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Let us talk about gutters

Trouble Maker

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I need to redo my front fascia and am using it as an opportunity to do a new gutter. I would really like to go with a half round gutter. But I would also like to do this myself and have 1 seamless 26' long gutter. This means it would probably need done on site as there is not a good way I can think of to transport a gutter that long.


Does anyone know or have an idea of who does or even specializes in this kind of work. I would think the hangers would need to be designed for that particular gutter so I would need to purchase these from whoever makes the gutter also.


I'm just worried that anyone who does this kind of work does not normally sell these items to someone, they want to make money off of the install too.

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Jesse, I'd be interested in sharing the cost of doing gutters as I need to do mine as well. I've got a 60's UA split-level ranch, and my painter buddy said having someone do new gutters would likely run $700-$1000, just to give you an idea how much it costs (just spoke to him at church this morning, as a matter of fact...)
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Clay, I'm happy to share my experience/cost once I'm done but I'm not sure how well it will reflect your situation as I'm doing the work.


So far I will probably just do the one in the front. I have to replace the (rotting) fascia so I will have to take the gutter off and put it back on so I might as well replace the aging gutter while I'm at it.

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You may have an issue finding a company that will come roll a gutter for you, then just leave it for you to install. They would probably lose money to just come out and do that.
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You may have an issue finding a company that will come roll a gutter for you, then just leave it for you to install.


That was my concern.


They would probably lose money to just come out and do that.


So, are they normally losing money on that and making it back on the install? Of course I will pay for the cost for them to come out; unless someone can think of a better idea i.e. how to get it from a shop to here.


I've found 1 place online that rolls and ships 26' gutters, but the box is as much as the gutter. While it can hold 4-6 gutters I'm only doing 1 right now. I'm guessing the shipping will be even more. I'm just guessing the cost of somewhere locally, for them to come and do it, will be less. But maybe not.




I also found this place locally, that says they are DIY friendly.



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There is this Amish company that does them. They come out with the aluminum and everything and roll it on spot. I can get you their number if you're interested, and it'll be a HELL of a lot cheaper than 700~800 dollars.
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