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Kale's E36 STX build thread


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Update time......


It has been quite some time since my last update....alot has gone on since then, and I just haven't had the time or motivation to update the progress.


I have continued to struggle this season with getting this car up to par, and have been playing with ALOT of different set-ups.


-Changed camber

-Changed alignments

-Change sway bars

-Changed driving styles


Finally after noticing that my 60 ft times were not up to par with other cars at the Pro Solo's I went and had my car dyno'd, and there it was starring me in the face.....a big ole' power dip right in the power range of my car.




So, at first I thought something was wrong with my Vanos, and Adam and I took the valve cover off and started 'poking around' the Vanos to see what was wrong. We thought we may had missed a tooth on the Intake Cam when re-installing the Vanos, but after KNOWING we re-installed it correctly, I re-dyno'd the car, and the graph was EXACTLY the same...no change at all.


So what now?


Well, I searched high and low on the forums, and had LOTS of conversations with people on what this may be.........


What causes this dip is the intake cam stays 'advanced' for too long before returning to the 'home' position and gives a nice little 'tug' on the power band.....


What's the answer?


Well, I bought a new chip with the capability to lower the Vanos turn off point, which basically got rid of the dip in the power band.


So here's the before and after, just in time for Nationals......we'll see what happens.....


Not a huge jump in power, but they power delivery is MUCH smoother than before.


Brian at DynoTune Motorsports has been great to work with, and was very flexible in getting me in for dyno time when I needed it. Thanks, Brian!




Here are some videos since my last update:


Wilmington Pro Solo:



Wilmington Champ Tour:



Local from National Trail this past Sunday:



Nationals is just over a week away in Lincoln, Nebraska http://www.scca.com/events/index.cfm?eid=6995 and I run Tuesday/Wednesday September 2 and 3......I'll be sure to report back then.....hopefully with better news than from the rest of this season......


Stay tuned!

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That almost makes me want to buy a WAR chip for my 325. Let me know if you have any e36 stuff you want to unload.



What are you looking for, specifically?




In her new home as of this weekend [emoji2]



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Ok, Solo Nationals is just a few days away. I leave VERY early Sunday morning for my 13hr drive to Lincoln, Nebraska.




The way Nationals works is you get 3 runs on the East Course and on the next day you get 3 runs on the West Course. You then add your two fastest times together from each course, and the person with the lowest time wins, and obviously everyone falls into place behind.......


I run next Tuesday and Wednesday (September 2nd and 3rd)


Live timing and video will come from this feed, if you would like to follow along:




Here is the East Course:




Here is the West Course:





I do not have a truck and trailer, so the trip will be done in the racecar :)


more to come............

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Been on the road since 3:30 am....next stop, Lincoln, Nebraska!





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  • 2 weeks later...

Time for a Nationals Recap.......(Long posts and picture heavy warning :) )


As seen from the picture above, my trip started at 3:30 am on Sunday with a 12.5 hour drive ahead of me. Trip was uneventful and boring. Actually got a couple of books on CD and it really helped pass the time. I listened to 'The Art Of Racing In The Rain' on the way out and 'The Martian' on the way back. Both good books I would definitely recommend.




Through Illinois and Iowa there are some MASSIVE wind farms. Pretty creepy to see at night, as there are only simultaneous blinking redlights as far as you can see.....If you don't know what it is at first you wonder what the heck it is.....Don't have a shot at night, but here are some daytime shots







After numerous hours a coffee and 3 Monsters drinks, I arrived at my location




First night there I was greeted by a pretty nasty storm that involved heavy rain and hail, luckily we were eating dinner in downtown Lincoln where there are plenty of parking garages to take cover while we ate.


Was in bed by 9pm that night to catch up on some sleep and then up and at em at 630am


Monday I was able to unpack all my crap, swap wheels and tires and get some time in on the test and tune course.





I brought different sway bars for the front and rear to try out and this was the time to try them. I ended up going liking a softer front bar and a stiffer rear bar which is the set-up I went with for both days. In hind sight, I should have used the stiffer bar for Day 1, which involved alot more fast transitions and quick offsets.


After the test and tune, I just took a lot of course walks and made notes for my 'optimal' run that I wanted. The West course was a VERY busy course and if you didn't look ahead on this course you were screwed, so the numerous course walks helped a lot.


Early morning course walks:




We had about 20 or so competitors from our region and the Northwest Ohio Region come out and we all paddocked together. A local guy typically hosts a dinner on one night and this year was not different. He brought a smoker and about 30lbs worth of meat for the crew. Someone else brought some tri-tip steak and smoked that as well. The meal was delicious and many beers and margaritas were had by all :) Needless to say, dinner was delicious and one of the highlights of the trip getting to eat and spend time with great friends.






Later that night there was a Welcome party on site hosted by the SCCA with free beer and a talent show. Didn't stay long for that, but it looked fun.



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Race day morning.......




Was able to hitch a ride (since I probably wasn't fit to drive the night before) and car had a 'good nights sleep' and was ready as I'll ever be to drive.....


It was a beautiful day with not a cloud in the sky. The West course was very busy and very fast. As I said before, if you did not look ahead, you were doomed. I should have put the stiffer front bar on for this course as it was not very sweeper heavy and had more slaloms and fast transitions than anything else. Such is life, and I was only able to manage a time for the 21st spot out of 67 drivers on Day 1, which was 4 spots out of the trophies.


I felt like the car was doing well, but I just couldn't get where I needed to be with some of the faster guys.


Sitting in impound after day 1. For a 'Compliance Check' we all had to raise one side of our car and take 2 wheels off so competitors could check our cars for 'legality'. This was more of a visiting session, and no papers were thrown down for protest.





Now it was time to finally concentrate on the East Course and formulate a strategy for this course. It was much more open and sweeper friendly, so the softer front bar was definitely going to stay.


Day 2 too was overcast and very windy. Conditions were much different than Day 1.


Waiting in grid on Day 2






This course was easier (in a sense) but much harder to 'get right' for me. The car was very loose on my first two runs, and I thought to myself that 'slow in, fast out' was the best approach for this course. Sure enough on my 3rd and final run at nationals, I was able to shave half a second off of my time and climb back into a trophy spot on Day 2. I jumped 5 spots into 17th and thought it would surely not stick, I got knocked down one spot and nervously watched as I stayed in the 18th spot for the remainder of runs.


18th out of 67 drivers. Not my best showing, but I was happy to come back with some hardware out of one of the toughest classes at Nationals.


My friend, Andrew was able to clinch his 2nd National Championship in a Scion FRS. Very talented driver who I thought was going to win from the get go.




It's hard to explain the camaraderie and bonds that are formed throughout a season within the Solo Community. One minute your racing against each other and the next minute your drinking beers with each other.


This is (most of) the STX field at the 2014 SCCA Solo National Championships this year. It tied for the largest class in history, with 67 competitors from all 4 corners of the US (literally) and everywhere in between......not to mention, 15 different cars in the class.



Edited by bmwohio
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Having a celebratory beer after Day 2.....




Some friends sent me screen shots as they watched me run on SCCA's Ustream feed, which was encouraging and nice to know people were rooting for me




Here I am at the awards banquet with my new hardware for the trophy case:





The drive home was, once again, uneventful and I made it back just in time to pick my little guy up from Preschool that I hadn't seen all week.


Car loaded down and getting some gas:




Obligatory shot of the World's Largest Truck Stop on I-80 :)




I'm not sure what 2015 has to offer, but I hope with the development I've had of the car this year, that next year will have a little less, heartache, headache, and stress.


We have just a few more events left of our local season, but the National season is basically over.


Thanks for reading and following along this season!


STX results on page 26 --> http://scca.cdn.racersites.com/prod/assets/results/2014%20Tire%20Rack%20Solo%20Nationals%20Final.pdf



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Finally, here are my two fastest runs from each day. The way Nationals works, is you take the fastest time from each course (east and west) and add them together for your ranking.


Day 1 - West Course:



Day 2 - East Course:


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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, one last update for the season. This past Sunday we had our annual Governors Cup. This is a 'knockout' style format where you get one run each round, and if you can keep going faster and faster, you keep advancing.




I made it to the Elite 8 in the bracket and then was knocked out by Eric's monster DSP BMW.


Here's how the breakdown went once the final 16 was determined. My brother did an awesome job in his GT3 and made it all the way to the finals. Funny enough, it was 2 GT3's on Hooisers for the finals.






Cars lined up for the start of the Governors Cup - It started with 64 cars and people started to get eliminated from there...




Thankfully, the weather cooperated and we had a beautiful day!


Here's my fastest run of the day to get me into the Elite 8 before I was knocked out. My 20 year old ABS sensor went wacky while on course and I locked up the fronts hard after a fast straight. Such is racing....


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  • 4 weeks later...

OK, last event of the year....car will now be winterized and parked for the winter.


The year in summation:


The actual build went like I thought it would, but the set-up of the car was much tougher than I thought it would be.


I learned a HELL of a lot from actually working on the car and building it, to racing the car and learning what different changes to the car affect it.


If you have the chance to do this, I would suggest it....whether you are building a track car, drag car, or an autocross car it was definitely something i'm glad I did and would definitely do it again.


Thanks for following my journey this season and all the encouraging words.


Our last event of the year is usually what's called a 'Fun Event' where we set up the timers, but there is no acutal competition...it's almost like a test and tune. So this gives people the opportunity to drive other people's cars and just have fun overall.


Here's my compilation of the day (Our own Mr. Jones makes a few cameo's) :D




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