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question about my son's weight...


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He's already sorta gotten in trouble about the beer thing already. They had a pretend field trip to yellowstone park in one of his classes and they had to make a list of stuff to take on the trip.....he listed beer and a smoker. The teacher kinda crawled his ass over it but I don't think she realized he was talking about a BBQ smoker. :D He did that because every trip we go on I normally take the smoker and a cooler of beer. :D


Just give him a knife to take to school. Problem solved

that'll make him famous......he'll be all over the news.

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Again.....probably not the right answer but I really believe that you have to kick a few peoples ass in life. It's not how many you beat up but who you beat up at that age. You kick the right person's ass and everyone else will leave you alone. :D


This isn't prison :lol: I think its the reason you fight, not who you fight. My son got suspended for beating up a kid that was bullying an autistic kid. When the principal called to tell us they had to suspend him it was soon followed by them saying they were proud of him. He got to kick some ass so people are scared of him... and the teachers love him even more for it. Win ;)

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Thanks for all the advice guys.....it's appreciated. I didn't really see much harm in getting him a 10lb weight to do curls with....it was more the muscle milk kinda stuff that I know nothing about. He just has a high metabolism and he started off in the hole....he was premature by a month so he's always been small. He's tall though and will be 6'+ for sure. He's a pretty active kid so sitting around doing nothing really doesn't happen. We have a Wii and he has a DS but rarely plays either. He'd rather be playing drums, riding the 4 wheeler, or hiking in the woods behind us. I'm pretty sure he'll be fine but I'm sure you guys can remember what those early years were like.....lots of peer pressure to look a certain way or act a certain way. I just don't want him to be someone's punching bag. I don't think he will because when pushed enough he does know how to hit and he knows where to hit. Again.....probably not the right answer but I really believe that you have to kick a few peoples ass in life. It's not how many you beat up but who you beat up at that age. You kick the right person's ass and everyone else will leave you alone. :D


I was underweight when I was born (though I was 2.5 weeks late) and by 6th grade I was 6' and weighed nothing. When I left high school I was 6'3" 200. Just make sure that he knows the only reason kids pick on his skinnyness is because they can't think of anything to make fun of him where he's not better than them.

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Speaking as someone who had the nickname "Big Bird" in high school...

- Don't freak... in twenty years, he's gonna wish he still had half the metabolism he does now.

- Martial arts rock. Besides the whole confidence/self-defense against bullies thing, there's nothing worse than being 6" tall your freshman year and having the coordination of a drunk fruit bat. MAs will help tremendously with that.

- Find some fun sports that he's got some talent in. I *HATED* baseball with a passion (I was one of the best fielders on the team, but couldn't hit for shit), and soccer+football sucked (I grew so fast my ankles couldn't take the pounding), but swimming... ahh... graduated with five school records :D

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What is his diet? To gain weight calories in > calories burned.


he eats pretty decent really. He's not a hog or anything but he eats what I would consider a decent amount of food. We went to Texas roadhouse last night and he ate steak bites, 2 rolls, cheese/bacon fries ( good as hell :D ), french fries, and 2 glasses of sweet tea. To me that's a fairly decent amount of food. He does burn a lot of calories too though. I think we're not gonna worry about it too much right now. I'll bring it up with the doctor and we'll worry about it later if it becomes a problem. I was skinny too when I was real young like that.....I plumped up though ~5-6th grade. After that I haven't had to worry about being too skinny. Exactly the opposite.

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If he's eating normally you just have to ask if he poops normally, not that he'll probably tell you. Otherwise, I wouldn't worry about it. Like many people said, a lot of kids are skinny, others lean out as they get older. You could get him involved in activities if you want him to build muscle.


If he has a digestive or intestinal disorder that is causing malabsorption of nutrients, then he could be eating a lot and not getting the calories. This would probably show up as diarrhea or IBS-like symptoms.

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he eats pretty decent really. He's not a hog or anything but he eats what I would consider a decent amount of food. We went to Texas roadhouse last night and he ate steak bites, 2 rolls, cheese/bacon fries ( good as hell :D ), french fries, and 2 glasses of sweet tea. To me that's a fairly decent amount of food. He does burn a lot of calories too though. I think we're not gonna worry about it too much right now. I'll bring it up with the doctor and we'll worry about it later if it becomes a problem. I was skinny too when I was real young like that.....I plumped up though ~5-6th grade. After that I haven't had to worry about being too skinny. Exactly the opposite.


when I was 9-13 I ate as much as 3 grown men, and I was pretty light.

he may need to consume 7000 calories during this phase.

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I would suggest asking this to his Doctor.






This ^


When I graduated high school I was 6-2 140# and the doctors basically said I was too active to "put on weight" but eventually it would catch up to me. Now i'm nearly 40, 270#.... Damn metabolism......

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