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I'd like to know how they fit 50 of them in there


I'd like to know how they constantly get themselves in a bind when those things are around. It's not like they move fast. They kill 3-4 of them and then are too worn out to fight off the rest and somehow always manage to get backed into a corner. I'd take that katana from the black chick and go on a chopping spree. :gabe:

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I gotta say I love watching Michonne with that damn kitana. Great episode last night.! Damn governor....I knew he'd do that. Next week should be interesting.

Oh, I thought that was Andrea in that truck that crashed the fence, but oh well...

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I also thought it was Andrea in the truck too. Definitely looked like a female and I thought I saw blonde hair when she first got out, but when it showed her running off I couldn't see any hair at all. The more I thought about it I figured it couldn't be her because she didn't know where the governer had gone, but then my wife made a pretty good observation and said "you couldn't tell which direction she ran when she got out of the van, maybe it was Andrea and she ran to the prison". She said she figured that'd be a good idea for Andrea so the governer wouldn't see her leaving the town.


I hate to say it, but if Rick doesn't get his shit together soon, I want him to die. I was beyond thrilled when Lori died and now we have to see her again every episode because he's lost it. I don't want anymore of that pussy drama bullshit that took over the first half of season 2.


Also, I think Talking Dead is way better as an hour long show.

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It's not Andrea though cause next week the gov tells her if she goes, she stays. Odd thing is that person didn't get shot and I have no clue where they vanished to. I was going to say Glenn seems to be showing leader signs. It was kinda fucked up how he shot that prison dude in the face...I was seeing a new romance starting. She's lucky his body was there cause he was getting nailed with rounds.


Fucking hate the gov...

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If I can join the fun... I have to say that this week's Zombie Kill of the Week has to be Daryl's family-wagon-door-slam move.






Great episode overall last night. I agree that seeing Glenn step up is pretty awesome, although it's rather annoying seeing Rick lose his grip for so long... it's definitely getting annoying.

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Rick needs to get his act together and lead the group again, it's getting annoying, almost like when Shane went crazy last season and his death was put off for so darn long. I'm hoping the revolting attack by Rick's group will be much better than the Governor's attack was. Was definitely pretty ingenius to use the walkers, and expose that whole side of the prison. Whoever got out of the van must be important somehow, as they put emphasis on the person fleeing the van. Next week is going to be REAL good, this season's getting better by the episode.
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I liked the episode for the most part. Though I did find the whole Maggie getting pissed at Glen thing stupid. He tries to comfort her and she flips out?


Hoping now that the Governor took the first step and attacked the prison, we might see some more action and less talking the rest of the season.

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I liked the episode for the most part. Though I did find the whole Maggie getting pissed at Glen thing stupid. He tries to comfort her and she flips out?

Exactly. WTF was that all about? The little drama that makes no sense like this just annoys me, and if you ask me, takes up valuable screen time for more important issues. For instance: answering how the Gov' has a shot in hell at shooting a gun accurately. :dumb:

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Exactly. WTF was that all about? The little drama that makes no sense like this just annoys me, and if you ask me, takes up valuable screen time for more important issues. For instance: answering how the Gov' has a shot in hell at shooting a gun accurately. :dumb:


I bet he didn't take the training class for his concealed carry...

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First off the Hyundai Tuscon is AWD. Next I cannot stand Carl at all. I really hoped Morgan would have come back with them. Been wondering where he was. I think since Rick told him they found a prison, he'll find it at some point and reunite.

Two weeks of nothing really, but looks like next week will be the return of action.

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This may have been the best episode since season 1. The "creepy" factor that's been missing since then returned. Got to see Morgan again. Michonne made a joke and wasn't a bitch the whole time. There wasn't anything blatantly retarded or anything that completely destroyed another plot point from the comics. Was really happy with what I saw then they play the preview for next week and Andrea... bleh... the Governor... bleh. Just going to go right back to being terrible.
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I like the fact theres a place they're trying to hold down. Albeit I haven't read any of the comics so I'm not partial to what should really happen.


If they were always on the run this show could be just as repetitive. They run find a hole in the wall, scavenge and kill zombies which doesn't look too difficult.


Actually trying to fight zombies and an aggressor seems for better TV to me.

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I almost didn't recognize Morgan again at first, but it's sad he didn't go with Rick and co. He's a good character I hope we'll see return, and hopefully it won't be against Rick. I'm starting to ever so slightly like Carl more, but 99% of the time he still annoys me more than anyone else, besides Andrea maybe. Micchone doesn't seem half that bad now that she speaks more than 1-liners, and she's definitely looking out for Rick and Carl. Preview looks like the episodes are going to start picking up the action again, should be a good end to the season soon.
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I'm starting to ever so slightly like Carl more...




I wish Morgan would've killed him or Michonne would've left him for the zombies. He's a nuisance and nothing but trouble. He's what, 14-15 now? Acts like he runs the place. He needs to go.

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I wish Morgan would've killed him or Michonne would've left him for the zombies. He's a nuisance and nothing but trouble. He's what, 14-15 now? Acts like he runs the place. He needs to go.


Haha, I agree, he should've gotten killed off last season. It was nice to see him thinking about the baby, getting the picture and all, but he still annoys the hell out of me every other time.

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Just another thing the TV show has ruined from the comic... Carl. They've tried to redeem him a bit this season but it was too sudden/forced. He was awesome from the start in the comic. A bit of a sociopath but he was never an annoyance as he was for the first 2 seasons of the show.
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Aw no love for the random guy on the side of the road?


While I understand the whole, survival of our group type of thing. I would have thought giving the inevitable fight against the governor coming up, they would have stopped. Was kind of neat/sad in a way to see his remains at the end and even how they stopped and took his gear.


I liked how Morgan came back, though the 'crazy' Morgan was kind of weird, it's still cool they finally answered what the hell happened to him. I doubt that's the last we will see of him.


Still, it was nice to get a solid episode away from the Prison (getting some farm syndrome here) and see them out and about. Plus no Andrea in it, who with Lori now dead (I still can't get over how happy I was about that), has become my new hate.

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I thought random guy was another little reminder of the world they now live in. You can't just stop to help someone. It could be a trap. You slow to check on him/help him and boom... ambush.


And no Andrea is always a plus. Which is another item on the long list of things the TV show has ruined from the comic. She was great in the comic. I guess they could be setting her up for a redemption story to settle all of this prison/Woodbury stuff but she's been pretty stupid and annoying this season.


Also, on a positive note, this most recent episode (which a lot of people including myself really liked) was written by the guy who was promoted to showrunner to replace Mazzara. So maybe there's hope.

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