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I got a subpeona for tomorrow


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Never been to the courhouse before. I witnessed a hit and run a few months ago and i guess they caught the lady. The paper said I need to be down at the courthouse tomorrow morning to testify as a witness.


I HATE downtown. I don't know where to park? (parking garage close?), What do I do when I get there? What do I wear?


Any hints/tips/tricks? The only thing that's going through my mind is like any movie that has to do with courtrooms (runaway jury is one of them).


What should I expect?


And last.. how do I get down there with all the contruction going on?

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Call the prosecutor who subpeonaed you and see if you are acutally needed. Sometimes you are needed, sometimes it is just a prelim hearing and they sent you the subpeona just incase you are needed. But I wouldn't waste a trip downtown unless you spoke to the prosecutor first.
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This is serving the public, there are many ways "to serve", thank you for your service. Be honest and confident. That is all that is asked of you.


I hate hit and run people. I saw the accident, saw the lady kept going. I stopped to see if the woman/kids were ok. Then stuck around and gave my statement/number, etc.


Found out that the lady who got hit with the two kids was the mother in-law of a friend that I went to HS with. Haven't seen either one of them since HS Mark and Tanaya). Sucks meeting that way.

Edited by Buck531
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"You see, what had happened was...................................."


When people start out like this, I tune them out, because it's usually bullshit that follows. I think you will hear an explination that starts like this.


Good for you doing your part though. I hope she gets embarassed by the system and that it works for the people who it need to.


Jail time with angry fisting lesbos sounds about right.

Edited by Mojoe
edit, of course
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There is a Kroger's about a 2 minute walk south of the CH on Front Street. They have parking for $2 behind and to the south of the store. The lots are big enough dings are not a worry and they are safe and clean.


I've been in this situation once before. I witnessed a hit and run on a cop. I followed they guy (with his passenger door flappin' in the breeze from the colision) on to 71S from 161 and called the po-po. The cop involved already informed them so they had an idea when I called. Gave them the plate number and hung back about 4 car lengths since the wife as with me and I had NO IDEA who I was following.


He exited at Sinclair, we got stopped by the light there. I was still on the phone when the light turned green. We turned south and got stopped by the light at Morse. He was first in line, I was still hanging back about 3 cars. Traffic was light on a Thursday about 10PM. The next thing I knew (it seemed to happen all at once) a Dodge Avenger stops in the on coming lane to my left. 2 dudes in flannel and pistols got out. "Ah, under cover!", I thought to myself, and then we were bathed in light from above (chopper) a police van comes from under the bridge on Morse to stop right in front of the perp and then about 8 other cop cars pull up. Yowser and wtf!


Cops thanked us for our help, detective came up and said same. Asked for our contact info. Month or so later we got the "invite" to witness.


Long story short, when the public defender saw us show up (not all witnesses do) they made a deal with the DA. We sat for 5-10 minutes and then were told we could leave. Never saw a judge or nothin'. I bet the same happens for you.


A few weeks later we got a nice letter from the Chief of the Po-Po's and the officer involved. Were I smart I would carry it with me... but I 'aint.


The driver was...

1. Drunk

2. Illegal (immigrant from a country directly to the south)

3. Un-licensed and uninsured

4. All of the above.


Yea, it's 4.

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There is the parking garage directly across High from the courthouse. Entrance is from Fulton Street. It's where all the various clerks and whatnot in the courthouse park, so it's patrolled and as safe to park at as anyplace downtown can be. I think it's $5 if you're there more than an hour but less than 4.
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Don't park at the lot closest to the courthouse, it's always slammed, park at the next one north (right next to Columbus Commons Park) and walk an extra block.


What time are you scheduled to show up? 9:00am? Honestly no reason to worry about being on time IMO, everytime i've been down there (for misc traffic issues) and my paperwork said to be there @ 9:00 jack shit happened till about 9:45. Heck the second time I went down I didn't get there till 9:20 and was fine, people were still filling in behind me.


Also dress in your best clothes, maybe even a suit. The prosecutor/judge/lawyers will show you an increased level of respect. Always lol @ people going to court in hoodies n shit http://forums.nicoclub.com/images/smilies/picard.gif

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So if I'm coming from Gahanna take 670 to 3rd (now that it's open) and turn right on to Fulton. Get in the garage and walk across the street?


yep. be careful on 670 going in to downtown. speed drops to 45 I got ticketed on the first day they dropped it in Nov '11.

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So if I'm coming from Gahanna take 670 to 3rd (now that it's open) and turn right on to Fulton. Get in the garage and walk across the street?


Definitely not, the fulton Garage is a cluster fuck. Take 3rd to East Rich st, take a right then park in that garage and enjoy the 5min walk.

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