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Let's talk about self-entitlement.


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Look I can post facts and figures too, and this is probably a better representation that the sorta bias map above.




By "look bad" you mean "show the exact same data and outcome using different colors".


Got it.

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I skimmed through the 3 pages of posts so far and there are great points. The topic alone is one that upsets me daily. Entitlement! WTF have you done? For the most part, nothing.


Take the special needs from this situation, and I think 90% of us are talking about the lack of parenting to raise a child that will make a difference or be a productive member of society. Someone who has the values to know they have to carry their weight; someone with morals, ethics, and values that make things stay in balance.


It's not ALL about a higher level of education. Show me a person whose parents didn't let them sit on their ass, and had to earn what they have, and I'll show you someone who can probably be taught to do about anything. People who have to work for what they have are more likely to confront the person who is careless and wreckless to tell them to pull their head out of their ass.


Young people today don't have challenges. They quit when they think it will be hard. When you FAIL at something challenging, it should push you to get better at it, within reason. IF you succeed at something challenging, that's a breakthrough and you get better at it and challenge yourself more = drive and determination. Imagine that.


Mom and Dad can't stand to see Jr fail. Sometimes, I think they don't want to look bad. So they baby the child far too long. Now they have a kid who can't deal with life and is said to have ADHD, anxiety, depression or they just don't care and write the kid off. They put the kid on meds to control them for common things about kids growing up. Not all fall in this category, but many. Now, I went quickly through this part, but I think you can see where I was going with this part.


I don't have kids, so I'm an ass for even trying to come off like I know how hard it is to raise a child. I know I'm 38 years old and have perused life and getting balance in it. It's only now where I feel I have an environment where I could raise a child. What I have seen, in training other people’s children with the military, is that many parents have quite. Don't read that as me saying, you as a parent have quit. You're being narrow minded. We on RC have, for the most part, a shared outlook. I'm talking the masses. The people we don't usually interact with. The one's outside our social bubble. So when I'm in Walmart or the mall and someone won't be stern with a kid who needs it; "I want $50 to spend on this toy". “You HAVE to get this for me" I have seen this and know the parent if broke. I have talked to more than one kid for the parent, nicely, but stern. And every time the parents say “thank you”. I love it when I'm in uniform, because the kids turtle up and hide behind Mom or Dad. But, of the 6 times I have done that, only two were in uniform.


I've ranted a bit in this. Understand, I'm not attacking anyone here on RC and that I'm generalizing. This topic frustrates me a lot because of how I relate to it from how I was brought up and what we didn't have. Growing up seeing people who "Have" and being somoene who did not have those things was a driving point for me. Now I see the people who "HAD" those things and many have wasted the opertunity I wanted so badly.


I agree with this. My nephew (3) kind of talks back to his parents and others. Before when he would talk back to me, I would correct him (and when he otherwise needed it), but his mother decided she didn't want me to correct him. What's most irritating about that is that I see him disobey his parents and talk back. I have to admit that his father is much better about correcting him, but I still fear how he may turn out thinking it's okay to talk back and do what he wants regardless of the consequences.


My point is that I hate to see a child walk all over their parents. It's not doing the child any favors in the long run as they are going to have a problem with authority and have no respect for their elders.

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Holy shit. I just made a whole bunch of money while you all bitched about how jealous you are of poor people. Dirty effing poor people.


10% of "entitlement spending" or what was once called the social safety net goes to non-working poor. That's not 10% of your tax burden, that is 10% of welfare spending.


If you wanted to capture a picture of the "average" welfare receipient, you have a far better chance of seeing a disabled or elderly person's sad dirty face.


The top 1%of the population receives 23.9 percent of tax-expenditure benefits — more than eight times as much as the bottom fifth of the population, and nearly as much as the middle 60 percent of the population. Do you get what that says?


The US spends 50% more on corporate welfare than all of social welfare. You guys are directing your aggression at those who don't have the resources and influences that those who are really milking you have. Adjust your lens and take a look at who is stoking your rage.


"It used to be we waged war on poverty, not poor people"


You are correct and I don't see where anyone said that didn't need to be fixed also. This thread is about work ethic and society feeling entitled to things they may or may not have earned. Where is anyone waging war on poor people, more like the worthless people milking the system (poor and rich).


Plenty of people on welfare or government assistance deserve it and NEED it, it's the others abusing the system I have a problem with...


You're an idiot.


Here is a diagram of the net taker states. Those whose tax revenue was less than their federal subsidies:



Here is an electoral college distribution; conveniently red here also represents republican votes:



See any correlation?



Further, the notion that testing welfare receipients is some panacea curing "75%" of the problem is a joke. Here's what my neighbor state Florida found: It cost far more money than it saved


I agree that welfare needs to be reformed but let's start with the biggest piece of the pie.


...oh no, an internet tough guy that thinks he knows me because of a few internet posts...:lolguy:


I was poking fun at the Electoral College and the entire process...so yes, it's how Obama was reelected based on the popularity contest...electors equal to the number of members of Congress in which each state is entitled...



My advice? Pay slightly higher taxes and move to a zip-code where you don't have to interact with the insufferable poor.


It doesn't matter where you live, there will always be someone in that category.


Why not start another thread about the budget and provide your facts. That's where we can start with cuts...





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You are correct and I don't see where anyone said that didn't need to be fixed also. This thread is about work ethic and society feeling entitled to things they may or may not have earned. Where is anyone waging war on poor people, more like the worthless people milking the system (poor and rich).


Plenty of people on welfare or government assistance deserve it and NEED it, it's the others abusing the system I have a problem with...




...oh no, an internet tough guy that thinks he knows me because of a few internet posts...:lolguy:


I was poking fun at the Electoral College and the entire process...so yes, it's how Obama was reelected based on the popularity contest...electors equal to the number of members of Congress in which each state is entitled...





It doesn't matter where you live, there will always be someone in that category.


Why not start another thread about the budget and provide your facts. That's where we can start with cuts...






You missed the point on exactly every post. The only one specifically directed at you was the takers vs. makers infographic. I stand by my initial conclusion. That doesn't make me tough, it makes me observant.


Care to elaborate what "fun" you were "poking" at the electoral college system? You may not be aware that the of popular vote margin was almost 4%. I don't understand how the electoral college is relevant to what you quoted or your response. Enlighten me.


You cannot deny that this thread has been bemoaning the false reality that (and I quote) "leeches are the majority and the hard workers are the minority today." This is a statement you agreed with. I showed you that this is, in fact, not even close to true and that your statement blaming them on the election of Obama is equally false.


Again, there are problems with the system. There always have been. What I would be more concerned with is the growing income inequality gap and corresponding rise in corporate welfare. You all get so wicked pissed about less than 1% of your taxes going to some nobody to whom you should pay no mind.

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What happened to working hard for what you earn?


Could have something to do with people failing upwards or coworkers not pulling their weight for years and not getting in trouble. There are many other reasons I could think of. I didn't read any of the posts but yours because ain't nobody got time for dat.gif

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You missed the point on exactly every post. The only one specifically directed at you was the takers vs. makers infographic. I stand by my initial conclusion. That doesn't make me tough, it makes me observant.


Care to elaborate what "fun" you were "poking" at the electoral college system? You may not be aware that the of popular vote margin was almost 4%. I don't understand how the electoral college is relevant to what you quoted or your response. Enlighten me.


You cannot deny that this thread has been bemoaning the false reality that (and I quote) "leeches are the majority and the hard workers are the minority today." This is a statement you agreed with. I showed you that this is, in fact, not even close to true and that your statement blaming them on the election of Obama is equally false.


Again, there are problems with the system. There always have been. What I would be more concerned with is the growing income inequality gap and corresponding rise in corporate welfare. You all get so wicked pissed about less than 1% of your taxes going to some nobody to whom you should pay no mind.


Point is I don't really care. You made something out of a simple post on an online forum, trolling or not and concluded someone an idiot..lol.


I was going to have some fun with it but what's the point, I don't have the time and really could care less. I'll lose zero sleep over this.



Since you've got it all figured out, why don't you explain personally what YOU would do to fix the country and rising debt... :p

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Point is I don't really care. You made something out of a simple post on an online forum, trolling or not and concluded someone an idiot..lol.


I was going to have some fun with it but what's the point, I don't have the time and really could care less. I'll lose zero sleep over this.



Since you've got it all figured out, why don't you explain personally what YOU would do to fix the country and rising debt... :p


Get over it dude. I probably don't really think you're an idiot. Who cares even if I did?


I've posted what should happen in at least two other threads. A quick scan of my previous posts should bring it right up.

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You cannot deny that this thread has been bemoaning the false reality that (and I quote) "leeches are the majority and the hard workers are the minority today."QUOTE]


Doesn't this prove what has been said, this statement says nothing of someone's wealth or social status in my mind. It only reaffirms that those that are taking more from the system than they deserve " leaches" are the problem and the people busting their ass but getting nothing in return "hard workers" are getting screwed.

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Get over it dude. I probably don't really think you're an idiot. Who cares even if I did?


I've posted what should happen in at least two other threads. A quick scan of my previous posts should bring it right up.



That would take time I would rather spend elsewhere. Besides, it's not worth the trouble and won't change the countries status arguing one way or the other, valid or not. Off to work, $46M on food stamps to pay for...


No worries, I've got a life outside of the computer. I don't have time to worry about what others think of me online. ;)



Doesn't this prove what has been said, this statement says nothing of someone's wealth or social status in my mind. It only reaffirms that those that are taking more from the system than they deserve " leaches" are the problem and the people busting their ass but getting nothing in return "hard workers" are getting screwed.


That is a problem in all classes, it's not just the poor doing it was my point initially overlooked.

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I like you :)




That would take time I would rather spend elsewhere. Besides, it's not worth the trouble and won't change the countries status arguing one way or the other, valid or not. Off to work, $46M on food stamps to pay for...


No worries, I've got a life outside of the computer. I don't have time to worry about what others think of me online. ;)





That is a problem in all classes, it's not just the poor doing it was my point initially overlooked.

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