network stuff.


So my kids are of age that they are getting a computer for their study area and I'm interested in some nanny-ware that will protect them from the ilks of the net. Something as simple as my son getting a crazy thought of finding "cheats" for a Nintendo game could produce some scary stuff both for the eyes and of course a PC.


Any good recommendations on software to consider that will block or shield them from all that's out there?



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i use k9.. its pretty good and you can set all sorts of things to block and not block. it take some working with it to get it to not block some-things you may not want it to. it has a force safe search that makes it to where you cant search for things like "playboy''.
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Nothing is more foolproof than your eyes watching them.


Pretty much this. I had people looking for this software every week when I worked at microcenter, and a few wanted guarantees that the kids wouldn't stumble across bad things. Too many times I've wanted to say "bitch, this is the fucking internet."


That being said, because the software sold would of been sub-par at best a decade ago, there is a lot of free goodies I recommended instead. If you're looking for simple content blocking, there is a ton of google chrome and firefox extensions that do a better job than any paid solution. Problem is if the kids are smart enough, they can be disabled.


Believe me, if they are better at doing things on a computer (or quicker) than you, its a matter of time. That's how I was. I was experimenting with linux live CDs when I was 11 or 12. It doesn't get by watchful eyes, however.

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