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Does the vehicle you drive reflect your personality?


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I am in no way completely agreeing with or disagreeing with what is said in this article. However, I did find it to be interesting enough to post here. According to the article I'm definitely in the Leno category, but I must admit that I see some truth to these characteristics when I think about my non-automotive friends.



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One of the most idiotic articles I've ever read. I think someone took a horoscope article and replaced "Libra" with "Sports car!" and "Gemini" with "Luxury car!" or some such bullshit.


The only thing that I think can be accurately asserted by what car you drive or buy is that anyone who buys a new Corolla is not the least bit exciting.

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Got a few sentences in, then quit. Pretty stupid. Someone has too much time on their hands and seems to me, over analyzes everything.


Hmm wonder what the HELLA flush kids would be considered?


You must have a knack for the Hellaflush crowd. Always finding a way to bring them up.

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Understand the luxury car man...


Great leaders, CEO's, supervisor types generally drive luxury cars. They are the ones that get things done or see that they get done. They are usually successful and value productivity.They like women who pamper themselves and their men and are also successful in a high end market.



If luxury car guy competes in sports or contests, he wants to win gold medal BIG. He thinks he deserves only the best things in life. Wine, women, and song is his motto. He wishes people would just get out of his way or bow down before him.


When luxury car guy gets mad he will most likely take it out on some lowly inanimate object or some underling standing too close. He has a very acute sense of exactly which button to push to do the most harm. He will need to be alone for a while to get over whatever slight he thinks was done to him.


Luxury car guy thinks most people are stupid and inept. They do have some good qualities though. They are: practicality, organization, directness, determination, dependable, good wage earners, goal oriented, and ambitious.



Some people think luxury car owners are very stubborn, rigid, distant, critical, and insensitive.


Luxury car guy's philosophy is, "Be all that you can be and make sure those around you are too!"


If your guy tends to favor luxury cars, showing him any sign of weakness can be the death of you. He will certainly use it against you some day! If his car is damaged in any way, he will trade it in.









THEY pegged me....

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So what are you reading women's magazine articles now? I agree with the horoscope comment above. I don't match but a couple traits for the sports car driver and am complete opposite on others. Not like a Camaro, and a Miata fit well into that catagory in my opinion anyway.


Since I'm sure this article was written for some women trying to understand men idea, it's obvious they will never get it.

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One of the most idiotic articles I've ever read. I think someone took a horoscope article and replaced "Libra" with "Sports car!" and "Gemini" with "Luxury car!" or some such bullshit.


The only thing that I think can be accurately asserted by what car you drive or buy is that anyone who buys a new Corolla is not the least bit exciting.

I was going to post "bullshit article", but you beat me to it.

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