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New York city ban on soda


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My issue with it is that its my body and if I want to fuck it up thats my choice. Not to mention that people like my wife will buy a large drink and sip on it all day. I think its fucking stupid. Some people don't care about their looks, weight, or health, me included. This is also why I find yearly health assesments by insurance companies annoying, but at least that makes sense since you're higher risk.


I'm sure New York has far worse problems to worry about then to be worrying about what others are drinking. Just stupid and an annoying invasion into my personal decisions.

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Move to New york City, become boss of underground large Coke dealers, buy big house and live happily ever after.

Don't forget KFC gravy.



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My issue with it is that its my body and if I want to fuck it up thats my choice. Not to mention that people like my wife will buy a large drink and sip on it all day. I think its fucking stupid. Some people don't care about their looks, weight, or health, me included. This is also why I find yearly health assesments by insurance companies annoying, but at least that makes sense since you're higher risk.


I'm sure New York has far worse problems to worry about then to be worrying about what others are drinking. Just stupid and an annoying invasion into my personal decisions.


It's your choice, but your choice to be unhealthy can affect what everyone else has to pay for healthcare costs (not saying you specifically, but as a general statement). My company started a tiered cost of sorts for health insurance. As of last year, you pay more if you are a smoker, and have the chance for discounted rates or money off your deductible if you go get a physical, take certain biometric tests, etc. I think it's a great idea, I quit smoking and in a few months will be able to see more money in my paycheck because of it.


I like that they still give you the freedom to smoke, but give you good reason to quit (they'll even pay for the patch or gum if you choose). Honestly it's the same way auto insurance works, no reason you can't apply a little of that to health coverage.

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In theory I like where their going with this. I believe NY is where the smoking bans and trans fat stuff began and both have helped us nationwide. However, I'd rather see such influencial people thinking about education reform vs just dealing with what people eat for lunch. We can deal with this in other more effective ways like charging unhealthy overwieght people more for insurance and healthcare, etc....
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Only establishments that receive inspection grades from the health department, including movie theaters and stadium concession stands, will be subject to the rules. Convenience stores, including 7-Eleven and its king-size Big Gulp drinks, would be exempt, along with vending machines and some newsstands.


The restrictions would not affect fruit juices, dairy-based drinks like milkshakes, or alcoholic beverages; no-calorie diet sodas would not be affected, but establishments with self-service drink fountains, like many fast-food restaurants, would not be allowed to stock cups larger than 16 ounces.


They pick and choose what businesses are affected by this, and what drinks are affected. You can buy a 32oz double dew at the gas station to guzzle down on the way to work but if you sit down at a restaurant you have to get a dozen refills. I've read the ban also covers sweet tea and possibly sports drinks, but not diet drinks. Because that artificial sweetener is soooooo much safer for you than sugar. Yet, muggings and violent crime are up in the city. Obviously their priorities are on target.

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I'd die in NY. I consume like a 12 pack a day. Albeit Diet, I Hate all The sugar in regular but at the same time I can't stand flavorless water.








Sounds like me. I average ~6-8 cans of caffeine-free diet coke/day.


May god be with your soul

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It's your choice, but your choice to be unhealthy can affect what everyone else has to pay for healthcare costs (not saying you specifically, but as a general statement). My company started a tiered cost of sorts for health insurance. As of last year, you pay more if you are a smoker, and have the chance for discounted rates or money off your deductible if you go get a physical, take certain biometric tests, etc. I think it's a great idea, I quit smoking and in a few months will be able to see more money in my paycheck because of it.


I like that they still give you the freedom to smoke, but give you good reason to quit (they'll even pay for the patch or gum if you choose). Honestly it's the same way auto insurance works, no reason you can't apply a little of that to health coverage.


See like I said I find this annoying, but it makes sense. I agree with this. You don't want to take care of yourself then pay more for helth insurance. I've gotten myself tagged as a somewhat risky driver and my car insurance is higher then a lot of people, but I'm not bitching because I've done that to myself.

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Shit expensive and I just don't like that stuff...there was something else years ago very similar, tried it then...yuck.


comes to about $.10 glass really. not all of them are good. I use the energy ones at work and mix them stronger than I do the rest. blueberry lemon aid and orange are the best. don't taste like diet at all.

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i drink the shit outta some mt dew or pepsi. that being said i have no problem with this. its not saying you cant drink it. really, the sizes most places sell on average is obscene. i dont eat fast food often and even less do i actually get a drink. although when i do i ask for a small. the answer is usually... we dont have a small. wtf?
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i drink the shit outta some mt dew or pepsi. that being said i have no problem with this. its not saying you cant drink it. really, the sizes most places sell on average is obscene. i dont eat fast food often and even less do i actually get a drink. although when i do i ask for a small. the answer is usually... we dont have a small. wtf?


Mcdonalds automatically assumes you want a medium or a large. I went there a few weeks ago and got a combo. The lady asked if i wanted it medium or large. I said, "Do you have a small?" the lady said okay. Wendies "medium" is like 20 Oz.

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i drink the shit outta some mt dew or pepsi. that being said i have no problem with this. its not saying you cant drink it. really, the sizes most places sell on average is obscene. i dont eat fast food often and even less do i actually get a drink. although when i do i ask for a small. the answer is usually... we dont have a small. wtf?


They are not saying we cant drink it right now but that will probably be next. I understand what they are trying to do and I agree with the goal that they are trying to achieve. However this is one of our personal liberties that many fight for every day. Who is to stop them from continuing to take and where or when will the line be drawn. I think we need to protect our rights no matter how silly some of them are, I believe that we should not be dictated to.

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