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Should The GOP be using Obamacare like this?


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Obamacare is a lot like “The Stig” from CTD: It was created by an ego filled idiot who does not understand what he is doing, the warning signs is not going to work from experts were ignored, its poorly engineered, has been presented in a terrible way, and will ultimately fail costing innocent people money and jobs.


The fact that this is HURTING lower wage earning people should be a pretty big sign of what’s to come. When you have a President who is not qualified to lead a Girl Scout Troop being followed by a House and Senate full of elected officials who blinded by party ideology, this is what you get, a law that skirts the system by being a “tax”.


How long after the election did Obummer stop using the world “free” to describe his healthcare? I really thought he kept tossing that out there and how you could keep your doctor, man those little white lies are a bitch..


Liberals are just mad that a few GOP reps are doing their job, hearing the voice of the people who elected them, and trying to throw the brakes on this POS law before it sinks our country.

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i guess your ferrari will have to wait 3 years


you're entitled to comments like that as soon as you:::




get over a 3.5gpa in high school, allowing you to go to a good 4 year college


get 3.98 or better in college, with two majors, scoring off the chart on the MCAT exam, allowing you to get into a great med school, with a scholarship


bust your ass through 4 years of med school, top 10% of your class, so that you can get a great residency


work 80-120 hours weekly in 5 years of residency, making enough to pay interest-only, on your 6 figure school loans


work over 100 hours a week for even less money, during your one year fellowship, where you essentially learn how to master two surgeries


work roughly 80 hours a week while in practice---finally making a good living, yet having to balance work, family, and the stress of the job


notice the common theme?? "work" "bust your ass" "stress".


i am not unique in my situation--every physician has gone through a similar path--and yes, they are all equally pissed the government is strolling in to tell us we're not worth it.


--let me know when your resume compares, and i'll stop bitching--and i'll give you the keys to any one of my cars--i barely have time to drive them anymore.

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From an employers point of view... it sucks.


I decided to do an early cancel and renewal on our group policy at a 4.1% increase in rate. So I basically put off having to deal with the new "obamacare plans" for another year.


I have read and researched for hours upon hours. It's really the lack of clarity and future premium uncertainty that pisses me off the most.


It also will make me think twice before ever hiring that 50th full time employee..... Edit: Not saying I wouldn't.. but I will have a lot more math to run before blindly growing beyond that size


Everyone read this again. This is why the unemployment rate is frozen and won't go down. This is why more of the "new jobs created" are part time instead of full time.


This is the face of the New United States of America. It's time to start figuring out where to jump ship to.

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you're entitled to comments like that as soon as you:::




get over a 3.5gpa in high school, allowing you to go to a good 4 year college


get 3.98 or better in college, with two majors, scoring off the chart on the MCAT exam, allowing you to get into a great med school, with a scholarship


bust your ass through 4 years of med school, top 10% of your class, so that you can get a great residency


work 80-120 hours weekly in 5 years of residency, making enough to pay interest-only, on your 6 figure school loans


work over 100 hours a week for even less money, during your one year fellowship, where you essentially learn how to master two surgeries


work roughly 80 hours a week while in practice---finally making a good living, yet having to balance work, family, and the stress of the job


notice the common theme?? "work" "bust your ass" "stress".


i am not unique in my situation--every physician has gone through a similar path--and yes, they are all equally pissed the government is strolling in to tell us we're not worth it.


--let me know when your resume compares, and i'll stop bitching--and i'll give you the keys to any one of my cars--i barely have time to drive them anymore.


Uncle Barry is going to need you to give just a little more to help others, your hard work is appreciated...


Everyone read this again. This is why the unemployment rate is frozen and won't go down. This is why more of the "new jobs created" are part time instead of full time.


This is the face of the New United States of America. It's time to start figuring out where to jump ship to.


Stop posting things that make sense, you will be labled as "part of the problem"

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you're entitled to comments like that as soon as you:::




get over a 3.5gpa in high school, allowing you to go to a good 4 year college


get 3.98 or better in college, with two majors, scoring off the chart on the MCAT exam, allowing you to get into a great med school, with a scholarship


bust your ass through 4 years of med school, top 10% of your class, so that you can get a great residency


work 80-120 hours weekly in 5 years of residency, making enough to pay interest-only, on your 6 figure school loans


work over 100 hours a week for even less money, during your one year fellowship, where you essentially learn how to master two surgeries


work roughly 80 hours a week while in practice---finally making a good living, yet having to balance work, family, and the stress of the job


notice the common theme?? "work" "bust your ass" "stress".


i am not unique in my situation--every physician has gone through a similar path--and yes, they are all equally pissed the government is strolling in to tell us we're not worth it.


--let me know when your resume compares, and i'll stop bitching--and i'll give you the keys to any one of my cars--i barely have time to drive them anymore.


Lol. Was waiting for this.

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I guess I'm the only one in this thread who worked today and didn't watch tv all day. I'm bitter as shit about obamacare. I will lose an incredible amount of money due to this bullshit idea. Anyone who works in the healthcare field knows that this bill will not affect how people use or abuse the healthcare system. Cleveland clinic is streamlining their company--they are the single largest employer in Cleveland. They are facing massive layoffs and decreases in salary (from physicians to janitors) in order to prepare for this bullshit. Our hospital is doing the same


Rumors are the Cleveland clinic might cut 1000 jobs. All hospitals are following suit. Obviously, there's not going to be a decrease in the number of patients--only more, with less physicians, staff, etc. yeah, seems like a great plan.

Really, I worked all day and was working while I listened to the house and senate speak. This was happening around 7pm.... If your trying to take a jab you fail.


This thread isn't to discuss if obamacare is right or wrong. It's to discuss weather it should be used like it is.

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This thread isn't to discuss if obamacare is right or wrong. It's to discuss weather it should be used like it is.


Welcome to politics. Both sides have agendas, and use legislation, policies, procedures as leverage to get what they want.



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Really, I worked all day and was working while I listened to the house and senate speak. This was happening around 7pm.... If your trying to take a jab you fail.


This thread isn't to discuss if obamacare is right or wrong. It's to discuss weather it should be used like it is.


Welcome to CR Thorne, your thread title doesn't mean people are going to post a specific conversation with you :dumb:

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Really, I worked all day and was working while I listened to the house and senate speak. This was happening around 7pm.... If your trying to take a jab you fail.


This thread isn't to discuss if obamacare is right or wrong. It's to discuss weather it should be used like it is.


Umm by pointing out it is wrong it is showing it should be used like this. It sucks that people are being laid off over this, but the larger negative outcome of Obamacare must be stopped.


Now before you go into the whole "well we need socialized medicine", no, no we don't.


What we need is a better and correct fix to the system, and Obummercare does not provide that.

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you're entitled to comments like that as soon as you:::




get over a 3.5gpa in high school, allowing you to go to a good 4 year college


get 3.98 or better in college, with two majors, scoring off the chart on the MCAT exam, allowing you to get into a great med school, with a scholarship


bust your ass through 4 years of med school, top 10% of your class, so that you can get a great residency


work 80-120 hours weekly in 5 years of residency, making enough to pay interest-only, on your 6 figure school loans


work over 100 hours a week for even less money, during your one year fellowship, where you essentially learn how to master two surgeries


work roughly 80 hours a week while in practice---finally making a good living, yet having to balance work, family, and the stress of the job


notice the common theme?? "work" "bust your ass" "stress".


i am not unique in my situation--every physician has gone through a similar path--and yes, they are all equally pissed the government is strolling in to tell us we're not worth it.


--let me know when your resume compares, and i'll stop bitching--and i'll give you the keys to any one of my cars--i barely have time to drive them anymore.


when the healthcare companies stop charging the patients crazy amounts of money for common procedures, you will have my ear.




i do not have a problem with you. I have a problem with your bosses.

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when the healthcare companies stop charging the patients crazy amounts of money for common procedures, you will have my ear.




i do not have a problem with you. I have a problem with your bosses.


You should have a problem with your fellow worthless citizens who don't pay their bills, thereby passing the buck onto you.

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when the healthcare companies stop charging the patients crazy amounts of money for common procedures, you will have my ear.




i do not have a problem with you. I have a problem with your bosses.


10k+ just to have a child? What the fuck. Home birth sounds like a nice alternative. :dumb:

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You should have a problem with your fellow worthless citizens who don't pay their bills, thereby passing the buck onto you.


And the people who are sue happy for malpractice (not that some cases aren't justified), causing the malpractice insurance rates to go way up.

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when the healthcare companies stop charging the patients crazy amounts of money for common procedures, you will have my ear.




i do not have a problem with you. I have a problem with your bosses.


i have no boss :fuckyeah:


the insurance companies are the ones to blame. people are always shocked when they find out how much/little doctors are paid. without googling, what do you think i get paid to do a knee replacement?? consider, the payment includes, the pre-operative 40 minute visit, the 1.5 hour surgery, rounding in the hospital for 3 days, and all visits (3 in my case) for the first three months after surgery.


your issue clearly is with me, by the statement you made. or are you taking that statement back?

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I used to feel bad for couples that paid $20k+ for fertility treatments to have a child...until my wife's C-section. Thank goodness for my work-provided group health insurance coverage that I pay into!


$20k to put a kid in, $15k to get it out. :eek:


fertility treatments are much less than $20k. in vitro should cost no more than $12k.

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I took my 2 year old son to the children's hospital urgent care on Cleveland Ave (Westerville)after he dropped a can of soup on his big toe. I did the responsible thing, this didn't need to go to an "ER". Urgent care is the perfect place for this type of treatment. Since it was a pediatric case, it's even more responsible for me to go to the children's on Cleveland Ave.





I waited until I got off work, he had been crying and upset for 4-5 hrs. If you have ever had this type of injury they are pretty painful the blood builds pressure under the nail and hurts like a son of a bitch. So I take him there for them to make a hole in his nail to relieve the pain and to stop his crying. (Understandable for a 2 year old)


We go and they give him some Motrin and take an x-ray. (Fine, no break) I ask about relieving the pressure and they say sure we can "drill" a hole in the nail. I say cool. Let's knock it out so he feels better. We wait a bit, the nurse comes back in and say he is too small to "drill" a hole in the nail, they can only push a big needle into it to make the hole. Ok that sounds worse but the hole is the desired outcome. They do it, he screams bloody murder, the pressure is released it squirts blood like a squirt gun, after a minute or two he is smiling and himself and we get to go home after they wrap up his toe.




You can see the tiny hole in the nail


Couple weeks later I get the bill so I can pay via my HSA account. Yep $500 to stick a needle in his toenail by hand(super high tech), and a small cup of liquid Motrin and an x-ray. Christ I should have done it myself. Sorry Kirk, medicine in this country is broken. Broken bad. I can see paying lots for a skilled surgery. I get it, but what I witnessed should never have cost $500. I believe the contract price for the x-Ray through UHC is $50.00 We spent maybe an hour there less in the actual room getting treatment. We waited 30 min at least to go back and get treatment. That shit was about $1000 a hour if you do the math. Mind you a doctor didn't perform anything, a nurse did. My wife is a nurse but she couldn't do that to her own child. Broken.....

Edited by Benjamin
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I will also go on record, generic broad spectrum antibiotics like Z-pack and Amoxicillin should be over the counter. Like they are in Canada. They are not expensive most have them at free or $4 at any supermarket pharmacy. Zantac, Prilosec, and other former medicines that were script only in the 90s have gone this way. It's time we get helpful medicines over the counter. So I don't have to use my INS to see my general practitioner. For him to say yep you need a z-pack when I have had the same illness before many times. Or my kid needs amoxicillin for a repeated illness. We try to call but the answer is always nope, we must see you to give antibiotics. This would save INS companies billions. Pretty sure most everyone on this messageboard has needed one if not both of these antibiotics several times in their life. Edited by Benjamin
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And for the triple


My wife agrees with this and this is how we make the majority of our income. She works for a private firm doing Pre FDA medical trials for drugs (antibiotics and others). It's no secret she makes tons more than I do. And we see how much money is in just bringing drugs to market as she is high up in the Company. She may be co-running it with the owners son when the owner retires in a few years. It is mind boggeling the amount of money that excanges hands. Drugs are the biggest crux on health INS in this country.

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I took my 2 year old son to the children's hospital urgent care on Cleveland Ave (Westerville)after he dropped a can of soup on his big toe. I did the responsible thing, this didn't need to go to an "ER". Urgent care is the perfect place for this type of treatment. Since it was a pediatric case, it's even more responsible for me to go to the children's on Cleveland Ave.



I waited until I got off work, he had been crying and upset for 4-5 hrs. If you have ever had this type of injury they are pretty painful the blood builds pressure under the nail and hurts like a son of a bitch. So I take him there for them to make a hole in his nail to relieve the pain and to stop his crying. (Understandable for a 2 year old)


We go and they give him some Motrin and take an x-ray. (Fine, no break) I ask about relieving the pressure and they say sure we can "drill" a hole in the nail. I say cool. Let's knock it out so he feels better. We wait a bit, the nurse comes back in and say he is too small to "drill" a hole in the nail, they can only push a big needle into it to make the hole. Ok that sounds worse but the hole is the desired outcome. They do it, he screams bloody murder, the pressure is released it squirts blood like a squirt gun, after a minute or two he is smiling and himself and we get to go home after they wrap up his toe.



You can see the tiny hole in the nail


Couple weeks later I get the bill so I can pay via my HSA account. Yep $500 to stick a needle in his toenail by hand(super high tech), and a small cup of liquid Motrin and an x-ray. Christ I should have done it myself. Sorry Kirk, medicine in this country is broken. Broken bad. I can see paying lots for a skilled surgery. I get it, but what I witnessed should never have cost $500. I believe the contract price for the x-Ray through UHC is $50.00 We spent maybe an hour there less in the actual room getting treatment. We waited 30 min at least to go back and get treatment. That shit was about $1000 a hour if you do the math. Mind you a doctor didn't perform anything, a nurse did. My wife is a nurse but she couldn't do that to her own child. Broken.....


again, i can tell you how much the actual physician/practitioner over-seeing the care was given. its likely an order of magnitude less than the bill you received. none of the changes are affecting insurance companies---which are the ones who need to be targeted, as well as the malpractice attorneys.

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again, i can tell you how much the actual physician/practitioner over-seeing the care was given. its likely an order of magnitude less than the bill you received. none of the changes are affecting insurance companies---which are the ones who need to be targeted, as well as the malpractice attorneys.


What do you know about health care? DIE, REPUBLICAN SCUM DOCTOR, DIE!





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I will also go on record, generic broad spectrum antibiotics like Z-pack and Amoxicillin should be over the counter. Like they are in Canada. They are not expensive most have them at free or $4 at any supermarket pharmacy. Zantac, Prilosec, and other former medicines that were script only in the 90s have gone this way. It's time we get helpful medicines over the counter. So I don't have to use my INS to see my general practitioner. For him to say yep you need a z-pack when I have had the same illness before many times. Or my kid needs amoxicillin for a repeated illness. We try to call but the answer is always nope, we must see you to give antibiotics. This would save INS companies billions. Pretty sure most everyone on this messageboard has needed one if not both of these antibiotics several times in their life.



I will go on record saying that with you having a nurse as a wife I can't believe you would feel this way.


Antibiotics are already way OVER prescribed.


The whole reason infections are becoming harder to treat and the exponential growth of antibiotic resistant bacteria are from people thinking that every little thing needs fixed with an antibiotic.


I read somewhere that something like 250,000,000 antibiotic scripts were written last year. Really!??? The worst part is that doesn't even count the idiots that take other people's left over antibiotics without their own script.

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I will go on record saying that with you having a nurse as a wife I can't believe you would feel this way.


Antibiotics are already way OVER prescribed.


The whole reason infections are becoming harder to treat and the exponential growth of antibiotic resistant bacteria are from people thinking that every little thing needs fixed with an antibiotic.


I read somewhere that something like 250,000,000 antibiotic scripts were written last year. Really!??? The worst part is that doesn't even count the idiots that take other people's left over antibiotics without their own script.


Logic... :gtfo:


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Ben, glad your son's OK. Looking at it a different way, my home has experienced some damp walls over the summer from all the rain. I had Waterworks scope the downspouts around my house. Flushed some clogged lines and used a camera to inspect for breaks. $450 well spent, I say. I didn't have a $$$$k See-Snake camera. I could've started digging up downspouts to guess where the problem was instead, but felt our home and one of my single largest investments was worth a professional examination.


I'm cheap, and there's a point where you have to acknowledge the costs of people, as well as amortizing equipment and resources per procedure. For $500 you knew your son's foot wouldn't be a problem. I'm just suggesting that what you paid isn't THAT out-of whack. If it was $1500, then your story would be more relevant.


Not Urgent Care's fault (or their staff or equipment) that you didn't gamble your son's health on DIY medical work before going to their facility.


The bigger discussion point that we're evolving to in this thread is PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY. If you take care of your body, get checkups, you won't be as big of a drain on our medical system. If you eat junk food 24/7 from WalMart, then get diabeetus and other medical complications, you become a drain on the system's resources.


You want socialized medicine? Prepare for everyone else's shit to be something you're financially accountable for as well.

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