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iPad mini...who got one?


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I think it's a fantastic design. Perfect size. Very light. The screen is nice as well. It would very nice if it were retina like my iPad, but it's perfect for what I think i'll use it for..





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its 2 generations behind. I am a big apple fan but they really dropped the ball on this one. Its just smaller in size and quite slow


What exactly is slow? All I do is surf the web on my tablets...oh and fruit ninja. So basically, the iPad 1 was fast enough for me.


Is there a big price difference between this one and the regular ipad? What's the point of the mini?


$329 to $499


Only diff I can see for using this is portability. My big iPad never leaves the house cause I have nothing to put it in..This can go in a pocket and be more mobile.

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What exactly is slow? All I do is surf the web on my tablets...oh and fruit ninja. So basically, the iPad 1 was fast enough for me.




$329 to $499


Only diff I can see for using this is portability. My big iPad never leaves the house cause I have nothing to put it in..This can go in a pocket and be more mobile.


Phones go in pockets not tablets :dumb: I wish my iPad screen was bigger.

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What exactly is slow? All I do is surf the web on my tablets...oh and fruit ninja. So basically, the iPad 1 was fast enough for me.




$329 to $499


Only diff I can see for using this is portability. My big iPad never leaves the house cause I have nothing to put it in..This can go in a pocket and be more mobile.

some of us use it for more than just web browsing, so for a simple user like yourself who just purchased something and is already outdated, sure that is fine for you. If I was going to spend the money might as well buy the best the money can buy and future proof it so I wont have to upgrade in the near future if you wish to do more

Just go compare the Ipad Mini to the Google Tablet and the Amazon Kindle Fire HD.


Apple dropped the ball on this one big time!


glad someone else agrees

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I asked my co-worker that just both the mini, has the iPad 3, iPad 4 is on order and has an iPhone 5, if he was going to buy the iPad XL when it comes out. He laughed and said I have the MacBook Pro.


I wish I had that kind of money to throw away.

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Just go compare the Ipad Mini to the Google Tablet and the Amazon Kindle Fire HD.


Apple dropped the ball on this one big time!


It's still a google tablet that doesn't work as well with my ecosystem.


Oh BTW I got a black mini. Very pleased with it. Screen seems great to me and I even have a 5. Great this too is it fits in my back pocket.


I will pay for the seamless ecosystem and beautiful design all day long before I buy something that I have to maintain every other day because it has poopdick apps.

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Take note, I'm about to hate on Apple, Apple is dumb and released this, it's clear Jobs is dead, this would have never been released if he was alive. I would never want a smaller iPad, I have an iPhone.


This combined with Forstall being forced out of Apple is funny. Dude was Part of NeXT in 96 and came to Apple with Steve. He was hated by a lot of executives and was once so close with Steve it was thought he would be the next CEO. I think he didn't want to to do the iPad mini because Steve hated it. So he was forced out. Sad really. They blamed the timed releases of iOS for his demise and said he should be releasing them when they are ready (Siri, and Maps not quite being done).

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Im pretty pissed about the new ipod nano. My ipod is on its way out, and i want a new one to have while cycling, jogging, etc. I love the nano because its so small and light, and when im riding, i can reach into my back pocket and click to the next song...can't do that on the new ipod nano if there's no click wheel. Fuck a touch screen.
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Take note, I'm about to hate on Apple, Apple is dumb and released this, it's clear Jobs is dead, this would have never been released if he was alive. I would never want a smaller iPad, I have an iPhone.


This combined with Forstall being forced out of Apple is funny. Dude was Part of NeXT in 96 and came to Apple with Steve. He was hated by a lot of executives and was once so close with Steve it was thought he would be the next CEO. I think he didn't want to to do the iPad mini because Steve hated it. So he was forced out. Sad really. They blamed the timed releases of iOS for his demise and said he should be releasing them when they are ready (Siri, and Maps not quite being done).


THIS, you gotta be a fucking sheep to buy an ipad mini. whats next an iphone mini comes out n ppl buy it for the lolz. You guys who buy this shit are fuckin dumb as hell. Just sheep. Isheep.

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Take note, I'm about to hate on Apple, Apple is dumb and released this, it's clear Jobs is dead, this would have never been released if he was alive. I would never want a smaller iPad, I have an iPhone.


This. Steve Jobs never wanted a tablet out that was smaller than 10", that's what the phone is for.


They launched this product knowing people would buy it because it's a new Apple product.

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This. Steve Jobs never wanted a tablet out that was smaller than 10", that's what the phone is for.


They launched this product knowing people would buy it because it's a new Apple product.


The mini makes more sense to me in what I do than a full sized iPad. I know this cause I had it. Sold it. Like this size much better. So looks like Steve was wrong.

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THIS, you gotta be a fucking sheep to buy an ipad mini. whats next an iphone mini comes out n ppl buy it for the lolz. You guys who buy this shit are fuckin dumb as hell. Just sheep. Isheep.



a man dips his fingers in fetid ass sweat and smears a line of it on my forehead.


"SHEEP" he murmurs

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