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Mid-Ohio HPDE / Lapping Day Confirmed!


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Yasmin was out on 161 last night doing threshold braking drills :) in sandles :(


Shawn, where's the tech form to download? Not seeing it or not looking hard enough one of the two.


Nice! Its kinda buried. I asked Jason to make sure he includes the direct link in the schedule that he is very close to sending out!




There it is if you want to get a head start. Also unless something happens day of, I was successful in getting us into a 3 run group schedule! After talking to a lot of drivers and organizers we are going to go with 3 run groups with around 30 drivers per. We are going to have sessions from 8am - 11:30am then 12:30pm - 4:30pm and open track for the last 30 minutes.


Official schedule is always subject to change but thats a sneak peak until its released!




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nervous about what? the event?


Yeah.. not entirely sure why.


Probably just jitters due to it being a whole different level of risk/reward than what I've done in the past. I'm sure it won't be a big deal once I'm there. :)

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what happens if it rains? they are calling for rain right now for Monday. just wonder if there is a rain date, refund, or middle finger that we get?


All of our events are rain or shine. Most if not all HPDE events are rain or shine. The track won't let us reschedule or give us a refund.


Hopefully the weather clears up. I wouldn't worry about the weather report this far out. If it shows 100% chance of rain on Sunday then we should worry :).


Also while it isn't as much fun you learn a lot at an event when it rains. Its a different experience and a huge learning experience.

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I have heard that Mid Ohio will not let people out on the track if its raining, that is why i asked.


Also i will be up there sunday night for early check in. do i need to let anyone know that i will be doing that, or is it just a show up and go type thing?

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I have heard that Mid Ohio will not let people out on the track if its raining, that is why i asked.


Also i will be up there sunday night for early check in. do i need to let anyone know that i will be doing that, or is it just a show up and go type thing?


You can just show up between 6pm and 9pm. You don't have to let them know. I recommend early check in and tech if your able to make it during that time. It will make the morning of go smoothly.


I will be there during that time dropping off the car. If you rented a garage they should be open and accessible as well.

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I have heard that Mid Ohio will not let people out on the track if its raining, that is why i asked.





Q: What happens if it rains?

A: Typically events will continue even if it's raining or threatening rain. In certain instances races may be delayed, however it is very rare that an entire event is canceled due to inclement weather.

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Q: What happens if it rains?

A: Typically events will continue even if it's raining or threatening rain. In certain instances races may be delayed, however it is very rare that an entire event is canceled due to inclement weather.


Thank you for quoting AutoInterests response to the question. I had heard differently about MidOhio so please go EAD

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Thank you for quoting AutoInterests response to the question. I had heard differently about MidOhio so please go EAD


We are checking with Mid Ohio just to put this to rest and be 100% clear and certain. Easy everyone :)


Lets all hope it doesn't rain!

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The only time that Mid Ohio is going to stop people going on track is if the weather gets really rough and dangerous. I've personally driven there in snow (April track days are a crap shoot), fog, and rain without too much issue. Mid Ohio is pretty slick when wet, but it's also breezy up there and it usually dries very fast. Just dial things back and leave a little extra margin and you'll really enjoy yourself in the wet there.
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you will learn the rain line really quick or go very slowly otherwise if it rains.


Oh..and if it rains it's guaranteed you will have a streem of water running across the track between 2-3, more than likely exiting Keyhole right where you want to put power down AND in thunder valley.


Mid Ohio is notorious for not being the grippiest track, it's slick as snot in the rain on the racing line.


We ran in rain and snow in april...the track did get red flagged for a bit when the snow was heavy enough to cause visual issues but went back to green shortly after the snow stopped.

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We are checking with Mid Ohio just to put this to rest and be 100% clear and certain. Easy everyone :)


Lets all hope it doesn't rain!


I'm just giving jones a hard time ;)


I stand corrected about the midohio cancelling thing as per Chris' post. I can't wait to race there. I will need Andy to ride with me to show me this "Rain line"

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Mine are on the way...


I'm actually mildly nervous about this. Not sure why..


I'll be out there instructing in my WRB 04 STi. As far as I know we instructors are not assigned to drivers. So if you want a coach that is in a similar car as yours let me know.


So the oil has been changed and the Carbon fiber driveshaft is in. I just need the pads to show up and the rotors will be going on. Nothing like waiting till the last minute.

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