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questions on starting a kid in school


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Right, pre-school is expensive. I'm not believing that at all. Priorities, dude.


My daughter went to daycare at 18 months and continued through pre-school. At first I felt like shit, then you see how awesome it is for the kids and their social development. My daughter is so out going now. Kids need to be around other kids to develop, when they are surrounded by only adults all the time, when school time comes it's awkward for them. Too-small is a cop-out. Quit posting here about the cost of race cars, and get your kid in pre-school it's what you should be figuring out how to pay for. Not cars and race cars. Call me an asshole, but I'm being blunt and honest. If you haven't seen what the state is pushing for curriculum in kindergarten now, you better. Kindergarten is not what I remember it to be when I was a kid. My daughter had homework every day. 1st grade is crazy with reading because of the 3rd grade mandate of reading level by the end of 3rd grade, if they don't pass the reading test in 3rd grade they are held back, no exceptions now. It's automatic.




First, thanks for being honest/blunt. I didn't know school has changed so much in the lower grades.


Also I never sad preschool was too expensive, just that we thought she wasnt ready yet. As for asking about the race car, I was just curious. I know I wont be able to afford one for a long time if at all.

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First, thanks for being honest/blunt. I didn't know school has changed so much in the lower grades.


Also I never sad preschool was too expensive, just that we thought she wasnt ready yet. As for asking about the race car, I was just curious. I know I wont be able to afford one for a long time if at all.


the natural progression is from preschool to kg. if your child is on the small side, is a sept birthday, and has not been in pre-k yet, those are three, fairly striaght-forward reasons to try preschool first

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I'm on the board of directors for our church's day-care program, and tuition is relatively cheap depending on how long the kiddos are there. Even with that, we do sponsorships for deserving parents; It's usually one-offs for single-parents a few months at a time until they get back on their feet, but it's definitely all about the kids: making sure they continue to progress in their year.


I'm only mentioning this to say that you need to look at pre-schools to get a feel. Maybe even bring your kiddo along to see how she likes different programs.


Don't go nuts, running around town either: try to find one near home/work, or better yet one that's tied to the school district she will likely be going to so she socializes with alot of her future kindergarten classmates beginning in pre-K.

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...or better yet one that's tied to the school district she will likely be going to so she socializes with alot of her future kindergarten classmates beginning in pre-K.


This. I went to pre-k in UA but went to Columbus schools. I had a g/f in pre-k and we would do everything together. At recess I would get the trike with the trailer behind it and pull her around. We kissed at the water fountain and it was amazing. I never saw her again after pre-k and always wonder how she turned out.


In all seriousness, I wouldn't worry too much about it. But I really did kiss her.

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