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Should The GOP be using Obamacare like this?


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What's wrong with the ACA exchange? It does not work for many people, still. Your loved communist from Kenya and his friends had 3 years, 3 YEARS to get this right and could not do it.


The ACA does force companies to take anybody, and it should have stopped there. You are so drunk on the Obama-aid you fail to see what is happening.


The ACA is a patch that helps the minority and will hurt the majority.


Its not that I don't want this to fail, its the fact its going to do more damage than good. Keep drinking the liberal-aid and get drunk off its ideas, because the hangover it could give us all is going to suck.


Let me leave you with a quote from a friend who works for an insurance company that has a lot of skin in these exchanges. He is not sold on any of this even with the fact his company is going to make money....


"Even if you do not feel the premium pinch initially, you will as the subsidies start going away. If you think its good, I will leave you with this thought, 25-30 million newly insured and a dwindling pool of primary care physicians on a limited network. How long do you think the wait will be to get an appointment to see a decent doctor?"


For a Bill that Destroys america and the end of the world...


Sounds to me like it just created a bunch of new jobs in the medical field.

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Why not just sign the clean CR that already has comprimises for the gop... It will get people to work tomorrow fuck this piece meal shit...


They know they fucked up.

1. Killed Obama care.. ohhh wait

2. Delay obama care.

3. lets start single things



Obamacare is working right now for people.

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Have you read any of this thread at all? It is destroying jobs.....


I don't see it. Obamacare is happening now and i don't hear the world falling apart. I hear the world falling apart because GOP is holding america hostage.




why is a cleanCR written by the gop such a bad thing?


looks like they have the majority backing a cleancr if they would just vote on it.

Edited by Thorne
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I don't see it. Obamacare is happening now and i don't hear the world falling apart. I hear the world falling apart because GOP is holding america hostage.




why is a cleanCR written by the gop such a bad thing?



You don't see it? Let me give you some highlights from an email our hospital's CEO sent out to everyone today...


-"Consistent with what is happening nationally and in central Ohio, 2013 has been a mixed year in terms of our financial results. Although the year started strongly, we have seen decreased patient volumes since May 2013. As you know, some of the current and upcoming healthcare changes are making it harder and harder to survive in today's market. Many of you have been directly involved in managing our resources to census and the changing healthcare environment. I appreciate the business acumen you have shown."



-"What have we done to adapt to these changes? Looked hard at existing business lines. Closing inpatient rehab and the Walmart Acute Care Clinic are examples of suspending services that are no longer financially viable. Additionally, we chose to fully utilize the talents of existing leaders to manage critical areas such as Lab and ICU, rather than hiring additional employees."



-"I want to thank all of you for the heavy lifting that has helped us meet many of our goals for 2013. Despite our best efforts, it has been a challenging year. Demand for healthcare services as well as reimbursement are down throughout the nation, region, and state. This has resulted in a number of large and small facilities announcing reductions in services and staffing."



-"Our efforts and teamwork have helped us remain stable and have allowed us to move forward in spite of these challenges. Unfortunately, the realities of the business environment do impact us. Our business challenges prevent us from providing merit increases this year." (I'm OK with this; just pointing out another "benefit" of the ACA...)





Next up: lay offs.





Fuck you, Thorne. You don't see it because you're not involved in it. The healthcare sector is one of the biggest job sectors in the country. The ACA is destroying it from the inside.

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I don't see it. Obamacare is happening now and i don't hear the world falling apart. I hear the world falling apart because GOP is holding america hostage.




why is a cleanCR written by the gop such a bad thing?


looks like they have the majority backing a cleancr if they would just vote on it.


I'm seeing it with my own eyes, that's all the proof I need. If you aren't seeing it, your head is either in the sand or up your own ass.

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I keep wondering how the liberals have come to the conclusion that throwing money at the government to let them figure out how to fix things is a good idea. I keep thinking no one could be buying into this crap. And then I read Thorne's posts...
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For a Bill that Destroys america and the end of the world...


Sounds to me like it just created a bunch of new jobs in the medical field.


Srsly? You started this thread, have you not been following it? Early in the thread I commented on how the Cleveland clinic (Cleveland's largest employer) was cutting over 1000 jobs and 30-ish million dollars to prepare for Obamacare


Our hospital is the largest employer in our county, and administration is letting people go to prepare. Hospitals are going to lose money in terms of reimbursement. It's spelled out clearly in the new law. Hospitals are a huge source of jobs in every single city in this country. The law hurts every single hospital in the country.


Honestly, it's pointless to argue with you. Some of your posts are so incoherently written, it's as if you're under the influence of something when you type them. Why would I assume you've remembered anything that was posted one page ago, let alone at the beginning of this thread.

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Why not just sign the clean CR that already has comprimises for the gop... It will get people to work tomorrow fuck this piece meal shit...


They know they fucked up.

1. Killed Obama care.. ohhh wait

2. Delay obama care.

3. lets start single things



Obamacare is working right now for people.


"What in gods holy name are you blathering about?"


-Jeffrey lebowski

The big lebowski

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Have you all learned that neither of them give a shit about any of this or us, it's about elections....


I mentioned this before. ACA is so awesome, the politicians trying to pass it won't even abide by it. I care less for either side of the isle. The idea of "the greater good" sure didn't work so well under Communism. More government = more problems

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I don't see it. Obamacare is happening now and i don't hear the world falling apart. I hear the world falling apart because GOP is holding america hostage.




why is a cleanCR written by the gop such a bad thing?


looks like they have the majority backing a cleancr if they would just vote on it.


God damnit you are dumb. All you are doing is regurgitating all of the liberal media propaganda you are reading.


Please re-read this thread and pay close attention to the posts by Kirk and Austin; their input, seeing as they WORK IN HOSPITALS, should be better information than what you are getting from your sources. They are posting facts, and memo's from their hospitals. What other proof do you want?


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I don't see it. Obamacare is happening now


Really? Every time I've seen it on the news, it's been nothing but a cluster fuck in terms of the web site and processing of people into the system. No surprise and representative of 90% of what it is about.


I'm seeing it with my own eyes, that's all the proof I need. If you aren't seeing it, your head is either in the sand or up your own ass.


^^ QFT


I keep wondering how the liberals have come to the conclusion that throwing money at the government to let them figure out how to fix things is a good idea. I keep thinking no one could be buying into this crap. And then I read Thorne's posts...


Sadly the country is filled with people who follow his train of thought. We've finally reached a point where the masses are retarded sheep and those that know how to run things are in the minority.


More government = more problems


No truer words could be said.

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God damnit you are dumb. All you are doing is regurgitating all of the liberal media propaganda you are reading.


Please re-read this thread and pay close attention to the posts by Kirk and Austin; their input, seeing as they WORK IN HOSPITALS, should be better information than what you are getting from your sources. They are posting facts, and memo's from their hospitals. What other proof do you want?



I have read what they have posted, If you noticed I commented about the low pay... I have not personally analyzed obamacares impact on those working in the medical field currently. I have been more concerned with providing coverage and it's impact on others. It's of my personal opinion that healthcare should be a right to all americans.

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It's of my personal opinion that healthcare should be a right to all americans.


It's a noble thought but it's also as un-American as you can get. Healthcare is NOT a right. Rights under the founding principles of this country are rights to action, not to rewards from other people.


You do not have right to impose obligations on other people. Our country was founded on the principle that you are guaranteed an opportunity to work for what you want but not to be given it by the efforts of others.

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It's a noble thought but it's also as un-American as you can get. Healthcare is NOT a right. Rights under the founding principles of this country are rights to action, not to rewards from other people.


You do not have right to impose obligations on other people. Our country was founded on the principle that you are guaranteed an opportunity to work for what you want but not to be given it by the efforts of others.


How is it unamerican to care for my neighbor?

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How is it unamerican to care for my neighbor?


You can if you want to but don't force me to care for him.


The right to life does not mean that I should be required to feed and clothe your neighbors. It means they have the right to earn your food and clothes for themselves.


Again, you have the right to act, and to keep the results of your actions, the products you make, to keep them or to trade them with others, if you wish. But you have no right to the actions or products of me or others, except on terms to which we voluntarily agree. That's called charity. Obama is un-American and is in turn forcing it on everyone. Bullshit; I don't want to participate in running his charity.


Obama seems to think just because healthcare exists and people want or need it that they are "entitled" to it to be given to them by our government. Where does the government get healthcare services from? What does the government have to do to private citizens such as medical professionals and their individual rights—to their real rights? Where does he get to take those rights in order to carry out the promise of showering free services on the people? Bullshit....he has not RIGHT to take their services and pander them for his charity.

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You can if you want to but don't force me to care for him.


The right to life does not mean that I should be required to feed and clothe your neighbors. It means they have the right to earn your food and clothes for themselves.


Again, you have the right to act, and to keep the results of your actions, the products you make, to keep them or to trade them with others, if you wish. But you have no right to the actions or products of me or others, except on terms to which we voluntarily agree. That's called charity. Obama is un-American and is in turn forcing it on everyone. Bullshit; I don't want to participate in running his charity.



you pay taxes to law enforcement that your not using. how is that any different?

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you pay taxes to law enforcement that your not using. how is that any different?


You're switching gears. How would those Police feel about taking a HUGE pay cut for the next three years to service areas of low income housing where tax dollars are weak and more danger is invovled? No choice mind you, flat-out they are taking a hit and fuck them if they don't like it. To be more in line with the comparison to doctors, cops would also have to provide all their own supplies including car and gas too. All in the name of providing services to areas that can't afford them. Fuck the rest of the areas that these cops once serviced too. They will just have to deal with higher response times and lessor quality police services. All in the name of better serving a few.


The difference for me is I choose to pay Dublin Taxes or I can move to a township and pay less and be serviced by a different police dept. Not so with my taxes thanks to Obamafail. I pay in more ways to Sunday that I ever have and I have ZERO choice. Again, another big fuck you if you don't like it says Obama to me. Obama is a fuck-tard.

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Healthcare can't be a right because it depends on the sweat of other people. To give that right to one you're infringing on the rights of another.


Rights are things that are intrinsic to existing as a human. The Bill of Rights, for example, codifies what the government can not take away. It does not list what it, or other people, have to provide.

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I have read what they have posted, If you noticed I commented about the low pay... I have not personally analyzed obamacares impact on those working in the medical field currently. I have been more concerned with providing coverage and it's impact on others. It's of my personal opinion that healthcare should be a right to all americans.


Americans have the right to pursue happiness. We do not have the right to have happiness handed to us. You know, it's kind of hilarious how "intellectual" liberals love to scream about Darwinism and science, yet blow a fucking gasket when you say that people should have to work to earn their way in life. In the not so distant past, people that wouldn't work for a living and didn't have family to provide for them simply died. Nonproducers don't help the species survive or grow, so they don't pass on their genes. Thanks to welfare, EBT, SNAP, and the ACA, these nonproducers beat Darwin so badly that they are splitting the human race in half.


How is it unamerican to care for my neighbor?


If you want to care for your neighbor you are more than welcome to use your resources to do so. That is always considered a noble thing to do. Stealing from other people to do so is still stealing.


you pay taxes to law enforcement that your not using. how is that any different?


Law enforcement is provided by the state and local government. The Tenth Amendment states the Constitution's principle of federalism by providing that powers not granted to the federal government by the Constitution, nor prohibited to the States, are reserved to the States or the people. The Fed likes to claim that the commerce clause allows them to do anything in the world they fucking want. The way they have twisted and perverted it is getting very, very old.

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