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Ohio company raising money for gun for Zimmerman


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It's been a while since I've put my 2 cents into this and I know nobody cares about another assholes opinion, but this is the internet so I'm going for it.


George Zimmerman overreacted in two major ways that night. Listening to his 911 call, you can get a pretty clear picture of his perception of the threat -- some guy, messed up or on drugs or something, walking all suspiciously, reaching for his waistband (gun? weapon?), there's been a bunch of burglaries in the area, and the assholes always get away. His picture of events is that there was a guy, very likely a criminal, very likely on drugs, very possibly armed. Reality was that there was a kid, possibly high on weed, walking home from the store to the place he was staying. If you can't admit this is an overreaction, quit reading because we have nothing to talk about.


Overreaction 2 is evident when he describes his beating to the cops. It felt like his head was going to explode, he thought he was going to pass out, Martin was reaching for his gun and said "you're gonna die tonight motherfucker." It all sounds very dire, but the reality is that he was screaming like a pansy for like 90 seconds and Martin did some pretty minor damage in that time. At no point was he in danger of being suffocated (because it takes minutes to suffocate someone, and there was constant screaming), and while I certainly wouldn't want the head gashes he had, everyone who commented on them in the trial dismissed them as inconsequential injuries. Bottom line, he was getting a pretty pathetic beating, and yet somehow was still unable to scramble away. If you don't agree that he overreacted to his beating, move along, because we have nothing to talk about.


Now, before anyone hits reply, I understand that we have a legal system that intentionally picks these sorts of situations apart to see if a crime was committed. Zimmerman had every right to assume the worst about Martin and call the cops. He had every right to get out of his car and follow him. Even if Zimmerman started the fight, which there's not much evidence for, in Florida that doesn't preclude claiming self-defense. Also in Florida, per some case law I saw cited on another forum, the injuries he received are sufficient for a claim of self-defense. In other words, he had every legal right to overreact. If you dissect the night in question like that, there's no legal case, and it's pretty clear that the prosecution was politically motivated.


We should all humbly respect our legal system as the best of a bunch of imperfect systems. However, while we should all be glad that the system works as well as it does, I don't think we should be rejoicing that justice was somehow served.


By that I mean that Zimmerman overreacted, and when people overreact when they're armed, people can die. That's a bad thing, and if you don't agree with that then I'm surprised you made it this far because we have nothing to talk about. There's no crime that we can charge people like this with, people who happen to overreact while armed with a gun, nor do I think there should be such a law. This is just one of those situations where society can't get justice, because getting justice means breaking the system that we've put so much faith in.


But I do think that we can use this as a learning opportunity. I hope that the takeaway from this case isn't that we can make mistakes and shoot our way out of a bad situation, even though legally that's entirely true. Rather, the takeaway should be ways to avoid making those mistakes in the first place. That should be the focus. Certainly raising money to donate a gun to this guy shouldn't be.
































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Overreaction 2 is evident when he describes his beating to the cops. It felt like his head was going to explode, he thought he was going to pass out, Martin was reaching for his gun and said "you're gonna die tonight motherfucker." It all sounds very dire, but the reality is that he was screaming like a pansy for like 90 seconds and Martin did some pretty minor damage in that time. At no point was he in danger of being suffocated (because it takes minutes to suffocate someone, and there was constant screaming), and while I certainly wouldn't want the head gashes he had, everyone who commented on them in the trial dismissed them as inconsequential injuries. Bottom line, he was getting a pretty pathetic beating, and yet somehow was still unable to scramble away. If you don't agree that he overreacted to his beating, move along, because we have nothing to talk about.


I think I get the gist of what you're post in its entirety is saying, but some tings in this paragraph seem off.


You're assuming. Until you're on the ground under a (alleged) trained fighter of ANY size you don't really have the understanding of how hard it can be to overtake them. IF (now I'm assuming) Trayvon was a trained fighter like his social media and reports said and IF he was in full mount raining down strikes, Zimmerman was likely laying on his back getting pummeled.


Also, I can't speak on suffocating, but chokes that cut off the air supply leave some 30 seconds before losing consciousness. Corrated chokes is 3-6 seconds IIRC. I wouldn't want to lie on my back getting punched and choked to find out. I also wouldn't confront anyone in that way either though.


Nobody else was there though so all we have to go on is what we know. Not saying GZ was right at all. Just my thoughts on that paragraph.

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I think I get the gist of what you're post in its entirety is saying, but some tings in this paragraph seem off.


You're assuming. Until you're on the ground under a (alleged) trained fighter of ANY size you don't really have the understanding of how hard it can be to overtake them. IF (now I'm assuming) Trayvon was a trained fighter like his social media and reports said and IF he was in full mount raining down strikes, Zimmerman was likely laying on his back getting pummeled.


Also, I can't speak on suffocating, but chokes that cut off the air supply leave some 30 seconds before losing consciousness. Corrated chokes is 3-6 seconds IIRC. I wouldn't want to lie on my back getting punched and choked to find out. I also wouldn't confront anyone in that way either though.


Nobody else was there though so all we have to go on is what we know. Not saying GZ was right at all. Just my thoughts on that paragraph.


There's something like 75 seconds of screaming on the 911 call, and by Zimmerman's account the fight lasted for at least 2 minutes, during most of which he was pinned on the ground screaming. Now, if Martin was a "trained fighter" and he had Zimmerman pinned on the ground "raining down MMA style blows" for a full 2 minutes, don't you think he'd be in worse shape than he was? Have you ever watched MMA?


Listen to the 911 call, do you hear 30 seconds of silence during which Zimmerman was maybe being smothered? (Not choked, even Zimmerman said that Martin's hands were over his mouth and nose, not around his neck. Choking cuts off the blood supply to the brain, which is much more immediate than cutting off the air supply through the mouth and nose.) Do you hear even 6 seconds of silence? He was screaming constantly, he had no problem getting air into his lungs. He said Martin was covering his mouth and telling him to "shut the fuck," which makes sense because he was hollering like a girl. I'm pretty sure every little brother on the planet has been in similar fights. It was a scrap.


Furthermore, immediately after firing the shot, he was able to wriggle out from under Martin and "hold his arms out to the side," which he demonstrated on the recreation video. He had the presence of mind to subdue his attacker. He communicated clearly with the first neighbor who showed up. The cops showed up about a minute after the shot and he was able to calmly comply with their commands.


In other words, he somehow went from "my head was about to explode and I thought I was going to pass out from the smothering" to pretty much just fine in about the click of a trigger. Listen to the interview he did with Det. Serino a few days afterwords, the detective points all of this out to Zimmerman, who has no explanation for the discrepancy between his own memory and the evidence on the 911 calls and police statements. I've no doubt that Zimmerman was scared, and I've no doubt that he believes his own bullshit about being on the brink of death, but that's my point -- he wasn't, he overreacted.

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There's something like 75 seconds of screaming on the 911 call, and by Zimmerman's account the fight lasted for at least 2 minutes, during most of which he was pinned on the ground screaming. Now, if Martin was a "trained fighter" and he had Zimmerman pinned on the ground "raining down MMA style blows" for a full 2 minutes, don't you think he'd be in worse shape than he was? Have you ever watched MMA?


Silly question.


Anywho, I didn't say he was laying there trying to make out. I'm sure GZ was fighting for (what he thought was) his life. He wasn't a potato.


Listen to the 911 call, do you hear 30 seconds of silence during which Zimmerman was maybe being smothered? (Not choked, even Zimmerman said that Martin's hands were over his mouth and nose, not around his neck. Choking cuts off the blood supply to the brain, which is much more immediate than cutting off the air supply through the mouth and nose.) Do you hear even 6 seconds of silence? He was screaming constantly, he had no problem getting air into his lungs. He said Martin was covering his mouth and telling him to "shut the fuck," which makes sense because he was hollering like a girl. I'm pretty sure every little brother on the planet has been in similar fights. It was a scrap.


Furthermore, immediately after firing the shot, he was able to wriggle out from under Martin and "hold his arms out to the side," which he demonstrated on the recreation video. He had the presence of mind to subdue his attacker. He communicated clearly with the first neighbor who showed up. The cops showed up about a minute after the shot and he was able to calmly comply with their commands.


In other words, he somehow went from "my head was about to explode and I thought I was going to pass out from the smothering" to pretty much just fine in about the click of a trigger. Listen to the interview he did with Det. Serino a few days afterwords, the detective points all of this out to Zimmerman, who has no explanation for the discrepancy between his own memory and the evidence on the 911 calls and police statements. I've no doubt that Zimmerman was scared, and I've no doubt that he believes his own bullshit about being on the brink of death, but that's my point -- he wasn't, he overreacted.


Adrenaline? Panic? I'd think it'd be hard to remember 100% of the facts as well. And to say he wasn't without being there is still hearsay. I'm not disagreeing or even taking sides gerg, I'm simply saying that we can't make assumptions. Not saying either party started it. Not saying GZ was or was not about to die, did or did not do the right thing, or any of that. As stated by Sledhead, that part has been handled.


Oh well. Didn't come here to argue. I just want to be held. Is that too much to ask?

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Wasn't there a significant distance between the body and where the scuffle occurred, how was that explained away?


Considering where he holstered his weapon (on his butt) was it determined how he got it out while being straddled on his back?


I think the most poignant act of self preservation may have been the story he effectively sold after the incident to allay blame.


I've never heard of an explanation for your first questions but forensic investigators did say that the position of Martin's body and bullet path/entrance/exit wounds (assuming there was an exit wound) were consistent with Zimmerman's story that Martin was on top of him when he fired his weapon.


That being said, $12,000 is ALLOT of money to purchase a firearm. Might be wiser to donate it to his defense fund should a civil or federal suit be filed against him.


The feds have it while considering civil charges


I don't think the federal government can file civil charges, or any government agency for that matter.

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Got a notice in the Mail our HOA is being transferred to us (the home owners) and away from MI Homes. The form had a box to checkmark if I was interested in being a block watch captain. Left that shit blank, I did.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2

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Got a notice in the Mail our HOA is being transferred to us (the home owners) and away from MI Homes. The form had a box to checkmark if I was interested in being a block watch captain. Left that shit blank, I did.


get a black or hispanic nieghbor to do it.

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Do you really have all the information on what happened? Our TV media is telling you what they want you to know, do not be a sheep....




BOOM, saw that video a few days ago (awesome). how can the libs deny these facts? FUCKING FACTS!!!

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