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On Today's episode of Redneck Garage

Das Borgen

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el oh el. I saw it before removed. Kid has a car on jack stands in his parents garage. Entire front end of car is missing and the engine is on the engine hoist positioned into the engine bay. Upon trying to start the engine the entire engine bursts into flames. I assume he spilled gasoline all over it or something. Then as hes trying to extinguish the engine flames he knocks over a gas can which was sitting near the wind screen, causing the whole front end of the car and ground to be aflame. He eventually puts it out with a garden hose.


Edit, found one that is still up:



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LOL saw this yesterday. No idea why he'd constantly try to start it when it had sparked once, then when it was lit on fire he STILL tried to start it


On old carb'd motors, if there is a fire *in only the carb* you can crank it to put it out. Idk what this guy was thinking.

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On old carb'd motors, if there is a fire *in only the carb* you can crank it to put it out. Idk what this guy was thinking.


Lol, it only got worse when he tried to put it out, still not sure why he tried blowing out the fire first...lol

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guy in video explains what happens and photos of his burns




Well my supervisor at work specifically told me that if the carburetor ever caught on fire, just kill fuel and the spark and to keep on cranking so the fire would get ducked back into the motor so that's what I did and it didn't work. (The fuel pump) was still going momentarily because I was freaking out and I accidentally hit the switch and when I realized it was going I immediately turned it off and tried cranking it again and that's when the starter locked up on me




I can't say I haven't ever caught something on fire while working on a car....thankfully, it's been minute and easy to put out

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Damn I didnt know it was that bad when i watched the video last night, thought it was dumb to spray a hose in the carb, but didnt know he lit himself on fire with gas like he did.


Kudos to him for trying to do the work on his car himself though.

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