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Congress passed an AWB or Obama issued a restrictive executive order and a large number of people very openly refused to comply?


What if large capacity mags were outlawed and individual citizens assembled them from parts kits and continued to sell/trade them or put pistol grips on their SKS etc. in direct violation of the new law? Civil disobedience on a wide scale.


Is it just me, or am I reading a mood in this country that a fair amount of folks have had enough bullshit and something 'transformative' could happen?

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I am 100% for civil disobedience on a large scale regarding matters of the constitution.




This is how the country was founded, the disobedience of many versus their tyrants. The second amendment proves its self more strongly than ever in those regards.

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because something written +200 and -2000 years ago have ALL the answers white folk in this hemisphere need.


for those who are not good at maths, constitution and bible


I'm of Asian descent, good at math (why is one + and the other - though), and an atheist. First, separate religion from the Constitution in your mind, our founders certainly did. Second please provide a better charter that outlines the rights of the individual that be must recognized, and the powers of the government, and why they should or should not have them.

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because something written +200 and -2000 years ago have ALL the answers white folk in this hemisphere need.


for those who are not good at maths, constitution and bible


Both of these things seemed to do the country pretty good for a long time.


Funny, I am willing to bet there were a shitload more guns per capita back in the 40's-60's, and I wonder what the gun crime stats were then?


The only thing that has changed is the liberalization of this country. We have allowed the "well that's ok" mentality to poison us. The "well everybody should get a ribbon" idea has made us weak. Now, we look like a broken down ex-athlete who spent all their money and is just a shell. This country was founded on god, guns, guts, and glory, and to stray from that has made us fragile.


The .gov needs to get this country out of bankruptcy (we are there, don't let the media fool you into thinking otherwise) and back on track. The last thing that should be on their plate is a knee jerk reaction to a horrible event.


If they "want to make the kids safer" maybe do something about kid on kid crime? If you have kids you should be more terrifed of what their classmate will do to them vs. someone coming into the school off the streets.


You don't hear about that do you? Why? Because it won't get the pigs in DC re-elected. Holding up a gun talking about how evil it is somehow will.


Keep telling yourself the .gov will take care of you and we will look like an communist bloc country real soon...

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If enough people were that fed up, they wouldn't have re elected him.

He was the only other option.. Although i didn't vote for him.

I am 100% for civil disobedience on a large scale regarding matters of the constitution.


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So much for the myth of the law-abiding gun owner...


You do all realize that your "team" controls the House and nearly half the Senate, which means an assault weapons ban is dead in the water, right? It will absolutely never pass, because, *news flash*, you're not an oppressed minority. You all are adequately represented; government is working like it's supposed to! Makes me wonder what the point of threads like this are...

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So much for the myth of the law-abiding gun owner...


You do all realize that your "team" controls the House and nearly half the Senate, which means an assault weapons ban is dead in the water, right? It will absolutely never pass, because, *news flash*, you're not an oppressed minority. You all are adequately represented; government is working like it's supposed to! Makes me wonder what the point of threads like this are...


Fear mongering by major media outlets. Id say its working.

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Hyperbole much?


Nope, just speaking what I think is true. You open the door for one thing to be changed and the next thing you know other things are being looked at.


That is how life works, give someone an inch, they will take the mile.

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So much for the myth of the law-abiding gun owner...


You do all realize that your "team" controls the House and nearly half the Senate, which means an assault weapons ban is dead in the water, right? It will absolutely never pass, because, *news flash*, you're not an oppressed minority. You all are adequately represented; government is working like it's supposed to! Makes me wonder what the point of threads like this are...


Fuck teams, plenty of so called republicans have shown their true colors since Sandy Hook, quick to turn their backs for political points, and are supporting so-called "common sense" gun control. Myth of the law-abiding gun owner? Being law does not make something right, being elected doesn't give one power to steal my rights, and that's beside the point that any law passed in direct violation of the constitution is automatically null. I hated Bush for The Patriot Act, and took flak for being un-american, or weak on terrorism from the right. That was bullshit then, this is bullshit now.

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That is how life works, give someone an inch, they will take the mile.


Like the 1994 assault weapons ban lead to....


That's not actually how politics works. You give someone an inch, and there's usually a massive backlash.


I hated Bush for The Patriot Act, and took flak for being un-american, or weak on terrorism from the right. That was bullshit then, this is bullshit now.


What civil disobedience did you advocate for the Patriot Act? And why did you stop advocating it?

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What civil disobedience did you advocate for the Patriot Act? And why did you stop advocating it?


So forgive me, but this feels ad hominem, or maybe I'm feeling too defensive.


Apples and oranges though, besides condemning and speaking out against the sections regarding invasive surveillance, amongst other things, there is no tangible way to be disobedient unless targeted. In this case if laws pass to force registration, I simply will not. Pay fees to have a government approved stamp? Go to hell. I will not act in haste, I will not be on the offense. I don't condone violence, or force. I will just not listen to you. If attacked, I will defend myself.

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So forgive me, but this feels ad hominem, or maybe I'm feeling too defensive.


Not intended; I was just curious by your use of past tense for a law that was still on the books. Personally, I was outraged by the Patriot Act, but 10+ years later my outrage has cooled. It garnered a vote for John Kerry from me, but not much else, and a lot of the dire predictions from the left about a police state failed to materialize.


Likewise, someone who voluntarily made themselves a felon (as you seem to be advocating here) over the 1994 AWB might feel like they overreacted after watching the ban lead to... absolutely nothing. And it didn't require civil disobedience, it sorted itself out correctly via the democratic process.


Perspective... that's all I'm looking for.

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