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OhioRiders' 3 Year Anniversary Ride!!! -- June 6th


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damn. i had a lick layer of dirt on my car, so i guess the stickers didn't adhere well to the paint... i know this sucks, but you might want to try rubbing it off after the moisture collects on your car... so like 4am.


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my car is dirty. really really dirty. i haven't been to a car wash in months, and i have a bad habit of parking under trees that lose stuff on my car. I figure its something of a protective coating.

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I didn't hit the hammock. Yay!

And to whoever thought it was a good idea to put stickers all over our truck, you're a fucking dick. There is sticker residue all over it that isn't coming off. :nono:

So, as soon as I get this truck cleaned, I'll be going through the pictures.

He means DAD'S TRUCK!

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it was definitely a great day!! Team 10(command post) FTMFW!!!

some highlights..

John (RC51)- Bacon!!

AOW & CYPRESS - goggle-ing one guy..:lol:

Ben - "going to jail"

everyone at bonfire - talking about focusdave not being there, and his trophy dance! lol

4 hrs of sleep + 2 hr drive + 8 hrs of work = i'm tired!!! (at least i got off work early. hehe)

Edited by ninjachk08
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Sprockets were changed by a former owner.

On 670 and such I was starting to run out of room on the tach.

65 mph = 6000 rpm.

75 mph = 7000 rpm.

85 mph = 8000 rpm.

It redlines at 9000 so I didn't have much room left.

So keeping up at 75-80 it was almost wide open.

Er, not that we were speeding or anything else illegal including left hand turns....

Yea my bike has a similar problem, just not as drastic. My bike was geared down so 6k = 65, 7k = 75, just like yours, but my bike redlines at 14k so doing 9k really isn't a big deal.

And no, we weren't speeding... or making illegal left turns... or parking illegally... or getting handcuffed by cops...

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oh noes! the ranger that you two have nonchalantly taken over???;)

Uhm, her dad passed away. It was left 50/50 to Carie and her sister. We bought out her sister's half. Not sure what you mean by nonchalantly taking it over.

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sorry... that was meant lightly as in last time i was up there ya'll were borrowing it.... no direspect, i promise..

Don't piss him off. He might change your name to a porn title. (inside joke)

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I had a blast yesterday. Thanks to all involved in orchestrating what could have been the best scavenger hunt that I've ever participated in! There were definitely some interesting moments... To be specific, let's just say there are certain OR members that I hope to NEVER see draped in a flowing dress EVER AGAIN:eek:

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:lol: I tend to agree! Thanks to everyone who made this day a amazing one! I made so many great memories and even came in second place...my team was great we had a blast! There are too many people to thank for all they did but you know who you are!
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