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Should The GOP be using Obamacare like this?


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Bill, you just don't get it. As Wagner said, if you support it so much then drop your health care from Chase and buy from the exchange. Put your money where your mouth is.


Using your logic since I support food stamps and higher minimum wage I should quit my job and get a min wage job and live on food stamps.....


I also support gay marriage, Should I divorce my wife turn gay and get married?


Flawed Logic is Flawed.

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Chase has 215,000 employees. They basically write up the health care plans they want and let insurance companies bid on them. That's why their prices don't seem to change much. I guess they have been conforming since 2012 OE.




Washington (CNN) - Six people.


That's how many Americans had successfully enrolled in the federal health care exchange by the morning of October 2, according to documents provided to the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.

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I'm 22, and for reason's I'd rather not talk about I am unable to. I won't elaborate any further so don't waste your time.




Bill, you're a cool guy, and the one time I talked to you I got a good impression, but this post was the straw that broke the camels back.


I'm sorry if this offends you but you are by far the most simpleminded person I've run into in my life. If you want to call me a "lazy ass" then by all means, knock yourself out. I can bet in my short 22 years on this earth I've put more hard work into life than you'd ever be able to fathom. At 19 I was making a mortgage payment for a widowed mother and had support more mouths than just my own. You don't know my situation in the least, I take just shy of 20 credit hours so I don't accumulate unneeded and unwanted interest on the loans I take out, which obviously is going to hinder my ability to work. Let me guess. your solution is to ask the government for money so I don't have to bust my ass to make ends meet? Fuck that and fuck you. If you think I choose to work only 30 hours a week you are obviously dumber than I had originally thought. Uncle Obama made a nice little law that made sure I can't work above 30 hours a week or I become eligible for full-time benefits. So because of this, my employer has chosen to nearly double it's workforce to avoid this extra cost. That is out of my hands, I am stuck between a rock and a hard spot for work. But I'm sure such a stand up guy like yourself would have SUCH a great idea at my age it would solve all my problems, just like Obama has solved yours.


You mentioned whats the line between slavery and work? So if I have to work 24/7 to make ends meet it isn't considered slavery then, right?

Edit: Actually, I'm not sorry if that offends you at all.



just to be clear:


I was making fun of austin, I was not directly or indirectly attempting to insult ridicule or disrespect you in any way form or fashion.


If you took it that way I truly do apologize.

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According to what I'm reading below are the reasons people are being dropped.


Being that I carry the highest tier of insurance that jpmc offers I see no reason why anything of the such would happen. That being said there is even a note when I was doing my latest open enrollment that all the plans available complied with the requirements of the ACA.



The people that seem to be getting dropped are those who were using basically the lowest tier insurance available, from what I seen in open enrolements, JPMC's lowest tier has been modified to comply.


Some that are affected made major changes to the plan so depending on the open enrollment window and changes, you may or may not be affected again...



If you want to get technical JPMC has open enrollment every year. So i can see where some people who where previously using the lowest tier of coverage would find that they can no longer enroll in that tier but there is a replacement plan in place...


SImilar things happened when i worked for TWC, The united healthcare plan i had originally had was no longer available. ZOMG GEORGE BUSH CAUSED MY HEALTHCARE TO DROP......



For the record: If my wife wasn't ill and I didn't need to carry top tier insurance I would not be working in IT right now. I would be back tuning full time. I made the decision to go back to IT as it was the best choice for my family.


Another thing to think about is, she would be considered "pre-existing condition" now for anything that happens from here through the next round of changes with the ACA...

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  • 2 weeks later...




  • 50k actually have enrolled, meanwhile 4.2 million people have been dropped from their individual insurance policies

  • It's estimated that about 80 percent of plans purchased on the individual market will not be renewed.

  • Obamafail is truly the name that should have been applied

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  • 50k actually have enrolled, meanwhile 4.2 million people have been dropped from their individual insurance policies

  • It's estimated that about 80 percent of plans purchased on the individual market will not be renewed.

  • Obamafail is truly the name that should have been applied


It's Bush's fault you racist.

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It's Bush's fault you racist.


NOT directed at you but the people that truly believe that... That is the reason nothing will get done while this joke is still in office. He has failed at everything he has attempted and it has nothing to do with his skin color. Sadly the blame will never fall on his shoulders, because of the simple minds that scream racist anytime the truth about him, and his failures, comes up.

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NOT directed at you but the people that truly believe that... That is the reason nothing will get done while this joke is still in office. He has failed at everything he has attempted and it has nothing to do with his skin color. Sadly the blame will never fall on his shoulders, because of the simple minds that scream racist anytime the truth about him, and his failures, comes up.



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Looks like Obama is beginning to admit the ACA is nothing but a HUGE failure...





**edit** further reading states that this is a temporary 'fix' that will only last through 2014 and THEN you will officially be kicked off of your current plan. Annnnnd so far, there are no provisions stating that an insurance company must repeal their original cancellation notices so you may still be fucked. Basically this is a pathetic band aid to allow the people that voted this bill to pretend like they are helping just long enough to get re-elected. What a fucking joke.

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I don't get how he can force insurance companies to keep you on board for an additional year without passing some sort of law. Is he asking them, or telling them?


That is exactly what he is 'working on' now. According to reports, he plans on passing additional legislation that will force insurance companies to allow those on current insurance plans to keep them until the end of 2014 even though the current plans are against the new law.


How stupid and hypocritical can you fucking be? Just admit you are dumb and fucked up and repeal the stupid thing before it continues to cost multiple billions more and still fails!


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That is exactly what he is 'working on' now. According to reports, he plans on passing additional legislation that will force insurance companies to allow those on current insurance plans to keep them until the end of 2014 even though the current plans are against the new law.


How stupid and hypocritical can you fucking be? Just admit you are dumb and fucked up and repeal the stupid thing before it continues to cost multiple billions more and still fails!



Yea, I just watched his press conference. The printers are going to be melting to the ground today at the insurance companies from printing off so many cancellation notices. :dumb:


I like how, it not OK for them (insurance companies) to do this now, but it will be OK for them to do it after the 2014 elections. :dumb:

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Yea, I just watched his press conference. The printers are going to be melting to the ground today at the insurance companies from printing off so many cancellation notices. :dumb:


I like how, it not OK for them (insurance companies) to do this now, but it will be OK for them to do it after the 2014 elections. :dumb:


Beyond wrong...on so many levels. I cannot fathom how sheeple still love him and the ACA. :confused:


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So, Obama is backpedaling like a bitch and scrambling to try and retain votes. The main issue that is being overlooked here is that he is not requiring insurance companies that have already issued the cancellation policies to allow those customers to retain their benefits for a year. So, the people that already received notice will still be screwed as they will be kicked off of a less expensive insurance plan since the process has already been started and still be forced to purchase more expensive coverage. Not to mention, they will still be kicked off in a year! Ridiculous.


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So, Obama is backpedaling like a bitch and scrambling to try and retain votes. The main issue that is being overlooked here is that he is not requiring insurance companies that have already issued the cancellation policies to allow those customers to retain their benefits for a year. So, the people that already received notice will still be screwed as they will be kicked off of a less expensive insurance plan since the process has already been started and still be forced to purchase more expensive coverage. Not to mention, they will still be kicked off in a year! Ridiculous.



My thoughts exactly. The insurance companies have got to be laughing all the way to the bank after today's little announcement.


-Insurance company drops your $150/mo. single coverage plan

-Obamacare = $300/mo.

-After today...Insurance company says, "That's OK, Sir. Here's your previous plan: $250/mo. :gabe: See you in 2015 when we drop you again."




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Looks like Obama is beginning to admit the ACA is nothing but a HUGE failure...





**edit** further reading states that this is a temporary 'fix' that will only rough 2014 and THEN you will officially be kicked off of your current plan. Annnnnd so far, there are no provisions stating that an insurance company must repeal their original cancellation notices so you may still be fucked. Basically this is a pathetic band aid to allow the people that voted this bill to pretend like they are helping just long enough to get re-elected. What a fucking joke.


It was designed to fail from the beginning so they could push a single payer system, and everyone would be so beaten down that they would just roll over and accept it. I don't think they intended on it failing this hard, this quickly. I hope it keeps blowing up in their faces, and I hope someone in congress calls his ass out about trying to run around enforcement of his own law. He shit in his own bed, now he gets to lay in it.

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