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Any Engineers here?


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I have only met a couple members on here but i thought this would be a good place to post anyway. My name is Chandler and I attend CSCC as a full time student. I am pursuing an Electro-Mechanical Engineering Technology degree and i have a internship lined up with Honda in May.


I have an assignment where they would like me to conduct an interview with someone in the field i am interested in. I thought someone on here may be in this sort of field and willing to help. It can be in person, over the phone or even through email if you prefer. Questions will be general and aimed towards helping me understand the field more.


Thanks in advanced!

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I know two engineers that are on this site, in a very similar field (one worked at Honda). However neither of them work as engineers anymore. Doesn't sound good for you. I'm sure they'll get on here, though I'm not sure they'll have anything nice to say.
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Where are you interning at? I'm at R&D and could meet you somewhere around Columbus to chat.


Are you planning to get your 4 year degree after this? The typical jobs here are different, I can't speak as much into the engineering tech positions that a 2 year degrees typically does, but I could probably point you to someone else.


I also haven't been here for too long so I may be in the honeymoon phase.:lolguy: so keep that in mind if we talk.


Is this assignment for school? I'm still more than happy to chat but it sounds like you could talk to any engineer? Not just someone who works for Honda. There are also a lot of suppliers in the area that are in the automotive field and I'm sure there are quite a few people on here working for them.

Edited by Trouble Maker
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I'm a project engineer for Whirlpool with a mech degree. It's a boring and stressful job, but the pay is decent. Honda might be a bit more interesting. Don't bother with a 2 year degree, go straight for the four...


I've got a friend working as a transmission tech at the Honda R&D center; from what he tells me, an engineering job there would be the cat's ass. Hard to get in there though.

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I'm a project engineer for Whirlpool with a mech degree. It's a boring and stressful job, but the pay is decent. Honda might be a bit more interesting. Don't bother with a 2 year degree, go straight for the four...


I've got a friend working as a transmission tech at the Honda R&D center; from what he tells me, an engineering job there would be the cat's ass. Hard to get in there though.


It's funny that you say that because one of our more experienced guys in our engineering group just left Honda to go to Whirlpool.

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Sorry for the no reply i was unexpectedly busy today.


I have interviewed DavidBaustert and Morgan and they have given me enough for my assignment but i would like to see other jobs and gather more opinions. Thanks for everyone who has posted and especially thank you to David and Morgan for your time. It has helped me greatly and shows what a good group of people are here.


Trouble Maker,


I am interning at west liberty as an Equipment Service Technician. I am in a 2+2 program which means after getting my degree from CSCC and working as a technician i will continue with Miami university to earn my bachelors in mechanical engineering technology.


Im not sure what can be achieved and what jobs may lie ahead of that and that where i am stuck.


I like the automotive aspect of Honda and really i want to do something hands on as well as design and other aspects of the field. I am well rounded and want a job that is different everyday.



I am trying to avoid boredom and stress and look for responsibility and reward.

What makes it boring?


GGEvo and Zx2guy19,

Thank you for helping out



What jobs are you looking at?


Mallard and Berto,

I will PM you with some questions and thank you for the help!

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oh I forgot to say in my PM back to you.


Whatever you do. Get the 4 yr degree. I work with a lot of guys that end up getting bottle necked in their career. Have plenty of knowledge and experience to do very well but the piece of paper holds them back. Do it while you're young and forget about it.

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