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Things that cost $$$ but bring no extra joy...


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New Furnace and new AC unit but they actually give me enjoyment. Heat and AC is a must. Insurance is a big one but then again I have used it a few times for some costly repairs. My insurance right now is being used. While being away from my house the last few months I came home to a broken ice maker line to the fridge. These things can sneak up on you . I checked on my house every week and all it took was one of those weeks to do the damage. My hardwood flooring is needing to be replaced in a few areas now. Time to put that insurance to work.
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1. the late fee I pay every year to renew my tags


2. batteries... I think batteries are expensive too.


3. thyroid medication.... kills me ever month to pay the 27.00


4. Water, Sewer, trash bill


5. Haircuts


6. lapdances (because such short lived)... notice I did not say "champaign room".


7. Toll Booths


8. Valet-or-any parking when in a big city because you have no other choice.


9. any sort of late fees (especially back in the day@ blockbuster)


10. Hairspray... I use expensive hairspray... so it hurts.


11. tax stamp on NFA items... such a pain in the ass... but. actually.. . i guess worth it...

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for some reason i agreed to add onto our house, and add tons of shit, gut the kitchen, etc.. not really going to benefit me directly, and is literally going to cost the price we originally paid for the house.


You're rich, so you can do things like that lol.

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Some of these are funny as hell. The sock incident especially. I think everyone has spent way too much time trying to find a match when you have 13 singles floating loose in the drawer. Who knew the solution was to just buy an assload of all the same socks. You buy 30 pairs at wally world & for $18 you solve a major life issue.
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Yeah, houses and the "no joy" spending you speak of are annoying. We're planning to be out of ours and back to condo living soon. Would much rather be spending money on enjoyable things and saving it.
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Many of the things that cost $$ and bring no joy are associated with owning a home. Fuck, I hate spending money on shit that's no fun.


Today's purchase, $575 on a Honda Mower Hoorah...now I can mow my yard still..... :jerkit: Yeah, it's nice for a mower, but yard work still sucks.


Driveway - putting it off but will likely do next year.


What are some of yours?

if only my mower was 500 bucks.... I have a large property and riding mowers and "home use" zero turns just get eaten up by my lawn in a season.... so this year I had enough and dumped 7k into a commercial Zero Turn... it is fast, full independent suspension, etc... but fuck me, it was expensive!

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Ungrateful children who get nice toys only to bitch about their cousins who have more.


And the 40% of this country that is unwilling to work that we are all paying for.


75% of the 51% people who don't pay federal income tax are the elderly and working poor with children. Jealous?


The 40% of people that are "unwilling to work" includes children, stay at home moms, college students, the unemployed (searching for work), the chronically disabled and of course, the moochers.


Your implication that all of the above are moochers is just dumb.

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