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Thought of the day


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So, I am on a national SVT site and never really thought about what the feeling would be if something happened to one of the fellow members that I had never personally met. I log in today to see that one of the guys that I had "known" had died two days from injuries from an accident over the weekend. Now keep in mind that I have never seen this person or talked to him in person, but had been in threads and conversed with him that way.

I guess the part that gets me is that I was deeply saddened by his passing. It makes me realize that the car community in general is a great group of guys that really do care about others in the community. The part that really got me was that he was only a couple of years older than me and had recently had a child and not long before that had been married. I can't begin to imagine what it would be like to leave my family behind at such a young age. Maybe I'm just too tired today, or I am realizing that I really do have a heart....who knows.

Sorry for the blithering.

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It's rough. What sets CR aside is that many members HAVE met in person at one time or another. I mean, I've known Anthony since he drove a green camaro to ColsDSM meets. Clay, BC, and a few others I met over a decade ago.


I remember when Kenny passed. I had only hung out with him a few times, but it saddened me greatly. When I met him he drove the cark and I believe was also at a ColsDSM meeting.


It's not sappy, it's the realization that people with similar hobbies come together, help each other, rib each other like siblings, and it's hard to see them go, especially at an early age.


I've often thought about what CR will look like when some of the members hit their 60s, 70s, and so on.

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There are plenty of people on this site I have never met or barely know, but any normal human being would be bothered if someone they are familiar with passed away. It would bother me if either of you lost your lives. I had only met Kenny once but it still sucked.
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A guy on Teamzx2 died of cancer a few years back. He came to my car meet in Hilliard and had one arm and about 2 months later he passed, it was terrible for a lot of us, especially since we had just seen at the meet just months before.


It's not corny, it's the truth. Forums connect people all over the place.

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Dave, do you have kids?


Kenny was my first internet-forum friend whose death hit me hard. However, almost ANYONE I hear that dies with a very young family hits me pretty hard. I don't go all babbling brook about it, but it gives me serious pause.


I have two kids. Kenny was a cool guy. Knew him well enough that it was tough. I wasn't brought to tears by this, but it was still a rough moment to think about all of what he left behind.

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Here's the fun part http://www.svtperformance.com/forums/terminator-talk-229/975388-our-friend-rudycobra-6.html

Assholes demanding to know how he died and not believing that he did die. WTH?


Not surprised. See this happen on just about every forum I'm on.there is always the one person who has to be that guy and shit snowballs from there.

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Here's a rough one. A guy on Arfcom announces he is dying of cancer. Guy in his 40's with a wife and young kids. The people on there do what they can to keep his spirits up, and also start donating money like crazy to his family. One guy donated an M1A rifle to the guy's son. Last his wife posted, he was on life support. Sounded like he might make it back off, but dunno at this point. If this thread doesn't make you tear up, nothing will.



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Here's a rough one. A guy on Arfcom announces he is dying of cancer. Guy in his 40's with a wife and young kids. The people on there do what they can to keep his spirits up, and also start donating money like crazy to his family. One guy donated an M1A rifle to the guy's son. Last his wife posted, he was on life support. Sounded like he might make it back off, but dunno at this point. If this thread doesn't make you tear up, nothing will.




Fuck man, the amount of support just on the last page alone is enough to make you choke up.


What a sad story, I truly hope he recovers. His opening post is literally heartbreaking.

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