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Should The GOP be using Obamacare like this?


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But, Clay, why are you against woman, children, the elderly and underprivileged?


That's the shit the Thornes try to throw.


My life is not being measured by the quantity of lives I THINK I touch...

...but by the quality relationships I build and foster over the span of my life.


I didn't ask for the government to make decisions on how I live my lifestyle for me. However, Thorne begs for it, talks like he's making a difference for people he's never met, e-battling for an ideal that isn't materializing, still believing lies from groups of people he pledged to support.


It's sad, really...

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Also how old are you? If your under 25 can't you get on your parents coverages

I'm 22, and for reason's I'd rather not talk about I am unable to. I won't elaborate any further so don't waste your time.


Geesammy Austin has spoken get off your lazy ass and work. ....


Bill, you're a cool guy, and the one time I talked to you I got a good impression, but this post was the straw that broke the camels back.


I'm sorry if this offends you but you are by far the most simpleminded person I've run into in my life. If you want to call me a "lazy ass" then by all means, knock yourself out. I can bet in my short 22 years on this earth I've put more hard work into life than you'd ever be able to fathom. At 19 I was making a mortgage payment for a widowed mother and had support more mouths than just my own. You don't know my situation in the least, I take just shy of 20 credit hours so I don't accumulate unneeded and unwanted interest on the loans I take out, which obviously is going to hinder my ability to work. Let me guess. your solution is to ask the government for money so I don't have to bust my ass to make ends meet? Fuck that and fuck you. If you think I choose to work only 30 hours a week you are obviously dumber than I had originally thought. Uncle Obama made a nice little law that made sure I can't work above 30 hours a week or I become eligible for full-time benefits. So because of this, my employer has chosen to nearly double it's workforce to avoid this extra cost. That is out of my hands, I am stuck between a rock and a hard spot for work. But I'm sure such a stand up guy like yourself would have SUCH a great idea at my age it would solve all my problems, just like Obama has solved yours.


You mentioned whats the line between slavery and work? So if I have to work 24/7 to make ends meet it isn't considered slavery then, right?

Edit: Actually, I'm not sorry if that offends you at all.

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Also I'd like to point out I pay more in taxes than a good chunk of cr. I have no house or kids to deduct and make a descent salary. So when I hear poor idiots bitching it just infuriates me.


Mr killjoy since your apparently so smart please tell me a health care paradigm that works.


Imho these our the options

1. The jack ass method. You get hurt you don't have insurance or Capitol or credit (care credit like dentist) you get sent away.


2. Universal coverage everyone has equal coverage.


Again that's just my opiniom


You have ZERO clue what the hell you are talking about. No one gets sent away, that's against the law...they have to provide care.


Again I understand the desire to not pay for deadbeats I think it's safe to say no one wants to pay for deadbeats. But at the same time you should not punish the hard working Americans who need a little help.


If you work full time at Walmart or anywhere else that's near min wage you qualify for assistance . I for one do not believe anyone working full time is a deadbeat


To late, the hard working American's are the ones affected most. Just because you work full time doesn't entitle you to crap. The guy stamping books at the library or flipping burgers at McDonalds doesn't get the same coverage and service as the Dr, Solider, Chemist, whatever just because they work FULL time...


You are a couple steps from saying all wages are the same regardless of education, effort, skill, etc..


And you and I end up paying for it.


I was under the impression from talking to the er admissions that unless it was life threatening they would not provide care with out basic info.


We already pay for it but guess what, now you DO NOT have a choice...


Also how old are you? If your under 25 can't you get on your parents coverages


This is another problem, WTF are you doing on your parents policy under age 27? Unless you have a condition or special circumstance there is absolutely no damn reason you should be on your parents policy.


But, Clay, why are you against woman, children, the elderly and underprivileged?


That's the shit the Thornes try to throw.


This was the real issue that needed to be addressed but the ACA failed on all accounts. The ONLY people that should be getting free insurance in MY opinion are kids, those with predetermined conditions, elderly and maybe a few others.


I hope all these idiots that thought this was going to be another FREE ticket ride by the government/tax payer are affected the most. So sick of this mentality that people think they are owed something for nothing....BULLSHIT!

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Good summary of the bullshit we are being fed, and that some sheeple think is true.



Thorne why are you ignoring the fact filled links that people are posting? This program is a school bus fire full of nuns and its going to run this country over a cliff and into the ground.


Should we find a way to make healthcare more affordable, yes. Is this law the way, 110% no.


If the ACA is so badass why don't you dump your healthcare and get on it? I mean it needs your support, how about you put your money where your ideas are? Could it be the same reason those who are forcing it up our asses are not, because its total crap?


The unions are not happy their puppet president screwed them, but they purchased him and now they can deal with what the got at the Dollar Store in the President section.

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Enjoy ... Cant wait to add this on at the end of the year ... its a fine though right?




Yes I know it dreaded "faux news" - bunch of crazy's over there...


Bill the real problems glaring now are the fact that there IS going to be a HUGE coverage gap, its obvious... Why subsidize policy's which people do not want to generate more tax revenue to take more from middle and working class... Its just all around poor policy. It is beginning to look glaringly obvious, and will only become more so.

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The thing everyone needs to understand is that not every person is given the same opportunities. A very small percentage of people are born with a golden spoon in their mouth. The thing is, you have to dedicate 2-4 years of your life living like shit and in poverty if you're not born in the upper class. After you suffer your 2-4 years of shit life getting a degree, or some certificate, you can then START to move on to living a better life. Yes, you will still struggle to pay off student loans and what not, but they will eventually be paid off, and you will be able to make a decent living if you live within your means. America is not a land of equal opportunity, but it is a land of opportunity, and everyone is dealt a different hand...It just depends on how you play that hand.


All of that being said, I am not making an excuse for lazy people on welfare. I can rationalize and understand that when you're born into generations of poverty, and all you know is to rely on other people to live, it does make it much tougher, but it does not justify it completely. We are humans that have the ability to think and make choices and understand what is right and wrong. That is why I don't justify laziness, but at the end of the day, I know if I work hard and get to where I want to be and live within my means, I won't have to worry about what the lower class is doing.

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The thing everyone needs to understand is that not every person is given the same opportunities. A very small percentage of people are born with a golden spoon in their mouth. The thing is, you have to dedicate 2-4 years of your life living like shit and in poverty if you're not born in the upper class. After you suffer your 2-4 years of shit life getting a degree, or some certificate, you can then START to move on to living a better life. Yes, you will still struggle to pay off student loans and what not, but they will eventually be paid off, and you will be able to make a decent living if you live within your means. America is not a land of equal opportunity, but it is a land of opportunity, and everyone is dealt a different hand...It just depends on how you play that hand.


All of that being said, I am not making an excuse for lazy people on welfare. I can rationalize and understand that when you're born into generations of poverty, and all you know is to rely on other people to live, it does make it much tougher, but it does not justify it completely. We are humans that have the ability to think and make choices and understand what is right and wrong. That is why I don't justify laziness, but at the end of the day, I know if I work hard and get to where I want to be and live within my means, I won't have to worry about what the lower class is doing.



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The thing everyone needs to understand is that not every person is given the same opportunities. A very small percentage of people are born with a golden spoon in their mouth. The thing is, you have to dedicate 2-4 years of your life living like shit and in poverty if you're not born in the upper class. After you suffer your 2-4 years of shit life getting a degree, or some certificate, you can then START to move on to living a better life. Yes, you will still struggle to pay off student loans and what not, but they will eventually be paid off, and you will be able to make a decent living if you live within your means. America is not a land of equal opportunity, but it is a land of opportunity, and everyone is dealt a different hand...It just depends on how you play that hand.


All of that being said, I am not making an excuse for lazy people on welfare. I can rationalize and understand that when you're born into generations of poverty, and all you know is to rely on other people to live, it does make it much tougher, but it does not justify it completely. We are humans that have the ability to think and make choices and understand what is right and wrong. That is why I don't justify laziness, but at the end of the day, I know if I work hard and get to where I want to be and live within my means, I won't have to worry about what the lower class is doing.


AMEN x 2. Life isn't fair. Deal with it.

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You have ZERO clue what the hell you are talking about...


...I hope all these idiots that thought this was going to be another FREE ticket ride by the government/tax payer are affected the most. So sick of this mentality that people think they are owed something for nothing....BULLSHIT!




Bill, you just don't get it. As Wagner said, if you support it so much then drop your health care from Chase and buy from the exchange. Put your money where your mouth is.


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I have read quite a few of the links but frankly my wife is in the hospital they do t know what what's wrong and I'm a bit preoccupied.


Sorry I'll drop every fucking thing I'm doing with my wife to researching shit I already said I didn't like.


Fucking Christ

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I am not the person this is targeted for. It's targeted for those who don't have coverage so stop making retarded suggestions.


Let me pass up on the 1000$ chase gives me for doing there shit.


So my last post in this thread. I wanted universal coverage for all. I have stated this time and tone again. I also stated that I felt this did help some.


If anyone wants to continue this conversation pm me and I'll respond once my real life isn't overloaded until then read what I fucking Posted or go to hell

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I am not the person this is targeted for. It's targeted for those who don't have coverage so stop making retarded suggestions.


That's the problem this health care act was like a sniper using a shotgun. You might hit your intended target with a pellet or two but your also hitting everything around your target that you weren't supposed to hit. If this boondoggle were only helping those who truly need the help and not dragging so many people in to it that didn't need any help at all I wouldn't have such a problem with it.


Who wrote this crap? It's my understanding that it was a bunch of politicians. Whatever happened to the country that would assemble the greatest minds on a subject to assure that they would achieve the goal at hand. Imagine if we would have used this approach to the space race or the building of the atom bomb. Obama is acting like a football coach that is trying to play the game himself, here's an idea idiot put your players in the game. He has at his fingertips access to people who could solve this problem or at least get it heading in the right direction yet he continues to try to fix it himself or with the help of lawyers/politicians.

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I am not the person this is targeted for. It's targeted for those who don't have coverage so stop making retarded suggestions.


Let me pass up on the 1000$ chase gives me for doing there shit.


So my last post in this thread. I wanted universal coverage for all. I have stated this time and tone again. I also stated that I felt this did help some.


If anyone wants to continue this conversation pm me and I'll respond once my real life isn't overloaded until then read what I fucking Posted or go to hell


You are the person most of the posts in this thread are targeted at because you don't seem to understand what the ACA is doing to the masses. You think it is a blessing when in fact it truly is going to have serious financial impact on all of us. Just because you don't see it now, doesn't mean it isn't coming. And you defend the ACA blindly.


How many first hand experiences do you need from actual healthcare providers that show you all of the negative impacts this is having in the real world until it sinks in? Are you just going to wait for the ridiculous increases in the cost of health care services to bitch, or until your taxes jump to fund it? Or wait until the health services you and your family require become so subpar that you are not effectively treated? Or for the waiting period for said services to be so long that they are beyond unacceptable and you or your family suffers? Or are you going to continue wearing your liberal blinders and chug the Obama kool-aide?


You have the ability to opt out of Chase's group healthcare and purchase insurance on your own. Since you love this new system so much, why won't you support it and buy individual health care? You have stated it multiple times that you are well compensated and want to support the less fortunante; put your money where your mouth is.


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You are the person most of the posts in this thread are targeted at because you don't seem to understand what the ACA is doing to the masses. You think it is a blessing when in fact it truly is going to have serious financial impact on all of us. Just because you don't see it now, doesn't mean it isn't coming. And you defend the ACA blindly.


How many first hand experiences do you need from actual healthcare providers that show you all of the negative impacts this is having in the real world until it sinks in? Are you just going to wait for the ridiculous increases in the cost of health care services to bitch, or until your taxes jump to fund it? Or wait until the health services you and your family require become so subpar that you are not effectively treated? Or for the waiting period for said services to be so long that they are beyond unacceptable and you or your family suffers? Or are you going to continue wearing your liberal blinders and chug the Obama kool-aide?


You have the ability to opt out of Chase's group healthcare and purchase insurance on your own. Since you love this new system so much, why won't you support it and buy individual health care? You have stated it multiple times that you are well compensated and want to support the less fortunante; put your money where your mouth is.



The aca was not created for individuals like myself who work a full time job with employer insurance coverage.


I do not blindly defend the aca I have stated time and time again that I wanted the single payer option.


What I have defended is that my premiums have not skyrocketed like everyone seems to think they have.


my biggest gripe is that we have people making very bold claims about the aca and how it's the downfall of America.


I see it like this: if it's so bad then why try to undo it ? If it blows up like some think it will then guess what: you just guaranteed a gop president in 2016.



Honestly at this point I feel it's best to admit that none of us are going to change our opinion and we agree to disagree. This thread is a broken record


This thread has caused me entirely to much drama and in reality I've got a full plate atm

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I do not blindly defend the aca I have stated time and time again that I wanted the single payer option.


Let's begin a discussion on the downfalls of a Single Payer system then. Feel free to lead-off with why you support such a system.


What I have defended is that my premiums have not skyrocketed like everyone seems to think they have.


Yours no, but many yes and then there are folks who are forced to pay for more when they don't need nor want those services being required. All in the name of covering others.


I see it like this: if it's so bad then why try to undo it ? If it blows up like some think it will then guess what: you just guaranteed a gop president in 2016.


Improper solution to what we know is broken. The entire plan fails to have been thought through and that's not just talk. Facts are emerging to show it. How many more do we need to show it was a dumb plan. Has some good ideas and points but overall it's not good for many.


Honestly at this point I feel it's best to admit that none of us are going to change our opinion and we agree to disagree. This thread is a broken record


Not true. All that's clear is many hear fail to answer questions and instead duck and hide them to avoid changing their own view.


This thread has caused me entirely to much drama and in reality I've got a full plate atm


CR Drama is always easier to handle than real life. Good luck with your wife.

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The aca was not created for individuals like myself who work a full time job with employer insurance coverage.


I do not blindly defend the aca I have stated time and time again that I wanted the single payer option.


What I have defended is that my premiums have not skyrocketed like everyone seems to think they have.


So what is your plan when you get a letter in a few weeks stating that Chases health insurance is dropping you due to the new law and you are forced into the ACA?


Get ready....it's already happened to a few million people!

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So what is your plan when you get a letter in a few weeks stating that Chases health insurance is dropping you due to the new law and you are forced into the ACA?


Get ready....it's already happened to a few million people!




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So what is your plan when you get a letter in a few weeks stating that Chases health insurance is dropping you due to the new law and you are forced into the ACA?


Get ready....it's already happened to a few million people!

According to what I'm reading below are the reasons people are being dropped.


Obamacare forces them to drop many of their plans that don't meet the law's 10 minimum standards, including maternity care, emergency visits, mental health treatment and even pediatric dental care.




Being that I carry the highest tier of insurance that jpmc offers I see no reason why anything of the such would happen. That being said there is even a note when I was doing my latest open enrollment that all the plans available complied with the requirements of the ACA.



The people that seem to be getting dropped are those who were using basically the lowest tier insurance available, from what I seen in open enrolements, JPMC's lowest tier has been modified to comply.

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So what is your plan when you get a letter in a few weeks stating that Chases health insurance is dropping you due to the new law and you are forced into the ACA?


Get ready....it's already happened to a few million people!



If you want to get technical JPMC has open enrollment every year. So i can see where some people who where previously using the lowest tier of coverage would find that they can no longer enroll in that tier but there is a replacement plan in place...


SImilar things happened when i worked for TWC, The united healthcare plan i had originally had was no longer available. ZOMG GEORGE BUSH CAUSED MY HEALTHCARE TO DROP......



For the record: If my wife wasn't ill and I didn't need to carry top tier insurance I would not be working in IT right now. I would be back tuning full time. I made the decision to go back to IT as it was the best choice for my family.

Edited by Thorne
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