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Kissed the wall at Mid-O


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I saw a white c6 hit that same wall once several years ago, with a shower of fiberglass.


i would say that the overly early turn-in, is what did you in for going off like that, but we've all been there, thats really how you learn... (meaning in that in the event of something happening, the car is going where the nose is pointed, in this case, with a super early apex, its off the back side of the track)


That said, you were looking really good up to that point!

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There's the damage, it's really not too bad considering. New fender and headlight and I'll call it good. Impact was probably 15mph or so.


Not Brian is right, one of my front brake pads exited the vehicle. You can hear the clunk as my foot goes to the floor, not sure what the wobbling sound is but with only 3 pads in the front I'm not sure what it's supposed to sound like :)


I was an idiot for driving on pads that probably should have been replaced, and also for not bringing a spare set. A huge idiot. I'm really lucky that it turned out as well as it did.


That early apex is how I typically do the chicane, I find it's faster to carry the speed through there than track left for the keyhole entry.

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I saw a white c6 hit that same wall once several years ago, with a shower of fiberglass.


i would say that the overly early turn-in, is what did you in for going off like that, but we've all been there, thats really how you learn... (meaning in that in the event of something happening, the car is going where the nose is pointed, in this case, with a super early apex, its off the back side of the track)


That said, you were looking really good up to that point!


Juicey, Greg's one of the better road course drivers on this website. If he says it was mechanical it probably was. Just an fyi - not being a dick <3


Glad you/the car are ok Greg.

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Line was spot on. Hell I usually clip the inside curb on entry to Keyhole when running pro course.


Mechanical failures are a bitch. Sorry to see that happen and it esp sucks when it possibly could have been avoided. Can't say I've been in the same boat though. I've come home from the track with cracked rotors (as has Smokey) trying to squeeze a little more time out of them than we should have.


My buddy in a white C6Z hit in about the same spot a couple weeks ago when his power steering pump exploded and dumped fluid on his drivers side tires on entry. No fun at all.

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Juicey, Greg's one of the better road course drivers on this website. If he says it was mechanical it probably was. Just an fyi - not being a dick <3


Glad you/the car are ok Greg.


Yea, I'm not saying he was 'wrong' about what went wrong, just saying that when you early apex when 'something' does go 'wrong' it will mean going off the back side of the track 9 times out of 10... Point being, even on the right line, how you set the car up, you have to know what can happen... that's all. He seems to know full well what he is doing :)

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