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Just another day at the park....


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So we take the kids and about 5 other neighbor kids to the park today, windy as heck but fun.


My son falls in the mulch and comes running over screaming something we can't understand. I didn't think he got hurt :confused:


To my surprise the little shit comes up with a $100 bill :fuckyeah: Immediately they all start filtering through the mulch like hounds.


I gotta admit even I started looking as with the bank robberies in Dublin lately, who knows if it blew out of a bag stashed somewhere. Nothing to be found. Good times had though.


It's real too. Checked it with a marking pen my wife had from her business.


That is all.....

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was walking through easton about a month back and i spot a stack of bills on the ground and this little girl spotted it as well as her father dragged her and her sister past the stack. i bend down and pick it up and i would say there was about 80-100 dollars there. i saw 20's and dollar bills. i catch up to the family and tell the little girl that she saw it first and she should go buy a toy for her and her sister. the father couldn't believe that someone would do that. i felt good that day and only hope the dad didnt jack it from the girls.
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I have found 4 $100 bills all on seperate occassions as a kid. I always ran screaming to my parents each time and never got to keep any of it. You would be amazed at the number of people who pipe up about losing money the second a kid goes screaming through a store claiming he found some.
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I have found 4 $100 bills all on seperate occassions as a kid. I always ran screaming to my parents each time and never got to keep any of it. You would be amazed at the number of people who pipe up about losing money the second a kid goes screaming through a store claiming he found some.


He's going to split it with his sister. There was no one else around but even so, they'd have a hard time convincing me it was theirs. Not sure what we'll have them use it for. He's good with Saving $15 of it right off the top.

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I'm really into walking with my dogs and exploring my neighborhood here so I've found money I'd say 4 or 5 times in the last couple of years. The most I found was a $50 bill on the ground by a bayou. I typically find cash on Saturdays and Sundays so I assume it's people/teenagers coming home drunk and dropping it.
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Pretty sure it's some sort of new stimulus plan from Obama


^^ Winner :lol:


umm hey i lost a 100 dollars when i was putting down muclh for the community if you could return that to me that would be swell...


Checks in the mail. :masturboy:

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Was at a Browns/Steelers games a few years back. It was a sunday night NBC game and windy as shit. Sitting there watching the browns get beat (go figure), I saw something land in front of me out of corner of my eye. I look down theres a $100 bill. I waited on someone to come claim it but they never did. So me and my buddy went to the Velvet Dog and got drunk with it
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Once as a young lad I was jumping from the swings, marking my distance each time. With each jump I would attempt to go higher/further than the previous kanievel jump, quivering that my shirt would not snag on the chains on my dismount from the swings. Well on one of my landings, I stumbled upon this broken piece of jewelry with what appeared to have many diamonds in it. My discovery carried more joy than a pirate with a bottle of rum. I rushed home to show my treasure to my parents who believed it could hold some value, to me an endless supply of summer toys. We took this antique to the local jewelry store for inspection. After only a few minutes I was met with rolling eyes of the store clerk stating it was just trash.
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O was making a snow man as a kid and as I was rolling the first giant snow ball, stuck to the bottom of it as I was rolling it was a $20. This was back in the early 90's so I was like 10yrs old. Thats a nice chunk of change to me now, it was definitely a lot to me back then.


Then another time a few years ago it was like 11pm at night at Kroger by Hamilton and Morse and I was at the self checkout thingy and there was no one else anywhere areound and there was $30 in the cash return slot. I looked across the front area of the store and didn't see anybody, anywhere. Paid for pizza that night.


Finding money is awesome.

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I found $5 or $10 (can't remember now) as a kid at school (I believe 3rd or 4th grade) and I turned it into the main office lost and found. No one came looking for it after a day, so I got to keep it. That was pretty cool when you're that age... :nod:
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I went to the Pick-n-Pull a few years back for some interior bits and pieces. I couldn't find what I needed, so I went walkabout through the yard just looking through cars. LOL I had nothing else to do...there's always some funny car, something rare, or a crazy wreck there.

Ended up with about $25 in small change from cupholders, and a pair of $20s that were dangling from a sunvisor, hanging in plain sight.

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I went to the Pick-n-Pull a few years back for some interior bits and pieces. I couldn't find what I needed, so I went walkabout through the yard just looking through cars. LOL I had nothing else to do...there's always some funny car, something rare, or a crazy wreck there.

Ended up with about $25 in small change from cupholders, and a pair of $20s that were dangling from a sunvisor, hanging in plain sight.


speaking of junkyard finds, When I was 18 I went to worthmans in whitehall. I was getting a shifter bezel out of a probe. When I tore the console apart there was a big bag of weed and a roll of $. I took the cash and left the weed... Now I wish I would have grabbed both!

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You're son must of been so happy, when i was around 10 my buddy claimed he found a 100$ between some leaves and a fence on a windy day. Since he was my best friend hes like we will split it, lets go to " benton brothers" and buy stuff. I remember how happy i was lol. We ended up buying a remote control car, vanilla ice and mc hammer tape, bunch of odds and ends and tons of candy. He stole the money from his step dad and never told me till his mom came to my house lol. Everytime i hear someone say they find or found money brings me back to the 1990s
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