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Kale's E36 STX build thread


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Things are coming along, and it's nice to be putting new parts on the car, and know that I'm headed in the 'putting back together' stage......


Got these babies all fitted up and ready for installation, going from 1 piston to 4 piston, and saving about 3-4 lbs per corner..along with some stainless steel brake lines......





Also, I'm just sick of the cold, so I decided to do an 'indoor' project and do some 'surgery' on the DME (which honestly took me about 10 minutes).....New chip is installed and ready to go!




If all goes well, Intake Manifold goes back on the car tonight, and then I can tackle the Oil pan gasket and the dreaded OIL PUMP NUT!!.....


More to come.......

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Well, another successful night in the garage....temps were MUCH more tolerable to work in last night :party36:


Started out making sure that all of the 'plumbing' was connected and routed correctly before the Intake Manifold went back on the car. All new rubber fuel line and vacuum lines when on the car (boy were they crusty!




Next, I finally got to take my pretty little injectors out of the bag and prep them for the fuel rail and getting re-attached to the IM (Intake Manifold)




Slight dab of oil on the rubber connectors, twist and pop on the fuel rail, followed by the small metal securing tabs




IM was a little 'gunky' so I ran some brake cleaner through it and gave a scrub around the openings........


IM is officially back on the car!!





Next, the throttle body was secured, and we are ready for the intake and MAF!




After some more planning and making an inventory list of a few missing washers and bolts for tonight, we decided to tackle the diff (rebuilt diff is going in the car)


after a few stubborn bolts on the driveshaft, we shimmy'd the diff onto the jack and she is out!




By this time, it was about 12:30, and time to call it a night.....it was trash night, so I took out the trash and snapped a shot of my home away from home...err...whatever.....





Happy Friday, and more to come!!

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The term 'Marathon Weekend' would be pure understatement for the amount of time that was spent in (and out) of the garage this weekend......


Let's begin.....


Friday night started with the goal of replacing the oil pan gasket and doing the Oil Pump Nut fix. For those unaware of the Oil Pump Nut on an E36 it is a reverse threaded nut that sits on the on the end of the sprocket that drives the oil pump. At high RPM's the nut has been known to back itself off, thus letting the sprocket and chain fall off, thus losing all oil pressure in the engine :gasp:


So a nut is put on with safety wire (and red loctite) to prevent the nut from backing off. It's a $10 nut, but takes ALOT of effort to get to.....


So we started with loosening the motor mounts, dipstick tube, and jacked the car up a little. Next, we put a 6 ton jack stand with a block of wood under the crank pulley and gently lower it onto the jack stand. The engine is now in the balance of the transmission crossmember and the jack stand.


So now the front subframe is ready to come out!




At this time you would also do quick inspection of the subframe mounting holes for any tears, cracks, rips.....All looked good!





We now have SO much room for activities!!


After about 30 bolts, the oil pan was ready to come off!





You can now see the oil pump sprocket and chain, and a close up of the oil pump nut


New oil pump nut with the hole drilled for safety wire




Securing with safety wire




Oil pump nut secured!!




Next, we secured the new oil pan (with gasket) back on the car, and secured the new Poly motor mounts (in red) from the top. You can also see how we secured the motor from falling with our beastly jack stand.




Next, we were onto the subframe...we ran it through the parts washer, and cleaned and scrubbed it to get ready for 're-entry' into the front end. At this time, I also soaked and cleaned the steering rack as well. I also have new front control arms and tie rod assemblies so the front end suspension could get a complete refresh.


Clean subframe, with new front control arms:





Subframe back in the car



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New coilover strurs, Calipers, stainless steel brake lines, 15mm spacers and camber plates can now go in the car!


Holy crap! It's starting to get put back together :woohoo:






After that, time was of the essence and we were really busting ass to get things done. I finished getting all the 'go-fast' parts I wanted off the Toilet Duck and that car is almost ready for its new home (just need to put the stock exhaust on the car).




I was actually pretty proud of myself, as I was able to drop the diff out of the car in 45 minutes (from wheels on the ground to diff out of the car).





Lots more work to do, but this weekend was probably the most successful, by far....


Last shot of the car last night before shutting down shop for the weekend.......taking the night off tonight, and then back at it Tuesday night.....


There's a sneak peek of the 30lb. exhaust (including header and Burns Lightweight mufflers) that will be going on the car :D



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This project is coming along quickly! I have to ask though, why not just drill a hole all the way through the nut and the shaft and use a cotter pin? The way you have done it looks like it will hold with no problems, I just wouldn't have thought about doing it that way myself.
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  beatercamaro said:
This project is coming along quickly! I have to ask though, why not just drill a hole all the way through the nut and the shaft and use a cotter pin? The way you have done it looks like it will hold with no problems, I just wouldn't have thought about doing it that way myself.


Not sure, that's just the way everyone has done it and does it today. The pump is right behind, so it would be hard to drill while the sprocket is still on the car. Perhaps it may 'unbalance' the sprocket too?

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  FST94TSI said:
Austin would your undercover build be one of the XR4TI's that you acquired? I ran across a decent sized lot of Stealth/3000's recently. Thought you might be interested.


Ummm, I think you're in the wrong thread :dumb:

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Ok, not too many exciting things to report in the last couple of days. I've been working on getting the other car all buttoned up and ready for it's new owner. I've also been going through all my parts to make sure I have everything I need for the final stretch.


Had some fun getting the old front control arm bushings out of the lollipops and ready for the new Poly bushings.




I did discover that I had a slight crack in my fuel level sender unit, so I paid a little visit to the Pick n Pull today in Grovetucky.


I checked the site this morning and they just so happened to have a 93 325i (same year and model as mine) come on the lot YESTERDAY!....what are the chances.


So, I moved quickly and went over with my shcytkickers and some tools.....


Here she is:




Fuel sender and pump live under the rear seat. Sender is on the drivers side and pump is on the passenger side.


Where it lives:




And in about minutes, she was out! Looks good!




I didn't need the fuel pump, but I had a friend that did, so I pulled that for him too:


Another 5 minutes later and she's out!




The car was literally untouched under the hood (more put together than mine is right now):




Last but not least, was a bulb socket I needed for the driver side turn signal/parking lights




Picked, pulled, and ready to leave!




It was a crappy day out there today, but the trip was definitely worth the $27 for everything :p




Happy hump day!

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OK, we're getting down to crunch time, so I sat down tonight and constructed (what I think) is a final list of what needs done for the build......


15 days to go!!!! :no:



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Thanks to, my friend, Gordon's awesome thread and DIY, I was able to confidently cut my sunglasses case for fitment of my gauges....I am not a fan of the A-pillar install, so I wanted something a little more stealth looking.


Gordon's thread --> http://forums.bimmerforums.com/forum/showthread.php?1507107-Aftermarket-Gauges-Custom-Sensor-Bung-DIY


Here's the start:









Lastly, just need to shape the front plate so it will attach and fit when re-installed.....

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Ok, had a bunch of stuff to do over the weekend, including getting the other car ready for sale. I had an SCCA conference on Saturday, so I gladly delivered the car to its new owner on Saturday. He go it home and told me his is LOVING it!


Parked at her new home :)




Got some new goodies over the weekend, including my tablet that I will be running my data acquisition on: Found a Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 7.0 on sale at Microcenter for $129.99, AND I had a $15 reward coupon so I ended up paying $114.99 for it!! :woohoo:





The program I will be running is called SoloStorm (info here--> http://www.petreldata.com/product/solostorm-gps-obd-ii-and-video-logger-for-android-v2-2/ )


Screen shot once I downloaded it to my device:




Then last night, I did some work on the car:


When we did the subframe, we found this little gem (subframe bolt) rotting away so I definitely wanted to replace it with a new one:




New bolt installed:




Next, it was time to finish the front end and get FCAB's with new busings and the remaining rotor and caliper done (the Sil Glide is used to help prevent squeaking):





These were cut just close enough that it needed a little nudge from my press to get into the carrier:




Fron end is complete (except for brake bleed) and ready for wheels (wheels studs are installed, but I didn't get a pic).




I also installed the RTAB's on driver side, and need to get passenger side done......


Lastly, I pulled out the seat getting ready for the Recaro


I'm rich biatch! [/RickJames]





12 days left!!!!

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Spent about 45 minutes in front of the parts washer last night cleaning ALL the nuts and bolts I have left to go in the car......I am really in the homestretch here about 95% of the parts that need come off or out of the car are done, and I just need to puzzle everything back together.


Finished wheel studs last night, and managed to have my first casualty, a cracked thermostat housing. It calls for 89 in lbs of force on the bolts and I was using the torque wrench and heard a crunch....ugh.....


Put the last coat of rattlecan on my 'hand-me-down' seat and I must say it's not bad for $7.99 can of Vinyl and Fabric paint (I used 4).




Also finished the RTAB's last night and gave a good inspection of the RTA holes, and they looked pretty good.




Getting to work right after dinner tonight, so hope to have a nice update for tomorrow.....


11 days to go!!!

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It's update time, and with 10 days to the first event, we are cutting it close....I actually have an alignment scheduled for next Wednesday, so I really have 8 days until it needs to be running and driving.


Started the night by working on a sheared bolt that was in the tranny crossmember....Adam was under there tackling this one, and after drilling, ez-outs, chisels, hammers, the bolt came out.....the hole needs re-tapped, but it's out!




Next, we worked on running the sender wires for the Oil temp/pressure gauges. We put in the CAI box, and ran the wires where they will live permanently, and got everything mocked up to our liking. We then busted open the main fuse box, got a metal hanger and went fishing :)









Lastly, we started to work on installing the headers (PITA!) and started to put the engine back together


-Power steering pump

-New power steering reservoir and feed and return lines

-New water pump

-new thermostat

-more assembly lube (turned the engine over by hand, to get the assembly lube mixed in)

-valve cover gaskets

-valve cover back on








List is definitely getting shorter, and I am pretty confident that I will be ready in time........More to come tonight!



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