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Spring Flowers- General thread


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  • 3 weeks later...

Alright, so a week or two ago, i went to straders.. with the macro lens.. spent a little too much time.. forgive the amoutn of fun i am about to post. :D


Most of these flowers are about the plans are a quarter or smaller..

Some are not.. like pansies and the Red Spikey flower



untitled-177.jpg by Lucky Lola Studios, on Flickr



untitled-183.jpg by Lucky Lola Studios, on Flickr


Bleeding Hearts


untitled-189.jpg by Lucky Lola Studios, on Flickr


Magnolia.. or some other tropical.. dont recall


untitled-219.jpg by Lucky Lola Studios, on Flickr



I honestly dont recall... some ground cover stuff


untitled-229.jpg by Lucky Lola Studios, on Flickr



untitled-230.jpg by Lucky Lola Studios, on Flickr



untitled-236.jpg by Lucky Lola Studios, on Flickr

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A couple from my flower bed. funny thing is we didn't plant these. Last year I took out what I thought was all the old flowers. And placed new ones in certain spots. These randomly popped up.





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Alright, so a week or two ago, i went to straders.. with the macro lens.. spent a little too much time.. forgive the amoutn of fun i am about to post. :D


My fav is #230. Which Macro do you use? It is on my short(er) list but haven't decided. I had the Sigma 150/2.8 in the past and it was great so leaning that way again,


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Very pretty. This thread inspired me to go out and photograph an Easter Lilly that I've had growing on the edge of the woods on my property which comes up annually, but the last couple of cold days messed that up. It was a very nice looking one when I walked my daughter over to see it last weekend.
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  • 2 weeks later...

While watching my little girls play outside I decided to mess around with my macro focus rings a bit on my 50 1.8.


I give you, Dandelions.







I never looked that closely at these flowers, the seeds are really cool. As for macro photography, I've never really done much with it since most of my gear is for astrophotography, weddings, and landscapes. I found composition could easily be a tricky thing to accomplish due to the fine angles involved.

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