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Why is it the poorest people....


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Well I'm going to stand up for the buster. I don't think he did anything wrong, he just wanted a ballpark number out of curiosity. Perhaps all of you know what the going rate of a car like that is, but I sure don't.


The "if you have to ask, you can't afford it" saying is a bunch of bullshit too. Pretty sure that anything any of us here own, we knew or asked for the price. Bunch of pretentious twats...this thread is ridiculous.




I'm sure I can afford it, but yet I don't know what the going cost is because I've never asked, never shopped for , or never researched said item.


I too think he did nothing wrong.

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If your honestly curious, feel free to look through my post history. Now I'm going to back to not giving a fuck, feel free to go back to hating life and everything in general.


All I see is a bunch of cock gobbling and your brothers woman gettin wallered out. But idk. I contribute by going to every drag day since the name of this website is Columbus RACING brah. Sup

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...always want to know what shit costs?




Show some fucking class, that is rude. You can't even afford a decent car, and you have made that well known. It's about as stupid as trying to negotiate price in a for sale thread.




I know that starting this thread is short on being classy as well, but fuck it.




Low class calling out the low class? hmmm....?

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All I see is a bunch of cock gobbling and your brothers woman gettin wallered out. But idk. I contribute by going to every drag day since the name of this website is Columbus RACING brah. Sup


My brothers ex is his problem. I do post car related things, I try to make it out to doc's in the winter, sawmill in the summer, and recently tried to set up a golf outing. So I do contribute some. As far as track days go, I have nothing fast at the moment so I have not made it out yet, but rest assured, as soon as my car is built I will be at as many track days as I can make it to. Maybe someday I can drag you down the track. :)

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If your honestly curious, feel free to look through my post history. Now I'm going to back to not giving a fuck, feel free to go back to hating life and everything in general.


Oh you give a fuck! As far as me hating life you might be right. Its hard being away from my 5 month old lil boy making 3k a week in the cold but beautiful North Dakota and while you go back to acting like you're somebody people give a fuck about ill be out winterizing my ill ass new camper.

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I guess since I'm half of this thread I may as well chime in. I do think the question was a little rude. Worth my time to deal with? No. In my experience when you ignore someone who is rude they just go away. That being said, the part I think was rude was it was his first and only post in they thread. There is a difference between having a conversation with someone and then once you've established respect and interest, then you politely ask. As opposed to the guy who butts into the conversation and asks straight up.


As for whether I would divulge my price to a stranger? No. My parents raised me old school and money, politics and religion are not the things of polite conversation with people I don't know. I've also learned on this board to be reserved with some details (especially ones I don't think matter to the thread). I've seen too many people get their shit jumped because someone takes offense at some inconsequential detail.


If someone wants to approach me as a friend or at least interested yet respectful person I will probably tell them exactly what I paid. After about a year of searching Racing Junk I bought the car for a little below the average price and got the rest of the equipment free. Chad fully admitted his asking price was about what they had invested in the motor alone. The fact I didn't need to travel to get the car was a huge bonus.


Oh, and I've got nothing against the buster.

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Oh you give a fuck! As far as me hating life you might be right. Its hard being away from my 5 month old lil boy making 3k a week in the cold but beautiful North Dakota and while you go back to acting like you're somebody people give a fuck about ill be out winterizing my ill ass new camper.


I'd much rather be at home with my son every night rather than across the country, no matter how much I could make.


Me too. Just like I've been saying for the past 12 years.


I'm about to drop the motor in the bay this weekend and start fabbing mounts. I still need some parts, but I'm hoping to have it done next spring.


This is likely my last post in this thread, I can see where this is going.

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I guess since I'm half of this thread I may as well chime in. I do think the question was a little rude. Worth my time to deal with? No. In my experience when you ignore someone who is rude they just go away. That being said, the part I think was rude was it was his first and only post in they thread. There is a difference between having a conversation with someone and then once you've established respect and interest, then you politely ask. As opposed to the guy who butts into the conversation and asks straight up.


As for whether I would divulge my price to a stranger? No. My parents raised me old school and money, politics and religion are not the things of polite conversation with people I don't know. I've also learned on this board to be reserved with some details (especially ones I don't think matter to the thread). I've seen too many people get their shit jumped because someone takes offense at some inconsequential detail.


If someone wants to approach me as a friend or at least interested yet respectful person I will probably tell them exactly what I paid. After about a year of searching Racing Junk I bought the car for a little below the average price and got the rest of the equipment free. Chad fully admitted his asking price was about what they had invested in the motor alone. The fact I didn't need to travel to get the car was a huge bonus.


Oh, and I've got nothing against the buster.


and knowing you I was sure that was pretty much how you felt. I didn't feel the need to clutter your thread with this bullshit. I did feel like voicing my opinion and thats what I did.

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Oh you give a fuck! As far as me hating life you might be right. Its hard being away from my 5 month old lil boy making 3k a week in the cold but beautiful North Dakota and while you go back to acting like you're somebody people give a fuck about ill be out winterizing my ill ass new camper.


Double post, see below.


I feel you there but with the wife and family around Im willing to sacrifice, for now.

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My brothers ex is his problem. I do post car related things, I try to make it out to doc's in the winter, sawmill in the summer, and recently tried to set up a golf outing. So I do contribute some. As far as track days go, I have nothing fast at the moment so I have not made it out yet, but rest assured, as soon as my car is built I will be at as many track days as I can make it to. Maybe someday I can drag you down the track. :)


I'd much rather be at home with my son every night rather than across the country, no matter how much I could make.




I'm about to drop the motor in the bay this weekend and start fabbing mounts. I still need some parts, but I'm hoping to have it done next spring.


This is likely my last post in this thread, I can see where this is going.


If you're on the defensive side, you're probably losing the discussion. Just my two cents.


Kind of annoying when people ask how much something costs.


Rich people problems. :fuckyeah:

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I'm tired of hearing comments with "rich people" term attached; it's like having money is a crime or at least shameful.


Welcome to the new America, where we attack those who bust their ass and think companies that try to make money are evil.

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I'm tired of hearing comments with "rich people" term attached; it's like having money is a crime or at least shameful.


There's a storm coming, POS

You and your friends better batten

down the hatches, because when it

hits you're all gonna wonder how

you ever thought you could live so

large and leave so little to the

rest of us.

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