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Why is it the poorest people....


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its not always what you make... its about what you have "outgoing" that helps you decide what you can afford. Look in the neighborhoods that have 400-600K homes, a lot of their driveways are peppered with Hondas and Toyotas. Because, they choose to spend a larger amount on their home. Unless you are sledhead, which apparently that dude can probably afford a 1-2M home and a bevy of lambos.


As a hypothetical example:

If I were to clear 11,000 a month myself after taxes and my bills/debt is 2200.00 (my wife and I split everything 50/50) I'm "sitting pretty" and can afford to buy almost any car I want and still make the payments with money leftover. I am 30 years old with no kids and very little "foolish" debt.


Transversely, If I (hypothetically) cleared 15,000 per month after taxes but had 13,000 outgoing then I would have to buy a more practical (payment) car.


But alas, I am a cheapskate and got to the point of almost purchasing a used GTR and couldn't stomach the 1K/month payment (after putting 10K down) so I turned the deal down. In all reality, I could buy a Gallardo, I just couldn't live with myself for doing it. and my wife would be PISSSED.... because I didn't get her one (J/K).


Edit - I mean to offend no one by this, just an example

Edited by Diamonds
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In light of things you shouldn't be asking about the price...




Fifth Third Bank has offices on the 16th floor of the building (www.142west57street.com) across the street from the monster listed above. I worked out of it when I needed to be out talking to clients. I was told by one of the real estate brokers that, when 215 was still being built, the penthouse sold for almost $100 Million dollars...then another large unit sold for around the same amount of money. Plenty of interest, too for the other higher units...


That's almost $100 MILLION DOLLHAIRS for a condo.


...and there are 2 of them. In one building.

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I find it way more annoying when someone talks about what they make and can afford, compared to someone asking what something costs. ^^^




People who bring up how much money they make usually don't make that much money, or they are just complete fucking tools.

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As for whether I would divulge my price to a stranger? No. My parents raised me old school and money, politics and religion are not the things of polite conversation with people I don't know. I've also learned on this board to be reserved with some details (especially ones I don't think matter to the thread). I've seen too many people get their shit jumped because someone takes offense at some inconsequential detail.

True class right there. Honestly.

/thread over

Welcome to the new America, where we attack those who bust their ass and think companies that try to make money are evil.

/america over

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I won't disagree that the way he put it is in poor taste. But that has little to do with the subject matter, it's just how he comes off regardless of what he's talking about, on CR at least. Maybe I have a little different take on things. I have a theory that some people that are bad with money because no one will talk about it due to our puritan roots. I respect if someone doesn't want to talk about it, that's their prerogative. Though, I think if we talked about it more as a society we would be better off.
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So true.





Got that 06 range rover last week!

Shopping at Nordstrom thanks to American Express!

Copped that limited edition G-Shock for his birthday, lookin fresh!

Decked out sittin at the park street patio sippin on a microbrew.

Talkin bout how he's "about to make some career moves and make it big"



.... Going home to a 600.00/month apartment in Grandview and in debt up to his eyeballs

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I won't disagree that the way he put it is in poor taste. But that has little to do with the subject matter, it's just how he comes off regardless of what he's talking about, on CR at least. Maybe I have a little different take on things. I have a theory that some people that are bad with money because no one will talk about it due to our puritan roots. I respect if someone doesn't want to talk about it, that's their prerogative. Though, I think if we talked about it more as a society we would be better off.


There need to be required high school classes on budgeting, how credit works, how stocks and retirement funds work, how to write freaking checks, etc. This alone would make a world of difference in our society.

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I guess since I'm half of this thread I may as well chime in. I do think the question was a little rude. Worth my time to deal with? No. In my experience when you ignore someone who is rude they just go away. That being said, the part I think was rude was it was his first and only post in they thread. There is a difference between having a conversation with someone and then once you've established respect and interest, then you politely ask. As opposed to the guy who butts into the conversation and asks straight up.


As for whether I would divulge my price to a stranger? No. My parents raised me old school and money, politics and religion are not the things of polite conversation with people I don't know. I've also learned on this board to be reserved with some details (especially ones I don't think matter to the thread). I've seen too many people get their shit jumped because someone takes offense at some inconsequential detail.


If someone wants to approach me as a friend or at least interested yet respectful person I will probably tell them exactly what I paid. After about a year of searching Racing Junk I bought the car for a little below the average price and got the rest of the equipment free. Chad fully admitted his asking price was about what they had invested in the motor alone. The fact I didn't need to travel to get the car was a huge bonus.


Oh, and I've got nothing against the buster.


Well put.

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There need to be required high school classes on budgeting, how credit works, how stocks and retirement funds work, how to write freaking checks, etc. This alone would make a world of difference in our society.


I agree 100% if I would have had so classes on this maybe I would have stocks but have no clue how they work.

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There need to be required high school classes on budgeting, how credit works, how stocks and retirement funds work, how to write freaking checks, etc. This alone would make a world of difference in our society.


I learned all about this stuff in highschool... :confused:


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There need to be required high school classes on budgeting, how credit works, how stocks and retirement funds work, how to write freaking checks, etc. This alone would make a world of difference in our society.


Something like this is now offered at Watterson, and it is rumored to be required soon. I think my brother took it (just graduated) but I'll have to ask him.

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