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Road Rage Marine - Camp Pendleton

Das Borgen

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Please defend the douchebag's kicking of the door countless times. I would like to hear more about how the driver of the truck did the wrong thing by remaining in his car with his disabled sister.


Dude overreacted, sure, but the whole situation could have been avoided if...



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"He cut them off and apparently he kept brake-checking them," said Lisa. "He would slam on his brakes abruptly. They hit into the back of him on the third time."


Show me where it says the guy in the truck was riding his tail.


You assume the guy in the truck was tailing him. I assume the nutcase in the car cut him off multiple times while brake checking him.

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Show me where it says the guy in the truck was riding his tail.


You assume the guy in the truck was tailing him. I assume the nutcase in the car cut him off multiple times while brake checking him.



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He's out of line, with other issues motivating his aggression. Was looking for an easy win to feel like a hard ass having a bad day. Fact is, once you get out of your car to agress, you're wrong. Marines are tought more self control than that. He chose not to represent well. We all have bad days. His was caught on camera.




This. [\thread]

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They should fire his ass and file charges against him. Embarrassing. Surely, he's going to claim PTSD. I'm not sure what's funnier. That tool hopping around screaming like a fucking idiot, or the fact that the driver of the truck sat completely still--ignoring him, which pissed him off even more
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I'm on the fence about this one. The marine was out of line getting out of the car. The driver of the car is not an innocent bystander and was likely an equal participant. No where does it say he was side swiped or marine reversed into him. He could have either made a turn or left enough room to be safe. You don't rear end someone if you leave enough room. Both were out of line and the driver of the car got called out on his shit.
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I don't give a shit what that guy did, the Marine is out of line and out of control and needs mental help.


He could have tailgated him for miles, the second you get out of your car and become a roadrage case you lose all rights in most states regardless who was in the wrong. Even if it was the trucks fault the insurance company is going to have a field day with this video.


It doesn't matter what uniform you wear, you NEVER act like that...unacceptable in any circumstance...

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Lol wow he is a special person, I would have a heyday in court with his ass and make sure to ruin the rest of his life. No need to act like that and to threaten someone on camera is just plain dumb. Whomever did what is negligible at this point and why was he screaming like a little girl when he was yelling lol. Just pathetic. I would have just ran his ass over and claim I felt threatened as his military training makes him a deadly weapon.
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I would have a heyday in court with his ass and make sure to ruin the rest of his life.




Yes he's at fault, but clearly he has issues. He needs help. Sure, he needs to be held responsible for his actions. To want someone's life ruined because they have a temper is a sad glimpse of what American life has become today. Sue happy. Take them for all they've got. It's a pathetic world we've created for ourselves.

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Yes he's at fault, but clearly he has issues. He needs help. Sure, he needs to be held responsible for his actions. To want someone's life ruined because they have a temper is a sad glimpse of what American life has become today. Sue happy. Take them for all they've got. It's a pathetic world we've created for ourselves.


Amen..best post of this thread

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I'm sure there is more to it than what just what the video shows. My guess is the marine cut off the guy in the truck and the truck rode his ass, and because of that the marine brake checked the truck a few times until it caused an accident. Sounds to me like it may have been road rage in both cases and video didn't roll until it put the people in the truck in a better looking position.
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Yes he's at fault, but clearly he has issues. He needs help. Sure, he needs to be held responsible for his actions. To want someone's life ruined because they have a temper is a sad glimpse of what American life has become today. Sue happy. Take them for all they've got. It's a pathetic world we've created for ourselves.


this guy goes a few notches past just having a temper though. I don't want his life ruined or him sued but he definitely comes off as someone with mental issues. Ask yourself what it would take to get you worked up into that much anger and rage. If the answer is someone was riding your ass in traffic then seek professional help before you look like the complete tool this guy is.

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People use excuses because they need to, because they are weak minded individuals.


True story a few years ago. I was driving to work on the left most 270 cruise was set to 75. I would come up on someone going slower than 75 and would tap my brakes just to disengage cruise. I would not creep closer but would stay 2-3 car lengths behind. Everyone but one driver got the hint and moved over a lane so I could pass. This is the correct thing to do since passing on the right is illegal in ohio. 3 exits before I had to get off 270 I get behind a white dodge ram truck with a big marines sticker in the back cab window and also a marines bumper sticker. He must of thought I was way too close because he brake checks me hard. I had to go off of 270 on the left so I didn't hit him. I didn't let it get to me so I put on my turn signal to go right. I wanted to avoid him all together and get in the right most lane. He wouldn't let me. He blocks me behind him, changes lanes with no turn signal, stays in between lanes, and brake checks me. I was inches away from his bumper and he noticed and floored his car just to repeat this 3 times.


I thought Marines were supposed to be strong individuals? Ironically we both got off 270 at the same exit and he wouldn't let me in front of him. Lucky for him it was almost time for me to get to work. He went to tuttle mall and I went another direction. If I wasn't late I would of waited for him to get out of his car and slash all 4 of his tires. That is the wrong thing to do but people like him do not deserve to be on the road. He is going to hurt someone, himself, or both.

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